HomeWHOA Woman Who Walks Alone Is Likely To

A Woman Who Walks Alone Is Likely To

“The woman who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been.” -Albert Einstein

Trends come with each season. Socially accepted ideas of how to live our lives evolve and change with each generation. Popular culture is, at its core, a tremendous mass of people following a certain product, type of music or way of living.

The part about each of these that doesn’t fit with living a fulfilling life is that others are dictating how we should go about our lives. The media, advertising, tradition, current social culture, the people we might surround ourselves with, are expecting us not to stand out because if we do, then what?

One of the aspects of the quote above that I adore is that Einstein himself uttered it. While it is a very simple concept that he shares, so full of common sense, it is an idea that many are unable to master and thus, choose to recede back into the crowd.

After all, perceivably, it can be at times lonely for those who choose to no longer be a follower, but instead lead the life that many may not be choosing at the time. I mention that it is perceived as being a lonely place because in my experience, it seems that if someone doesn’t understand something or they themselves are afraid of it, they label it with a negative connotation.

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The truth of the matter is, many people choose to wallow in their loneliness when they are alone, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Taking the chance on ourselves to strike out and follow the beat of our own drum is a gift to ourselves. Now, I won’t sugarcoat it and say that in stepping out, each of us will experience great success immediately, far from it more likely, but the alternative is living someone else’s definition of what life should be and as we all can imagine, that breeds nothing but discontent in a variety of forms. In order to find ourselves in places we’ve never been, we must travel our own path even when we don’t know exactly where it will lead us.

I truly believe that we lessen our true potential when we shrink to fit inside someone else’s belief of what we should be, how we should live and what we should believe. If we are willing to put forth the strength to be true to ourselves, to follow where our hearts, passions and talents lead us, I can almost guarantee that at times we will be alone, but if we choose to seek out those who are like-minded, if we choose to seek out others who support our efforts instead of discount your voice, we won’t feel lonely, we will be doing ourselves a favor.

In other words, instead of allowing the fear of being lonely pull us back to what we know we don’t want, use this fear to empower us to push forward until we find what we’ve been looking for. We all have the strength inside of us to choose our own paths, for some its more easily accessible, but all of us can help it to grow by exercising its power on a regular basis.

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Have a beautiful Monday and fabulous first week of March.

Thank you again, for stopping by The Simply Luxurious Life. May you find the strength you seek to live your own fulfilling and contented life.


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