HomeWHYWhy Is My Diffuser Not Working

Why Is My Diffuser Not Working

Diffusers are one of the most popular ways to add essential oils into your home. They’re easy to use, and they can help you relax with some aromatherapy. However, if your diffuser isn’t working properly, it’s important that you know why this is happening so that you can get it fixed as soon as possible. Here are some common reasons why your diffuser may not be working:

Why is there no mist coming out of my diffuser?

1. The diffuser is out of water

If the diffuser is out of the water, it won’t mist. The diffuser should have a reservoir that holds enough water to cover the bottom of your diffuser. You should check this level by looking at the water level indicator on your diffuser or simply using a cup to see how much is left in there. When it gets low, replace some more!

2. The unit is overloaded and processing too much water at once

This is a very common mistake that many people make when using their diffusers, especially if you’re new to the hobby. While it’s true that your diffuser can be used with more than one drop of essential oil, it’s also true that this will cause all sorts of problems with how your diffuser works.

If you’re using too much water, then you’ll end up with an overly diluted solution that won’t have any effect on your room’s smell or environment (and thus won’t help you sleep).

If there are too many drops in one go-around, then they might not come out evenly throughout the entire room; instead, they’ll stay concentrated in certain areas where air currents are strongest (elevators).

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3. There is too much oil in the water ratio

The most common mistake that people make when using a diffuser is not using enough water. You see, oil diffusers are designed to work with specific amounts of water in their reservoir. If you add too much or too little, it can create clogs and other problems for your device.

It’s best to start by adding just 15 drops per cup (at least) until you get used to how quickly the fragrance will spread throughout your room without causing any issues. Then add another 5-10 drops if necessary!

4. The water contains too much mineral content

It can be hard to tell when the water is mineralized. You may have a hard time telling if your water contains too much calcium or magnesium, but there are some ways that you can tell.

If you have a diffuser that uses a pump and an attachment for filling it with water, then this will be pretty easy: just test the liquid in question with a pH meter (or something similar).

The reading should be close to neutral—anything less than 7 means too much mineral content in your running water supply and might clog up your diffuser’s pump over time. If it reads higher than 7 on average throughout each day or week, then consider switching out some parts of your home’s plumbing system so they’re less susceptible to clogging up due to high mineral content in them!

To reduce the number of minerals present within our circulating air streams before they enter our homes through faucets/sprinklers etc., we need only take measures like boiling off any excess moisture before storing leftovers overnight so no more mold forms underneath sinks after being cleaned out at night.

Why is there no mist coming out of my diffuser?

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You might be placing the oil too close to the glass. The mist should be coming from the oil, not the glass.

The reason is that when you place your oils in a diffuser, they can evaporate quickly. The more moisture you add, the faster it will evaporate. If you put your oils in a jar and then place them inside of a diffuser, they will be sucked down into the bottom of your jar very quickly. This means that they are no longer being exposed to water vapor.

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If this happens, try placing your oils inside of a bowl instead. You may still see some evaporation from time to time, but it will be less frequent than if you had placed them directly into a diffuser.

1. The unit is not plugged in or the switch is off

If you’re wondering why your diffuser isn’t misting or spitting, it could be that the unit is not plugged in and/or the switch is off. Check to make sure that these things are correct before moving on:

  • The power cord is plugged in firmly.
  • The switch is set to “on.”

If you’ve checked both of these things and still don’t see any misting or spitting occurring, there may be a problem with your diffuser unit itself.

2. Your diffuser may need to be cleaned

If you’re wondering why your diffuser isn’t misting, there are several reasons. The first is that it’s probably not clean enough. This can be a problem if you use a lot of oils and scents in your diffuser and they begin to build up on the inside walls of the unit. You’ll need to take a look at how often you use your diffuser (and clean it), as well as what kind of cleaning solution you choose for this purpose.

If everything seems fine but still no mist comes through when using your device, then there may be something wrong with either the water or steam supply line itself—or both! Make sure all connections are secure by checking them with an ohmmeter before turning them on again; if necessary make adjustments as needed until everything works properly again without fail.”

How to clean the diffuser

Here are some tips for cleaning your diffuser:

1) First and foremost, use distilled water or an ultrasonic cleaner like Charlie’s Soap Wonder Cleaner – Ultrasonic Cleaner (for cleaning non-porous surfaces).

2) Then, fill up your diffuser with hot water from your kitchen sink or fill up a pot with water from the tap and put it in the microwave for 15 seconds at full power until boiling point.

3) Put some dish soap in an empty bottle (we recommend Soap Nook Squeeze Bottle – 50 oz.) and squeeze out most of the air before putting it inside your diffuser. Then close off all openings except one so that only steam can escape through this opening (this will prevent any dirt particles from entering the diffuser). Let it sit overnight or until all soap residue is gone from the water.

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There are a few easy things you can check if your diffuser isn’t working properly.

  • Check the water level: The first thing to do when checking the water level is to pour some more into the reservoir, just enough so that it covers half of the bottom surface. If you don’t have enough room in there, then add some more distilled or filtered water until all of this happens.* Check oil level: You should also check your oil as well: Just fill up one teaspoon with coconut oil and put it inside your diffuser along with some sachets of essential oils (the kind without alcohol). This will help keep everything running smoothly and keep smells fresh!

Common Problems of Diffusers and How to Fix it

The most common problem with diffusers is clogging. This can occur from hard water or mineral deposits, but it’s also possible for clogs to occur from other materials you add to the water. The most common culprits are essential oils, which tend to clog pores in the diffuser base.

You can avoid this by only using pure essential oils and blending with water alone, rather than adding anything else to your diffuser base.

No Smell: One of the most common problems with a diffuser is that it does not produce any scent at all. This is usually due to an incompatible oil or water ratio in the container. You can check if this is indeed your problem by adding more oil or water to your mixture until you get a good smell.

Poor Odor: Another reason why there will be no smell from your diffuser that’s it has been soaked in so much water that it cannot produce any smell anymore. You should make sure that there are no holes on top of your diffuser so that no water leaks out when you pour water into it.

How to fix a diffuser that is not misting?

Turn off the unit and unplug it from the wall. Wait 10 seconds and then plug it back in and turn it back on again. Wait for about 5 minutes before testing again for proper operation.

If this doesn’t work, unplug it again and wait 10 seconds before plugging it back in and turning it on again. Wait another 5 minutes before attempting to run your diffuser again. If this doesn’t fix your issue either, consult a professional regarding further troubleshooting steps with your machine.


If you are still having trouble with your diffuser, it is probably time to give it a thorough cleaning. You can do this yourself or have someone else do it for you at home or work. The important thing is that the unit will be working again soon!

Essential Oil Diffuser Tips and Troubleshooting


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