HomeHOWHow Does Glove Anesthesia Hypnosis Script

How Does Glove Anesthesia Hypnosis Script

Last year, there was a superb television delight on entitled Hypno-Surgery and it showed a man receiving hypno-surgery. That is, he had a hernia operation without any anaesthesia other than by using hypnosis aided by Dr John Butler.

This really excites me. I have been teaching my hypnotherapy students in relation to using hypnosis and hypnotherapy for the alleviation of pain during the weekend gone by (yes Easter weekend) and we did some fabulous demonstrations.

Here you can see a pin passed through one of my students hands with no bleeding, pain or discomfort. As you can see, I even had time to pick up my phone and take a picture whilst I was doing it!

Of course, when these things make it on to television or are used by hypnotherapists like me for demonstrations to convince of the power of hypnosis, it can seem sensational, however, these applications have been done for years. There are lots of filmed studies and masses of research that has been done using hypnosis for alleviation of pain.

Many ways have been used to alleviate pain over the years and I have experienced many myself and found hypnosis accompanied with a range of mind skills and tools to be by far the best way of overcoming and altering my response to it.

Can you remember a time when you had a paper cut and you did not realise that you had it until later on that day when you saw it with your own eyes? It was not until you saw it that it hurt and thought “oooh that smarts a bit.” I remember I had been helping my father in the garden when I was young, I had been weeding (great jobs that Dads give you!) and my hands were covered in earth and when I washed them off later on in the day when I came into the house, I noticed that I had grazed my hand and having seen it, it began to sting a bit; it had not done so until then. These examples are of naturally occurring anaesthesia, the capacity of which exists within us all.

There was a military doctor called James Esdaille who is mentioned in many hypnosis text books and he would use hypnosis and auto suggestion with fellow soldiers for all manner of different ailments, he even carried out amputations with no anaesthesia other than that of the suggestions that he was delivering to his patient.

Back in 1980 a man named Rausch used self-hypnosis during surgery and actually documented his sensations whilst watching his gall bladder being operated upon. Last year in Iran a woman was filmed giving birth by C-section with the use of hypnosis only for her anaesthesia… I could go on and on with this stuff.

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Important point here : And you know that you must only use this pain-control technique when you know the cause. You will also consult a doctor if the condition persists.

One of the most basic methods for using your mind to create anaesthesia is called the glove anaesthesia method and today I want to share it with you for you to use as and when you like.

Step One: Find a comfortable place where yo will not be disturbed. Close your eyes. Get yourself relaxed. Ideally, get your self into a state of self-hypnosis. Go read my book or invest in the self-hypnosis master class if you need to learn how.

Otherwise, focus on your breathing, let it be steady, deep and slow. Imagine relaxing all the muscles in your body one by one and really do take the time required to establish a nice relaxed physical state.

Use your imagination to imagine a favourite place, somewhere you feel safe and relaxed. Imagine that you can hear the sounds of that place, see the sights, feel the feelings that you would feel in that place. Use your conscious mind’s awareness and focus on each of the muscles in your body and think the word “Soften” into each of your muscles. Imagine them melting, softening and allow your mind to be peaceful. Take a good few minutes to do this; indulge yourself.

Step Two: Develop a strong sense of purpose right now. Using your internal dialogue, remind yourself and tell yourself that you have the power and ability to be in control of any sensations in your body and mind. Because you really do. Tell yourself that You accept that you are in control of your own mind. Focus on and imagine the unlimited power of your mind, tell yourself that you can send numbing sensations into any part of your body. Develop a sense of belief in yourself and in the power of your own mind. Really encourage and empower yourself.

At this stage, also tell yourself that the word “anaesthesia” is your key trigger word for a conditioned response later on.

Imagine that these words of personal power and belief that you say to yourself are being delivered to the deepest depths of your mind. Imagine that they’ve been accepted on every level of your body and mind.

Step three: Now we begin to invoke the glove anesthesia. Begin by concentrating upon your dominant hand, really focus on it to the exclusion of all else. Notice the tiniest of sensations within it. Begin to imagine that using your attention, your dominant hand is free of all feeling. This needs some time and concentration.

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Maybe you can use your imagination to imagine that your hand is encased in ice. Truly imagine those feelings. When i do this and teach this, I have the individual imagine in great detail placing their hand very slowly into a bucket of iced water. We discuss the sensations before the session and when demonstrting this to my students at the weekend, you could see the colour of the hand start to change as the imagination was employed.

Separate your hand, in your mind, from the rest of your physical body. Think of it as detached from your physical being. Continue to focus your attention upon your hand and allow it to lose all feeling.

Step Four: Using your internal dialogue again, tell yourself that your hand is becoming numb. No feeling at all. Inside your mind instruct your hand to go to sleep. Tell it to go to sleep. Be aware of all the unusual sensations that are in your hand as you focus upon it and keep all your focus and concentration upon it.

Tell yourself that every breath you take seems to cause your hand to become number, and number, until you just can’t feel your hand at all. You just can’t feel your hand at all because it is numb. No feeling. Numb. Tell yourself that with authority and belief.

Step Five: Now, you’re going to transfer this lack of feeling to the part of your body that you desire to feel numb and have the anaesthesia in. So when you are sure that you have created the correct level of numbness in your hand you’re going to raise your hand and place it upon the part of your body you want to feel numb.

When you do this, you’ll transfer this numbness to that part of your body. So then go ahead and raise your hand and touch the part of your body you want to become cool and numb. Maybe imagine the numbness as a colour that you are spreading into that area. maybe imagine that part of your body being filled with that colour and creating that numbness. Imagine all the sensations of numbness are being transferred into that part of your body. Release the numbness into that other part of your body.

Then spend some moments doing that properly and thoroughly now. As you do it, give yourself a time limit that this is going to last for. Naturally, you do not want that part of you to be numb forever. So make sure that you set yourselrf a time limit when your self induced anaesthesia will end.

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Step Six: Now that you have transferred the calming, soothing, numbing coolness, and you’re physically feeling better and better in that area. Really enjoy the sensations and marvel at your own amazing self. Imagine coolness permeates the area. Imagine you experience wonderful relief in that area. Breathe deeply and relax completely.

Maybe even repeat a little mantra of support to your self at this point: “Calm, cool, soothing, numbing sensations permeates the area. Better and better. Numbness. Relief. Use words that appeal to you the most.

Step Seven: When you have maintained the state and are sure that you feel really good. Say the word “anaesthesia” to yourself, so that each time you use this word in future occasions, when you have the right intention and conditions to do this again, saying the word will bring the resources of this session to make next time even better. Breathe deeply, embrace the sensations in your body and mind and repeat the word to yourself. Trust that each time you choose to use it in the future, it has a wonderful effect of enhancing and amplifying your control over your anaesthesia.

Step Eight: And it’s time to focus the incredible power of your imagination by imagining yourself doing this even better next time. Imagine that you feel more and more in control of your own mind each time you do this. Experience the joy in this realisation. Create every detail of this future occasion in your mind, including your reaction and the reactions of others. And in so doing you communicate your desire to the levels of mind that will assist you in manifesting this natural anaesthesia better and better each time you do it. Each time you use that word when practising your anaesthesia, tell yourself it works more and more profoundly and powerfully.

Imagine yourself really feeling good about this and what you can do with the power of your own mind.

Spend a few moments quietly doing this.

Step Nine: When you have fully absorbed all you can from this wonderful experience, open your eyes and remember all that has been communicated.

Step Ten: Pactice, practice, practice. This really is one of those things that gets better and better as you continue to practice it over and over.

You may want to practice doing this on your arm. Prior to doing it, pinch your arm until it hurts to gauge what your pain tolerance level is in that arm. Then when you have it anaesthetised, test how different the sensations are.

Pretty cool eh?


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