HomeHOWHow Do I Clean Leather Gardening Gloves

How Do I Clean Leather Gardening Gloves

Maintaining the pristine condition of your goatskin leather gloves is important to keep their soft, durable quality. Follow these care tips:

Clean After Use

When your gloves accumulate dirt, delicately remove it using a soft brush before proceeding to wipe them with a dry cloth.

Periodic Deeper Cleaning

  1. Fill a plastic bucket or bin with lukewarm water. Add about two tablespoons of a gentle dish soap like Dawn. Let the gloves soak in this solution. Use a toothbrush to deep clean any areas with dirt as necessary.
  2. Rinse the gloves thoroughly to remove the soap residue
  3. Lay them flat to dry at room temperature, avoiding excessive heat or direct sunlight.


Leather conditioner is important to apply to leather gloves as it keeps the leather from cracking or drying out and keeps the gloves’ luster. Apply leather conditioner monthly using circular motions with a cloth to maintain the softness of your gloves. It’s best to do this monthly but you should at least do this twice a year at minimum.

To ensure the longevity of your gloves, select a high-quality leather conditioner.

    1. On a monthly basis, consider applying leather conditioner, and assess whether waterproofing is necessary.
    2. Apply a small amount onto a dry cloth (avoid direct application to the leather).
    3. Gently massage it into the leather using even, circular strokes.
    4. To waterproof the gloves, warm them and apply a beeswax waterproofer in multiple cycles.
Refer to more articles:  How To Care For Pro Soft Leather Glove

Interior Care

Keeping your goatskin leather gloves clean isn’t just about the outside. When it comes to giving the lining a good wash, it can be a bit tricky since you can’t fully submerge the leather. If you find yourself in need of a lining clean-up, check out these steps:

  1. Fill a plastic bucket or bin with lukewarm water. Add about two tablespoons of mild dish soap, like Dawn, and soak the gloves in this solution.
  2. Gently scrub the interior of the gloves using an additional tablespoon of dish soap to eliminate dirt, sweat, and oils.
  3. Rinse the gloves thoroughly to remove the soap residue.
  4. Dry them flat at room temperature, avoiding excessive heat or direct sunlight exposure.
  5. Apply a leather conditioner to the interior of the gloves to keep the leather conditioned. Rub the conditioner thoroughly into the surface and seams. Repeat this process whenever the leather feels dry.


  • To shield your goatskin leather gloves from the adverse effects of harsh sunlight, store them in a dry, shaded location when they are not in use.
  • Handle the gloves exclusively with clean hands.
  • Maintaining their fresh appearance is easily accomplished by regularly wiping them with a dry cloth.
  • Remember to administer a dose of conditioner twice a year.


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