HomeBlogHow to Avoid Angering Women: Lessons from Female Comedians

How to Avoid Angering Women: Lessons from Female Comedians

If you’re a man, chances are you’ve unintentionally said something that has angered a woman. We’ve all been there, recalling cringe-worthy moments when a thoughtless remark triggered an explosive reaction. To help you navigate these treacherous waters, we’ve interviewed 10 brutally honest female comedians who have shared the words that should never escape your lips again, unless you enjoy finding yourself in the doghouse.

“Are you wearing that?”

Fara Greenbaum, a comedian, emphasizes the importance of refraining from asking this question. If she’s dressed and ready to go out, the answer is obvious. Women don’t appreciate insinuations that they need to change their outfit to please someone else.

“Have you lost weight?”

Marianne Schaberg, writer and comedian, points out that commenting on a woman’s weight is never a good idea. Such remarks, even if meant as compliments, can be perceived as body-shaming or objectifying. It’s best to steer clear of this topic altogether.

“Wow, I didn’t recognize you with makeup on.”

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Corinne Fisher, a comedian, expresses her irritation with men who act surprised when she wears makeup. Instead of making backhanded compliments, it’s better to simply acknowledge that someone looks nice. No need to comment on a woman’s appearance beyond that.

“Can’t you take a joke?”

Carolyn Busa, host of “Side Ponytail,” advises against using this phrase. Just because someone enjoys stand-up comedy doesn’t give others permission to make offensive or sexist jokes. Appreciating humor doesn’t mean tolerating any inappropriate comment.

“You wanna watch a movie?”

Jessimae Peluso, comedian and star of MTV’s “Girl Code,” sheds light on the hidden meaning behind this innocent question. It often implies a desire for intimacy rather than an actual movie night. So, if you suggest watching a movie, make sure you’re committed to finishing it.

“You look tired.”

Avoid telling a woman she looks tired, as Jessimae Peluso points out. This comment can be interpreted as an insult, implying that someone looks worn out or unattractive. Instead, try focusing on the positive aspects and refrain from passing judgment.

“You should smile more.”

Chrissie Mayr, a comedian, voices her disdain for being told to smile. Women have their reasons for not smiling, and it’s important to respect their emotions. Just as you wouldn’t appreciate unsolicited advice about your appearance, extend the same courtesy to others.

“You’re too pretty to [FILL IN THE BLANK].”

Nikki Black, a comedian, shares a personal experience where a man told her she was too pretty to use explicit language in her act. This backhanded compliment suggests that societal perceptions should dictate a woman’s behavior. It’s essential to remember that women can be both attractive and funny, and no one should be confined to narrow stereotypes.

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In conclusion, learning from these female comedians sheds light on the verbal landmines you should avoid when communicating with women. By being mindful of your words and treating others with respect, you can build healthier, more positive relationships. Remember, it’s important to value each other’s feelings, opinions, and boundaries to foster mutual understanding and avoid unnecessary conflicts.


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