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What Does It Mean When Engine Light Is Blinking

What to do When Your Check Engine Light Is Blinking?

We’ve all been there at one time or another- the check engine light flashes and you wonder; do I really need to worry about this? Well, the answer is definitely yes. A flashing check engine light should not be ignored, and by taking care of it quickly you might be saving yourself heaps of time and energy in the long run.

Read on to find out more about why check engine lights flash, and some of the causes and signs of an engine misfire.

Why Check Engine Lights are Important

While many people might be inclined to ignore a check engine light, the reality is that you should get immediate attention to the problem. Driving with a compromised engine can cause serious damage to different engine components, and might even lead to more serious and costly problems such as a blown catalytic converter.

There’s also the potential that irreversible damage can be caused to emissions-system parts like oxygen sensors. The hazards of avoiding your check engine light might mean paying thousands of dollars more than necessary for long-term damage incurred on your vehicle.

While the check engine light can definitely be indicative of serious problems, the most common cause of the flashing is usually an engine misfire.

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What Causes Engines to Misfire

There are many reasons why an engine misfire might be occurring. To run smoothly, an engine must be receiving the correct amount of power from the cylinders in your vehicle. If a cylinder is no longer supplying power, the result might be an engine misfire. Common misfires are a result of the following:

Ignition problems: It’s normal for ignition parts to endure regular wear and tear, and this can often lead to plugs that aren’t providing sparks to your cylinder, or improper ignition timing. Spark plugs and ignition coils often need regular maintenance and replacement, and if you notice your check engine light flashing, this might be the reason why.

Fuel Mixture: Cylinders require a precise balance of fuel and air to operate properly. An imbalance in the mixture can result in slow acceleration or backfiring if there is too much air in the cylinder, and too much fuel might lead to overheating and jumpy running. In order to address these issues, fuel system components need to be thoroughly checked.

Low Compression: The correct fuel mixture in your cylinders will create the appropriate amount of pressure, and if there’s a leak of either air or fuel, the result is a loss of this pressure. This in turn might often result in slow acceleration, low power, or jerkiness or shaking of the car. Losses in pressure could be a result of leaks in the head gasket, piston holes, or compromised valves or timing belts.

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Signs of Engine Misfiring

If you’re unsure of whether your engine is misfiring or not, there are a few telltale signs for you to look for. Keep an eye out for the following symptoms:

  • Shaking or vibrations can often be a sign of misfiring cylinders, so if there are vibrations in the car while you’re speeding up or idling, take note.
  • Jerky acceleration can also be a sign of misfiring cylinders, so if your engine is stumbling or speeding up in an inconsistent manner, it’s time to get it checked out.
  • Losing power might also be a sign of your engine misfiring and is often the result of your air to fuel balance being off.
  • If you notice strange sounds coming from your engine, this also might be an indication that something is wrong and that you have less power than you should.
  • The smell of gas is also a huge warning sign that something might be off with your engine and might indicate a leak or damage of a cylinder.

We Can Take Care of That Flashing Engine Light

If you’re looking for a registered auto-repair shop to take a look at your check engine light, get in touch with us at Fred’s Auto Repair. Our professional technicians will provide you with top-quality service, and we even have partnerships with local businesses to help you kill some time while we’re servicing your vehicle.

Make your appointment today and let us help you out with all of your car maintenance needs!


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