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Can Men and Women Truly Be Friends? Discover What Guys Think of Their Female Friends

what do guys think of their female friends

Many women find themselves constantly wondering, “What do guys think of their female friends?” Trust issues and questions about the nature of their boyfriend’s relationships with his female friends can be distressing. Whether it’s worrying about text messages or wondering if she’s always there when he goes out with his friends, the thought is always in the back of your mind. You want to trust him and his female friend, but it’s only natural to wonder about his true feelings towards her.

Can Men and Women Really Be Just Friends?

The age-old question of whether men and women can truly be friends has been debated for a long time. In the movie “When Harry Met Sally,” Harry argues that sexual desires always get in the way of platonic friendships, while Sally disagrees. So, who is right?

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There is no simple answer to this question. Studies on relationships and friendships have yielded conflicting evidence. While it is clear that sexual attraction is deeply rooted in human biology, our complex brains allow us to control our actions and suppress certain instincts. Additionally, not everyone is attracted to everyone else. Attraction is a subjective and individual experience.

So, the answer is yes, men and women can be just friends. While it may not happen all the time, it is definitely possible.

Why Is It Tricky to Ask What Guys Think of Their Female Friends?

While it is possible to ask your boyfriend about his thoughts on his female friends, it’s essential to be careful with your wording. Accusing him of being attracted to or liking his female friends can lead to unnecessary conflict. Remember, finding someone attractive doesn’t automatically mean he sees them in a romantic or sexual light. Giving him the benefit of the doubt and having an open conversation without accusations is crucial.

Insights into What Guys Think of Their Female Friends

Here are some honest and straightforward insights into what guys think of their female friends:

1. She is attractive

It’s natural for a guy to find his female friends attractive. However, attraction doesn’t necessarily translate into romantic or sexual feelings. It is possible for guys to acknowledge someone’s attractiveness without acting on it.

2. He may not even notice

Believe it or not, some guys are oblivious to the attractiveness of their female friends. They may genuinely see them as friends or even consider them like a sister.

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3. Fantasies might exist

It’s not uncommon for guys to have fantasies about different people, including their female friends. However, having fantasies doesn’t mean they want to act on them.

4. Easily aroused

Guys can be turned on by women’s features, regardless of their relationship status. It’s important to trust your boyfriend and remember that attraction is a natural response that doesn’t necessarily lead to any actions.

5. Past thoughts

There is a chance that your boyfriend might have thought about pursuing a romantic relationship with his female friend in the past. However, these thoughts often fade as time passes and the friendship becomes more established.

6. Men’s minds work differently

Men’s minds are wired to find women attractive. While this may seem sexist, it’s important to remember that it doesn’t necessarily mean they view all women in a sexual way. Their minds simply register the gender of their female friends, even if they maintain a platonic perspective.

7. Friendship matters

The reason your boyfriend is friends with a particular woman may have nothing to do with her attractiveness. Shared interests, common experiences, or mutual support can form the foundation of their friendship.

8. No romantic interest

If your boyfriend and his female friend have a genuinely close and platonic friendship, any initial attraction he may have felt has likely diminished over time. Trust that their bond is based on friendship and nothing more.

9. Seeking advice

Some guys rely on their female friends for advice regarding relationships. These friendships provide unique perspectives and insights that their male friends may not be able to offer.

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10. Honesty and support

Female friends can offer honesty and support in ways that male friends may not. They can provide valuable feedback on fashion choices, date ideas, and other aspects of life.

11. Non-judgmental and accepting

Men appreciate the non-judgmental attitude of their female friends. They can be themselves without fear of being mocked or ridiculed for their interests or choices.

12. Looking out for each other

Similar to how guys look out for their female friends, female friends also have their back. They can provide valuable insights into a potential partner’s intentions or behavior.

13. Remaining friends out of guilt

Some guys may choose to remain friends with someone they rejected because they don’t want to hurt their feelings. However, this doesn’t indicate any romantic interest.

14. A guiding presence

In many cases, a female friend might have played a crucial role in shaping your boyfriend’s understanding and respect for women. She may have provided guidance and advice, helping him become the person he is today.

15. Possible romantic interest

While it’s possible for a guy to be interested in a female friend, it doesn’t automatically jeopardize your relationship. Open communication is the key to understanding each other’s feelings and expectations.

16. Not all guys fall for their female friends

Contrary to popular belief, not all guys fall in love with their female friends. They can maintain a platonic connection without developing romantic feelings.

17. Friendship over desire

Guys can have female friends without feeling any desire to sleep with them. Just like women can have male friends without feeling any romantic attraction, friendship can exist independently of sexual desire.

Understanding what guys think of their female friends is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship. Communication, trust, and open-mindedness are crucial factors in navigating friendships between sexes. Embrace the fact that your boyfriend has female friends and recognize that it doesn’t diminish the value of your relationship.


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