The Mysterious Funeral in Gilmore Girls: Unraveling the Curious Case of Stan’s Death

From time to time, we stumble upon strange search phrases that lead people to unexpected places. Some make sense, like searching for a “Gilmore Girls Review” or funny moments from the show. But there is always a category that leaves us puzzled. Here are a few examples:

  • Unexplained search terms that somehow end up on our blog:
    • “Unfuckable biddies”
    • “Saggy tit blog pig fucking girls”
    • “How I started fucking ladies episode 10”
    • “Teens fucking for money”
    • “She can’t take it”
    • “Navel fetish comic story with pic”
    • “Why do girls suck penis”
    • “Love metter [SIC] girls review”
    • “What can men do to make their girlfriend trust them?”
    • “What is the video where a girl with a basket of eggs sees another girl sucking a guy’s dick?”

It’s disheartening to think that people searching for these terms might have been disappointed to find a review of a TV show. So, to those searching for those peculiar topics, we say:

(I hope you eventually find what you were looking for!)

Now, let’s dive into the world of “Gilmore Girls” and uncover the story behind Stan’s funeral.

A Townie’s Farewell

The episode starts with a surprising event – the girls and Sookie attending a funeral. Whose funeral? Well, it’s for Stan, a never-before-seen townie. Rory is visibly emotional, suggesting that Stan played a significant role in their lives. But let’s be honest, maybe they just saw it as an opportunity to wear eccentric hats.

Lorelai seizes the moment to declare that deaths in Stars Hollow happen in fives. Curiously, there have been only four deaths so far. It’s almost like a scene out of “Practical Magic,” where Sandra Bullock hears the death beetle, and soon after, her husband dies. If you’ve seen the movie, you’ll know what I mean. (By the way, the book is fantastic too!)

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Guilty Pleasures and Unhinged Musicians

At band practice, Zach and his unruly hair are distraught. They feel like they’re playing “too on the beat,” as if that’s even possible. The conversation turns to guilty pleasure bands, and Lane mentions Fleetwood Mac. But, hold on a minute – Lane, you can’t diss Fleetwood Mac! They are simply amazing. Their live album, “The Dance,” is so good that it’s almost painful. It brings back memories of my college days, listening to it every morning with my roommate as we got ready for class. And let’s not forget Ani DiFranco’s “Little Plastic Castles.” Oh, the nostalgia!

If you want a song that will tug at your heartstrings without fail, listen to “Silver Springs.” It’s a tearjerker, believe me. (I may or may not have written a fanfic with the same title in another life. Who knows?)

CBGBs and Broken Bells

Gil, whom Zach still dislikes because he’s “old,” manages to book the band a gig at CBGBs in New York. Lane is beyond excited, but little does she know that CBGBs no longer exists due to gentrification. It’s a bittersweet turn of events.

Meanwhile, in Stars Hollow, the whole town gathers to hear the bells that Stan donated money to have fixed. Unfortunately, the bells never stop ringing, and Rory seeks refuge at Lane’s house. Lane, attempting to convince her classmates that there are other important people in the world besides pastors, is struggling. Rory joins her upstairs, where Lane shares her plan to sneak into CBGBs at 1 a.m. on a Tuesday. Good luck with that, Lane!

Shattered Trust and Snowy Encounters

At Luke’s, our beloved grump is ranting about his dislike for bells – no surprise there. Luke probably hates puppies too! But that’s not all. He’s also picking out paint for the apartment he and the Pretty Lawyer are moving into. Oh, did you forget about Luke’s marriage? It’s the one we haven’t seen much of this season. Yes, that’s still happening on the show.

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When Lorelai learns about Luke’s new living situation, she doesn’t take it well. She’s even more upset to discover that Luke now lives in another town with his WIFE. (Remember? WIFE?) Their friendship seems strained as Lorelai yells at Luke and storms out. These recent interactions make Lorelai appear quite childish. Why can’t she handle it like a mature adult? (But then again, drama is what makes TV exciting!) It’s almost as if she realized too late that the toy she hadn’t played with in months is now being enjoyed by someone else. Did she expect Luke to wait around and make decisions that only she approved of? Luke is his own person, and he deserves to live his life just as Lorelai lives hers.

Drama and Doubts at Yale

At Yale, Rory and her friends discuss the laundry room guy she asked out a few episodes ago. He’s now spreading a story about a “desperate” girl who asked him out, and Rory automatically assumes he’s talking about her. Oh, the drama!

Back in Stars Hollow, Lorelai shares the Luke situation with Sookie, whose hair is simply fabulous as always.

Sookie’s baby isn’t a fan of the incessant ringing bells. Perhaps he’s not Jackson’s baby after all. It’s hard to imagine Sookie and Luke together – she’s too joyful and not neurotic enough to spark Luke’s interest. He needs an unhinged caffeine addict to get his engine running.

As the bells continue to disrupt the peace, Lorelai realizes that Luke is shoveling her walkway. It’s been days since the snow fell, and instead of shoveling, Lorelai has been trudging through it. Would her walkway ever get cleared if not for Luke’s occasional intervention? Grateful, Lorelai goes to thank him, but their encounter quickly turns into a heated exchange. Luke insists that he doesn’t owe her anything, and Lorelai, raised with money, argues that according to the Republican Party, everyone owes the rich. Snow starts flying, both literally and metaphorically, as Luke throws it in Lorelai’s face.

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Unlikely Allies and Broken Trust

During their nightly phone call, Rory advises Lorelai to stop acting like a whiny child and just go to Luke’s. Lorelai heeds the advice and heads into town, where it’s snowing heavily (thanks to some TV magic). Determined, she marches into Luke’s and asks him to help her break the bells. Someone needs to put an end to the constant ringing.

Meanwhile, Lane isn’t in Stars Hollow; she’s at CBGBs. Unfortunately, the show is a flop, and she’s left disappointed. I can relate – performing to empty rooms is disheartening but still better than not performing at all.

Back in Stars Hollow, Luke receives a visit from Mrs. Kim, who informs him that Lane won’t be coming to work. Luke already knows this because Lane called him. Mrs. Kim is understandably upset that Lane called everyone except her own mother.

Amidst the unfolding drama, we’re interrupted by Rory’s story about the laundry guy, which frankly, no one really cares about. It seems to be unnecessary drama for drama’s sake.

A Heartbreaking Reveal and Unexpected Shelter

By the time Lane arrives home, Mrs. Kim has discovered all her secret hiding spots for CDs. She questions Lane about how long she’s been hiding things from her, and Lane admits to doing so since she was six years old. It’s a heartbreaking scene – Lane thought that coming clean would improve their relationship. However, Mrs. Kim cannot tolerate such openness. With a line straight from my own mother’s playbook, “Children don’t make the rules,” Mrs. Kim kicks Lane out. With nowhere else to go, Lane seeks refuge at Rory’s dorm. Rory, on the phone with Lorelai, describes the chaotic scene as Lorelai wrestles with an unattractive couch.

Poor Lane, caught in the middle of her own personal storm.

And that’s the just of it for now. The funeral of Stan and the aftermath are just the beginning of the rollercoaster of emotions that await us in “Gilmore Girls.” Stay tuned for the next episode, where new surprises are sure to unfold.

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