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What To Pack When Running Away From Home

What to Pack if You’re Running Away: Essential Items for a Safe Journey

Running away from home is a serious decision that should not be taken lightly. Whether you are escaping an unsafe or abusive environment, seeking independence, or exploring new horizons, it is crucial to plan your journey carefully. One of the most important aspects of preparation is knowing what to pack. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on essential items to pack if you’re running away, ensuring your safety and well-being during your journey.

1. Identification and Important Documents: Before embarking on your journey, gather all necessary identification documents such as your driver’s license, passport, birth certificate, and social security card. Additionally, collect any important documents like medical records, academic transcripts, and insurance information. These documents will prove invaluable if you encounter any legal or administrative issues during your travels.

2. Money and Bank Cards: Ensure you have enough cash to cover your immediate needs, such as transportation, accommodation, and food. Carry a small amount of both local and national currency. Additionally, bring your bank cards or traveler’s checks, which can be used to withdraw money from ATMs along the way.

3. Clothing and Personal Items: Pack a few changes of clothing suitable for the climate you are heading towards. Comfortable shoes, socks, and underwear are essential. Don’t forget to include a jacket or coat for colder weather, and a hat and sunglasses for protection against the sun. Bring personal hygiene items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and any medications you may require.

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4. Mobile Phone and Charger: Carry a fully charged mobile phone with you, along with a charger and any necessary cables. A working phone will be crucial for communication, accessing emergency services, and staying connected with loved ones. Remember to keep your phone hidden and turned off when necessary, to minimize the risk of being tracked.

5. Maps and Navigation Tools: If you have a planned destination, bring maps, a compass, or a GPS device to help you navigate your way. These tools will assist you in finding safe and reliable routes, avoiding potential dangers and ensuring you stay on track.

6. Food and Water: Pack non-perishable snacks and a refillable water bottle to sustain yourself during your journey. Granola bars, dried fruits, nuts, and crackers are good options. Stay hydrated and make sure to refill your water bottle whenever possible.

7. Sleeping Bag and Tent: If you anticipate sleeping outdoors or in unfamiliar places, a sleeping bag and a lightweight tent can provide both comfort and security. These items will shield you from the elements and offer some privacy during your travels.


Q: Should I let someone know I am running away? A: Ideally, it is advisable to inform a trusted friend or family member about your decision. This way, someone will be aware of your whereabouts and can provide assistance if needed.

Q: How can I protect myself during my journey? A: Always prioritize your safety. Avoid walking alone at night, trust your instincts, and be cautious when interacting with strangers. Consider taking self-defense classes to equip yourself with basic techniques.

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Q: What if I run out of money during my journey? A: It’s important to have a backup plan. Research local organizations or shelters that may provide support, or consider finding temporary employment to sustain yourself until you can establish a more stable situation.

Running away is a serious step that requires careful planning. Remember, the ultimate goal should be to find a safe and secure environment where you can thrive. Reach out to the appropriate authorities or organizations that can offer assistance and guidance during this challenging time.


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