HomeHOWHow Come I Cant Put Precise On Airaldi Gloves

How Come I Cant Put Precise On Airaldi Gloves



Play Type: All PVE

Role: DPS / Passive and active HEALER



3 or less Offense

7 or more Defense


Seeker Mine (Mender)

Drone (Fixer)

Brand Sets (Bonuses)

2 Piece 5.11 Tactical – 5% Protection from Elites, 10% Extra Incoming Healing.

2 Piece Fenris – 10% AR damage, 10% Protection from Elites.

2 Piece Gilla Guard – 5% Bonus armour, 20% Hazard protection.

Brand Talents in use

Compensated – Weapon damage is increased by 15% when your critical hit chance is below 20%

Reassigned – Killing an enemy who is under a status effect can refill the ammo in your magazine with a random special ammo type (once/45s).

Bloodsucker – Depleting an enemy’s armor adds a stack of 20% bonus armor for 20 seconds. Max stack is 5.

Patience – After being in cover for 3 seconds, armor repairs by 5% every 1 second.

Safeguard – Killing a target grants a 150% bonus to repairing and healing effects for 20 seconds.

Hard Hitting – Damage to elites is increased by 15%.

Description: This build is all about two things, straight raw damage to the body coupled with almost 100%, always on passive self-heals from multiple sources that will outpace all incoming damage. It is designed specifically to solo the most difficult content in the game with ease and therefore makes a great farming build for players looking to gather up the gear for other builds. You will be surprised to note that it has pretty much ZERO crit chance and ZERO headshot damage but it melts like a knife through butter, and I meant it when I said it has pretty much a never ending extremely strong passive heal!


Make: Fenris Group AB

Model: Forstarkt Breastplate

Active Talent: Blood Sucker – Depleting an enemy’s armor adds a stack of 20% bonus armor for 20 seconds. Max stack is 5.

Passive: Hard Hitting – 15% damage to elites


Bonus Armour


Skill Power

Why?: What you will come to understand with this build is that its power comes from staying in the fight pretty much indefinitely. The ability to do this comes from three passive heals.

Survivalist Mender Mine

Fixer variant of the Drone

Patience Talent

You will see later that there are a couple of talents that make those passive heals really big. Now a big passive heal is only good if it has a big pool to heal through, but since our base armour is going to be about average at 170k – 200K (depending on RNG for gear) we need something to increase that. We don’t want bonus armour as a talent as we have to sacrifice other good talents for it, so instead we go with a single active talent on the knees. Enter Bloodsucker! This is the best skill to indirectly augment this passive heal. If you are at 100% armour because your passive heals are keeping the repairs up and you trigger “Bloodsucker”, you end up with 120% armour. Deplete another enemy shield and you are now at 140% armour, and so on and so forth for 5 stacks and for 20s. I probably don’t need to tell you how good that is, but I will. It is very very very good in PVE! If only we could get Unstoppable Force and Bloodsucker at the same time!

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Hard hitting needs no explanation why it is there. Straight buff to elite damage!


Make: Gilla Guard

Model: Javelina Mask

Active Talent: None

Passive: Hard Hitting – 15% damage to elites


Hazard Protection

Damage to Elites

Why?: So why the “Gilla”, you may be asking. Well there are a few reasons for this, mainly it involves two working variables in the build. We are trying to hit a 7 defense cap for this build to work properly. We will be managing our skill deployments somewhat carefully, making sure that only one is up at any time. This is due to the long cool-downs on both of the skills, so this creates a conundrum when making the build. We need defense but we also need to take cool down reduction where we can get it. In the end, Gilla becomes the only choice to ensure we hit the defense cap and will allow us to take utility attributes over defense attributes on other gear as the Gilla two piece natively comes with 3 defense mod slots all up.

We take Hazard protection and DTE as attributes because they roll in huge numbers and are not available as attributes anywhere else on gear. Basically on a mask, Hazard protection and DTE is a must for PVE!


Make: Gilla

Model: Sidewinder

Active Talent:Patience – After being in cover for 3 seconds, armor repairs by 5% every 1 second.

Passive: None


Bonus Armour

Why? – The passive heals from this build come from two main sources, the Fixer drone and the Mender mine in the survivalist specialist tree. Without any CDR stacked or any mods, the cool down on these skills natively is 162 seconds. The duration however is 120 seconds for the mender mine and 180 seconds for the drone, provided they do not get blown up of course. So what this means is that if you cycle one after the other, there will come a point where you have a full 60 seconds without any passive heal between the time the Mender mine goes on cool down and the Drone comes off. To bridge this gap we take the talent Patience, that passively heals us in cover. This heal doesn’t sound like much now, but when you get to the Backpack talent you will see why this is unreal.

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Additionally, we now have unlocked the two piece bonus of 20% hazard protection. Couple this with HZP on the Mask and you can get between 45 – 50% HZP!

For the above, keep in mind we will be stacking some CDR on our gear, so the above described is the absolute worst case scenario.


Make: Fenris Group AB

Model: Fodoral Holster

Active Talent: None

Passive: Hard Hitting – 15% Damage to Elites


Cool-down Reduction


Why?: We are after the 2 piece Fenris so this completes that. This will give us a further 10% Protection from Elites. When we take into account that the Survivalist specialist already has 15% PFE and the 2 piece of 5.11 comes with another 5% PFE, we will end up with 30% PFE natively

Hard Hitting – more DTE!


Make: 5.11 Tactical

Model: RUSH12 Backpack

Active Talent:Safeguard – Killing a target grants a 150% bonus to repairing and healing effects for 20 seconds.

Passive: Hard Hitting – 15% damage to elites


Cool-down Reduction

Bonus Armour

Weapon Damage

Why?: So this needs to be a 5.11 piece, specifically the Rush 12 model. Why? Well that is because of two things. Firstly we will need to hit a defense cap of 7 or more to get Bloodsucker working. However the main reason we take the 5.11 is for the Safeguard Talent that grants 150% to healing effects for 20 seconds. This is the centerpiece to the build as it will more than double the effectiveness off all heals for a full 20’s. Ok, but what does that mean in real terms? Let’s look at some numbers.

Native Fixer Drone: heal per tick (GS450) – 10,107HP per tick takes 17 ticks approx to heal 170K armour.

Safeguard turned on:heal per tick from drone – 25,267.7 per tick takes approximately 7 ticks to fully heal.

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However, when we consider that after 3 seconds fighting from cover, “Patience” buffed by “Safeguard” also gives 12.5% armour back per second. Now we end up in a state where the heal is out pacing all incoming damage.


Make: 5.11 Tactical

Model: Station Grip Gloves

Active Talent:Compensated – Weapon damage is increased by 15% when your critical hit chance is below 20%.

Passive: None



Weapon Damage (Assault Rifle)

Why? What turns on the powerful heals is getting the kills. But Molly how do you get kills if you don’t have Berzerk running!? Well I am glad you asked. Remember when I said that this build has ZERO % Crit and ZERO % Head shot damage? When you read that you thought I was a mad man but you continued because you thought you would get a good laugh out of this one! Lol.

Not to worry we have “Compensated”, a straight 15% Weapon damage buff all the time, no activation required.


There are 5 mod slots across all the gear. 4 are Defensive, 1 is Utility so feel free to load them up. You will need to load up 3 of the Defense slots to hit the 7 defense cap we need to get Patience and Bloodsucker working though.


Now this is the part where you have a fair bit of freedom, however since we are a survivalist I obviously opt to go with an AR for the main and then a shotgun as the secondary. Below are the Talents I personally like to run, but you can go with whatever talents you want except for any talent that requires offence as they are all higher than 3.

Primary Weapon:Assault Rifle

Model: Any Assault rifle will do and feel free to work with whatever mods feels best for you. For talents though, you won’t be able to take any that require offensive as our cap is 3 and they all require 4 or more. These are the active ones I think work well with this build for obvious reasons:

Ignited – +20% weapon damage to burning enemies

Ranger – +2% weapon damage per 5m from target

Perpetuation – Headshot kills give a stack of +5% skill duration/ammo/charges to next skill used (max 10 stacks)

Preservation – Enemy kills repair 5% armor over 3s, headshot kills repair more

Weapon Mods:

Again, you have a lot of freedom here, especially because we don’t rely on crit chance, crit damage or head shot damage for our DPS. You don’t need to worry about sacrificing -10% Crit Chance for 20% stability!


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