HomeBlogWhen is the Right Time for Girls to Start Wearing Makeup?

When is the Right Time for Girls to Start Wearing Makeup?

Makeup is a fascinating world that many girls are eager to explore. Nowadays, there are even makeup products specifically designed for children. But as a parent, you might wonder, when should you let your daughter start wearing makeup?

Each parent has their own perspective on this matter. While some may not mind their daughter wearing makeup at a young age, others may have reservations. It ultimately comes down to personal choice.

Finding the Right Age

My 11-year-old daughter started experimenting with makeup when she turned 10. I must admit, I enabled this by giving her my old makeup to play with at home. Initially, I didn’t mind as long as it was light and natural. It made her feel mature and good about herself. However, I understand that others might question this decision. In fact, I started experimenting with makeup around her age as well.

The age of 10 is often seen as a turning point in a child’s life. By this age, kids begin to take more control over their lives while continuing to mature emotionally, socially, and intellectually. As parents, we still guide and offer advice, but they start to take on more responsibilities and accountability for their decisions.

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The Gray Area

Decisions about how a child dresses, styles their hair, and wears makeup fall into a gray area of parenting. Every parent has their own rules and boundaries in this regard. It’s crucial to find a middle ground without engaging in arguments that could harm the parent-child relationship.

Why is this important? Well, sometimes we need to pick our battles as parents. Allowing our children to express themselves through their appearance, including makeup, hair, and clothing, can boost their confidence and self-esteem. As long as it stays within appropriate limits, it’s an avenue for them to show their sense of style and individuality.

Makeup at a Young Age

Generally, elementary schools do not allow students to wear makeup. Moreover, many parents feel that it’s too early for young children to use makeup. School is not the right time or place for it. If you don’t mind your daughter wearing makeup, explain to her that it is not allowed during school hours, but she can wear it and experiment with it outside of school. You can even sit with her and guide her on what looks good and natural. It’s essential to establish rules about what she can wear and how much.

At a young age, wearing light makeup might be more appropriate. My daughter started at the end of her fifth-grade year, but it wasn’t an everyday occurrence. I was fine with it because it was minimal and natural. A sheer lip gloss, for example, can be acceptable for a young girl. It’s about helping them feel mature and good about themselves, not about anything sexual. At this age, they shouldn’t even be aware of such concepts.

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If you, as a parent, are uncertain about allowing makeup, remind your daughter that she is beautiful and young, and she doesn’t need makeup just yet.

Tween and Teen Makeup

As tweens and teens enter this age group, they are more likely to embrace makeup. Whether it’s to cover flaws, like acne or redness, or simply because they feel beautiful and confident in it, wearing makeup becomes more prevalent. As long as it remains within your established limits and doesn’t become excessive, it can be acceptable. However, every parent has their own set of rules.

Keep in mind that girls who are interested in makeup at a young age often have a lifelong interest in it. I have a closet full of makeup, and my daughter is fascinated by it. Children often get influenced by their mothers. While you can try to dissuade your daughter if you believe she’s too young, keep in mind that too much resistance can lead to rebellion. It’s essential to set boundaries, make rules about when she can wear makeup, and communicate openly with her.

Insights from Other Bloggers

Here are some insights from other bloggers on the topic of young girls and makeup:

  • Alejandra from Girl with Glam: Alejandra started wearing makeup around 17-18 years old. She believes that girls can play with makeup at any age, but there’s a time and place for everything. The right age varies for each individual.

  • Priyanka from Glamour and Giggles: Priyanka started wearing makeup in her late teens, but her true passion for it emerged in her early 20s. She doesn’t believe there’s a “right age” for girls to start wearing makeup, as it varies for each person.

  • Kay from Its A Marvelous Life: Kay started wearing makeup at 13 because she wanted to look older and more mature. She doesn’t have a definitive opinion on the “right age” for girls to wear makeup but wants her daughter to love herself for who she is.

  • Alyson from Mobility Mom: Alyson started wearing makeup when she was 12, primarily to feel more confident during puberty. She believes middle school is the perfect time for girls to start experimenting with makeup, as long as they do it for the right reasons and in moderation.

  • Alaia from Being Alaia: Alaia didn’t start wearing makeup regularly until college. She believes there is no “right age” for makeup and that it should be seen as a form of art and self-expression.

  • Michelle from Growing with Spawn: Michelle started wearing makeup at 15 for special occasions, but she emphasizes the importance of proper skincare and understanding makeup before allowing her daughter to use it. She believes that makeup should enhance natural beauty, not transform someone.

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Remember, these insights from other bloggers provide different perspectives, but as a parent, you have the final say in determining when it’s appropriate for your daughter to start wearing makeup. Have open, one-on-one conversations with her and find a middle ground where both parties feel satisfied.

Let me know in the comments your thoughts on girls wearing makeup at a young age!

Image Credit: PSCHR, North Jersey, WTKR


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