HomeHOWHow Do Weight Of Boxing Gloves Hurt

How Do Weight Of Boxing Gloves Hurt

Have you ever wondered if heavier boxing gloves can help you hit harder? Many boxers believe that the glove’s weight correlates to their punch’s power. Let’s take a look at what the experts have to say.

So, do heavier boxing gloves make your punches harder? Heavier boxing gloves don’t make you hit harder but can provide more protection. While more padding can help protect your hands and reduce the risk of injury, it also adds weight to the glove. This extra weight can make your punches slower and less powerful because you cannot build up as much momentum before striking.

While the bigger boxing gloves might not make your punches harder, they can help you improve your punching speed. Also, they can help you with your precision since you won’t have to worry as much about hurting your hand or your training partner.

The Effect Of Weight On Power

Do Heavier Gloves Make You Hit Harder? What Size To Choose?

At first glance, heavier gloves should make your punches more powerful by adding extra momentum and force to each swing. While this is true in theory, the reality is more complicated. The truth is, there is no significant difference in punching power between lighter and heavier gloves.

One of the main advantages of bigger boxing gloves is that they are heavier than traditional-sized gloves. While this may seem negative initially, it protects both fighters by slowing down punches and reducing the impact when they land. This means that you will not only hit harder without risking injury to yourself but also help protect your training partner from harm.

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Another factor to consider is fatigue. Heavier gloves require more energy to move, increasing fatigue over time because your muscles have to work harder to generate power. However, this does not necessarily mean that lighter gloves will always produce greater punching power; it all depends on the skill level and endurance of the boxer.

Glove Weight Vs. Speed

When it comes to boxing, most people understand that lighter gloves are better for speed, while heavier gloves are better for power. But what do we mean by this? A 10oz boxing glove provides less fatigue on the boxer and less resistance when throwing a faster/harder punch than a 16oz boxing glove. The lighter gloves allow you to move your hands faster and generate more speed behind each punch.

On the other hand, 16oz boxing gloves provide more weight, bulk, and resistance to the boxer, which is why this weight is commonly used as a sparring glove.

This makes them better for working on technique and building up their punching power because they require more effort to move around and throw punches. However, since they offer so much bulk and resistance, they can also slow down your hands and weaken your punches if used in competition or during a fight.

Wider Surface Area

Bigger boxing gloves also have a wider surface area than traditional-sized gloves. This helps to spread the force over a larger area when making contact with an opponent’s face or body. This reduces the amount of damage done as each punch lands and can significantly reduce the risk of serious injury for both fighters.

Plus, because the force is spread out over a larger area. It can be easier for some fighters to make contact with their opponent without worrying about putting too much pressure on one specific site of their body or face.

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Smaller gloves, for example, have less padding; therefore, your opponent will feel your knuckles (bones) more than he would if you wore larger gloves. This can result in more severe injuries as the punches land since more force will be transferred from your arm onto your opponent.

Improved Comfort

Finally, bigger boxing gloves provide additional comfort for fighters due to their increased padding and cushioning around the knuckles and wrists. This reduces fatigue during long matches and helps protect against injuries caused by repetitive strain or overexertion while sparring or competing in bouts.

Glove Sizes

Do Heavier Gloves Make You Hit Harder? What Size To Choose?

Before switching to bigger boxing gloves, you must understand which size is best for you. Generally speaking, heavier gloves are better suited for professionals who have been training for years and have a lot of skill and experience in the ring. Heavier gloves can also help protect against more powerful blows from opponents with greater strength or speed since they offer a bigger surface area to cover yourself.

For those just starting out in the sport, lighter gloves may be a better option, as they will provide enough protection without slowing down your punches too much. Ultimately, it’s up to each individual fighter to decide which type of glove works best for their style and ability level.

Gloves Sizes For Sparring

It’s important to note that glove sizes can vary depending on the situation. For example, when sparring with a partner, it may be best to use slightly heavier gloves to protect each other from injury.

This is because heavier gloves tend to absorb more impact and spread out force over a larger area, reducing the risk of serious injury or long-term damage from repetitive strain. We recommend using gloves anywhere from 14 oz to 18 oz, depending on your weight class and the size of your hands.

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Gloves Sizes For Training ​​​ ​​

For general training, it’s best to use slightly lighter gloves to build up your speed and agility. Most trainers recommend using gloves between 10 oz and 14 oz for this purpose. This will allow you to work on your technique without sacrificing protection or comfort.

Smaller boxing gloves will also allow you to produce more force when hitting the heavy bag and help you develop stronger fists and wrists. Ultimately, the size of gloves that you use should depend on your weight class and the type of training or sparring you’re doing.

Picking The Right Size For You

When choosing the correct size for your gloves, your weight is a significant factor. Generally, smaller gloves are used for those who weigh under 100 lbs (including children). Smaller sizes range from 6-8 oz. For those weighing 100-125 lbs, 10 oz gloves are generally recommended.

If you weigh between 125-150 lbs, 12 oz gloves should provide a comfortable fit. Those weighing 150-180 lbs might want to look into 14 oz gloves, while those 180+ lbs should look into 16 oz gloves.


Heavier boxing gloves don’t make you hit harder due to their increased weight, but they can help spread out the force of a punch and reduce the risk of injury. They also provide more padding and cushioning for your knuckles and wrists, which will help keep your hands comfortable during sparring or training sessions.

Choosing the right size boxing gloves is an essential part of staying safe and getting the most out of your training. Heavier gloves offer more protection against stronger opponents. In comparison, lighter gloves can help improve your speed and agility in the ring. It’s important to remember that glove sizes can vary depending on the situation, weight class, and type of training.


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