Mastering the Kivin Method: Unlocking New Heights of Pleasure

Are you ready to explore a revolutionary oral technique that promises mind-blowing orgasms in just three minutes? Strap in, because the Kivin method is about to take you on a wild ride of pleasure.

Unlocking the Power of the Kivin Method

According to a popular Reddit thread, the Kivin method is making waves in the world of oral pleasure. This technique claims to bring faster and more intense orgasms to 60% of women and individuals with vaginas. Intrigued? Keep reading!

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Embracing a New Approach

So, how does the Kivin method work its magic? Instead of the conventional up-and-down motion, you’ll be exploring a side-to-side approach. By doing so, you’ll cover a wider area of the clitoris, intensifying the pleasure.

Here’s a breakdown of the steps:

  • Step 1: Position yourself at a 90-degree angle to the vagina, rather than being head-on.
  • Step 2: Use a back-and-forth stroke over the clitoral hood. Some individuals claim that they can feel two bumps on either side of the clitoral hood, which swell up during arousal and resemble half grains of rice.
  • Step 3: Gently place a finger on the perineum, the small space between the vagina and anus. If you notice involuntary contractions in this area, you’re on the right track!
  • Step 4: Read your partner’s body language to ensure you maintain the correct tongue placement and technique.
  • Step 5: Once you’ve found the rhythm, don’t stop! Keep going at a regular pace, even beyond the point of orgasm, as the stimulation can be most intense during this time.
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Personal Experiences Speak Volumes

Does the Kivin method deliver on its promises? One man shared his experience after trying this technique on his girlfriend:

“After some initial adjustments to find the right positioning and hand placement, my girlfriend quickly responded positively. She achieved orgasm within about five minutes of finding the perfect rhythm. This was a significant change from our usual 15-20 minutes without reaching climax. I highly recommend trying this technique if you’re looking to spice up your oral game!”

An Invitation to Explore

While the Kivin method may not guarantee an orgasm for everyone, it offers an exciting opportunity for experimentation. Annabelle Knight, a renowned expert in the field, encourages couples to give it a go. She believes that even if it doesn’t work for you, it can still lead to exciting new discoveries in your sensual journey together.

Discover More Pleasure

Looking to expand your repertoire of sexual knowledge? Here are some related articles recommended for your reading pleasure:

  • How to make a girl squirt
  • 18 things girls want you to know about touching their boobs during sex
  • How to finger a girl properly, by disappointed girls

Embark on a journey of pleasure and unlock new heights of satisfaction with the Kivin method. Happy exploring!

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