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Unleashing the Pleasure: How to Make Your Girl Squirt

What would happen to your sex life if you could make your woman squirt? A LOT. Unleashing your partner’s primal sex pleasure and prowess is undeniably sexy. The good news is, learning how to make her squirt is not rocket science. Whether she’s experienced squirting before or not, these techniques and tips from a world-renowned tantra sex educator and relationship coach will have her begging for more.

Demystifying Squirting

Many guys may protest the existence of squirting, but I promise you it’s a real and highly pleasurable experience for women. It’s a uniquely satisfying, warm release that occurs when the skene’s glands, or paraurethral glands, release fluid during sexual arousal, particularly with g spot stimulation techniques. This female fluid release is known as squirting.

It’s important to clarify that squirting and orgasm are entirely different. Contrary to common misconception, squirting tends to happen at the start of arousal, sometimes after female ejaculation. It’s rare for a woman to squirt and orgasm simultaneously.

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Squirting vs. Pee

No, squirting is not the same as pee. Although squirting fluid comes out of the urethra, the same passage as urine, it’s important to note that the clear fluid released during squirting contains tiny amounts of pee. However, if your partner pees beforehand, her bladder will mostly produce water during squirting.

If you want to make your girl squirt, it’s crucial to allow her to relax. The sensation of squirting can feel similar to needing to pee, so creating a safe and relaxed environment is essential. Remind her that squirting is a unique and unforgettable sexual release, so she doesn’t feel embarrassed or think she’s wetting the bed.

Can Every Woman Squirt?

Yes, every woman has the potential to squirt, but some may have physical or emotional blockages that need to be resolved first. Yoni massage can be helpful in addressing these issues. Psychological factors can also impact squirting, as it can feel daunting for some women to be vulnerable with a sexual partner.

Studies have found that anywhere from 10-54% of women have experienced squirting in their sex lives. Interestingly, it’s been noted that women who have had a baby find squirting easier because their pelvic floor muscles aren’t the same as they were before childbirth.

How to Make a Woman Squirt

Now, let’s dive into the expert steps to make your partner squirt. Follow these steps precisely, and you’ll witness her arousal unfold before you.

1. Help Her Relax

Relaxing your woman is crucial before attempting to make her squirt. Take the time to create a relaxing atmosphere for her:

  1. Draw a bath with essential oils and candles.
  2. Let her know that you’re going to make her squirt, so she can pee beforehand.
  3. Adopt a chill, confident vibe that will unconsciously relax her.
  4. Prep the environment based on what makes her feel safe and relaxed.
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2. Set the Scene

Women are more aware of their surroundings during sex, so making the setting as sexy as possible is important:

  • Go somewhere new or make changes in your bedroom.
  • Find a time when you can be alone and uninterrupted.
  • Ensure the temperature is warm and comfortable.
  • Choose sensual music that sets the mood.
  • Create a tidy and inviting environment.
  • Use soft, warm lighting to create a sensual ambiance.

3. Regain Sexual Polarity

Increase sexual tension by embracing your masculinity and allowing her to embrace her feminine energy. This can be done gradually by introducing different levels of dominance in the bedroom. Start with hair pulling and gradually progress through slapping, pinning, choking (symbolic, not actual choking), and finally squirting.

4. Sensual Massage

Sensual massage is a great way to show appreciation and help her focus on her pleasure. Take the time to massage her whole body, paying attention to her erogenous zones. Encourage relaxation and let her know that this experience is just for her.

5. Fingering

To build up to squirting, take time to finger her g spot. Start slowly and pay attention to her arousal levels. Dip your thumb or index finger at the entrance of her vagina, explore different depths, widen the stimulation by adding extra fingers or using toys, curl your fingers towards her belly button to stimulate the g spot, and also explore the area around her anus if she enjoys it.

6. Excite Her G Spot

Try a face-down, doggy-style position for g-spot stimulation. Use your thumb to press down towards her belly and rhythmically pulse her g spot area. Gradually increase pressure and pace, allowing her to ride the waves of pleasure.

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7. Best Sex Positions

Choose sex positions that allow for continuous pumping, as this is crucial for squirting. Some positions to try are the Goddess pose and the Locker, which provide ample access for stimulation and pumping.

8. Escalate Her Pleasure

Increase pressure and speed on her g spot to ramp up the pleasure. Consistency is key in this stage, as it needs to be more vigorous than achieving a typical female orgasm.

9. Trigger Stage

To trigger squirting, experiment with different techniques. Have her unclench her muscles, try a sudden burst of speed, withdraw your fingers in a pulling motion, maintain consistent stimulation, or have her push outwards. Each woman may respond differently, so pay attention to her cues and adjust accordingly.

BONUS: Energy Orgasm

If you want to take it a step further, learn how to give her an energy orgasm. This tantric full-body orgasm will take her pleasure to new heights. Follow the five steps provided to give her an unforgettable experience.


Now that you have the basics on how to make a girl squirt, remember that it’s about more than just sex techniques. To truly create a fulfilling and satisfying relationship, it’s important to grow as a man and attract women effortlessly. If you’re looking to reignite love and passion or attract incredible sex, consider taking advantage of the free masterclasses for men provided by Steffo Shambo, a male relationship coach and sex educator.



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