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Do Girls Like Funny Guys?

Are you wondering if being funny can increase your chances with women? Well, according to a new study published in Personality and Individual Differences, being funny can indeed make you more attractive to women. In this study, British researchers recorded 40 students as they described the items they would take to a desert island. Interestingly, almost half of the students used humor in their answers, even though they weren’t explicitly told to be funny. The recorded answers were then judged by 11 raters who rated the undergrads’ answers and attractiveness separately. The results revealed that men who were considered funnier were also considered more attractive for both short- and long-term relationships.

So why do women find humorous men attractive? According to the study, women might be drawn to funny guys for flings because it signals that they’re not serious or looking for a long-term commitment. However, even women who are searching for a future husband appreciate a good sense of humor. In fact, in a Men’s Health survey of more than 1,000 American women aged 21 to 54, a whopping 77 percent of women ranked a sense of humor as their number one must-have in a man, surpassing qualities such as intelligence, passion, confidence, and generosity.

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But here’s the catch: being funny is easier said than done. While there is some research on what kind of jokes women find most attractive—such as dry, sarcastic humor—it’s important to remember that comedy is far from an exact science. So, where can you turn for advice on how to be a funny flirter? Look no further than real comedians. Here’s what they have to say:

Jay Mohr: Funny and Handsome

According to Jay Mohr, a Saturday Night Live veteran and host of Jay Mohr Sports on Fox Sports Radio, being funny is great, but being both funny and handsome is even better. He believes that while women say they want a sense of humor, it’s important to remember that impressions and re-enactments of movie scenes won’t impress them. Instead, Mohr advises being naturally funny, a little handsome, and most importantly, be yourself. A great woman will enjoy knocking other people down with you.

Ed Crasnick: Make Fun of Yourself

Emmy-winning writer and actor Ed Crasnick, known for his appearances in shows like Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Sopranos, suggests that self-deprecation and commenting on your own feelings can be attractive to women. It allows everyone to be okay with being a little nervous. Crasnick recommends opening with a line like, “Hi, I’m desperate and I’m starving emotionally,” to get all the stressful things out of the way and call them as you see them. He believes that being authentic and making humor out of the present moment is the best approach. And if you want to do an impression, make a good impression of yourself.

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Nikki Glaser: Use the Corniest Line

Nikki Glaser, host of the popular podcast You Had to Be There and the late-night MTV show Nikki & Sara Live, emphasizes that having a sense of humor is an absolute must if you want to attract a cool, smart chick. According to Glaser, leading with humor is the way to grab our attention. She suggests using cheesy lines like, “Excuse me, I know this is weird, but you look exactly like my next girlfriend.” Or you can stick with the classic, “Come here often?” The cheesier, the better. Just make sure it’s clear you’re not using it seriously.

Sara Schaefer: Don’t Try Too Hard

Sara Schaefer, Glaser’s partner-in-crime on You Had to Be There and Nikki & Sara Live, advises letting your natural wit come out through conversation. She believes that self-deprecation can work well, as it shows you’re self-aware and diffuses your ego. Schaefer suggests joking about what’s happening around you and connecting with the woman over the craziness of the world. Is the waiter being too aggressive with the dessert menu? Is there a creepy guy at the end of the bar? Joining forces to make fun of these situations can be a great way to bond.

Steve Belanger: Confidence is Key

Steve Belanger, the host of The, claims that while women do like funny guys, what’s most attractive is the confidence behind the humor. Guys who possess a sharp wit and a winning sense of humor are usually full of confidence. Belanger believes that confidence is what appeals to women the most. Having a guy who can make them laugh is just the icing on the cake.

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Cathy Ladman: No Obscure Impressions

Cathy Ladman, a writer and actor known for her appearances in shows like Everybody Loves Raymond and Mad Men, suggests using self-effacing humor to make a good impression. However, she advises against doing impressions, especially of people no one knows. If you find yourself starting to do impressions, it might be time to excuse yourself and give everyone a chance to leave.

Remember, being funny can be a great asset when it comes to attracting women. However, it’s essential to be authentic, confident, and use humor in a way that feels genuine. So go ahead, crack a joke and bring a smile to her face. Who knows? It might just be the start of something special.

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