HomeHOWHow Long Does The Coronavirus Last On Nitrile Gloves

How Long Does The Coronavirus Last On Nitrile Gloves

Coronavirus: Time to take the gloves off!

Possibly more worrying than the coronavirus itself is the way that it is being spread by people with the best intentions, but probably the worst outcomes.

Within the last week I am seeing growing numbers of people wearing latex and nitrile gloves. For those of you who don’t know, these are the thin white and blue/green gloves that your doctor, or veterinarian wears. They are also worn in the food industry to a large extent.

What is extremely concerning is that we know, from research, specifically from the food industry, that incorrectly wearing these gloves generally spreads more bacteria and viruses than bare hands alone. Within the food industry there are strict guidelines as to how long a pair of gloves can be worn for, and at certain critical points they must be removed and disposed of. The food industry has learned that if this is not done, the products become further contaminated.

There are two very important points here:

Firstly, the gloves are not designed to be worn non-stop, all day, every day. Wearing these gloves is no substitute for keeping your hands clean.

Most people wearing these gloves think that they are giving themselves protection, but instead of having healthy, and regularly washed hands, they are carrying bacteria and virus on the gloves from one place to another, never washing them, and for the most part not disposing of the gloves for hours or days on end! This is going to add massively to the spread of the coronavirus, and other bacterial illnesses.

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Within the food industry there are strict guidelines as to how long a pair of gloves can be worn for, and at certain critical points they must be removed and disposed of. The food industry has learned that if this is not done, the products become further contaminated.

When I go into a shop, and the shop assistant is wearing these gloves, I really don’t want them to touch anything I am buying. I can guess that this person has not taken these gloves off, and has not washed their hands, and therefore these are highly highly contaminated hands that are now handling my goods!

The second point that is extremely important is that these gloves are not virus proof, and not bacteria proof. They are designed to be worn for short periods, and as I have said under specific circumstances and critical points they absolutely must be removed and disposed of.

Research has shown that wearing the gloves longer than they should be worn is resulting in buildup of bacteria and viruses between the glove and the skin, providing the perfect environment for bacteria and viruses to breed further. They can leak through the glove, onto anything that is touched. The natural protection of the hands is damaged by having this moist germ filled environment stuck on it, making it more likely that virus and bacteria will enter the body through the hands!

Washing hands is safer, more hygenic, and results in less contamination!

Imagine what gloves worn for a whole day would look like in respect to this image !!!

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Finding a cure for the coronavirus is only the tip of the iceberg. And a long way away. We need to concentrate on educating the public, giving correct and good quality advice, spreading it through social media far and wide, and having supermarkets and such shops taking far more responsibility than they are currently.

For example, it would be a far better policy if people were requested to remove their gloves before taking supermarket shopping trolleys, and being given some disinfectant hand gel in the meantime. Currently, what I am seeing at the supermarkets is people walking along with these gloves on, grabbing a trolley, and off they go…….. Believe me, I do not want to put my hands on the handle of that trolley! It will be massively more contaminated than a trolley that was used by someone who had washed their hands recently, and was not carrying hours and hours of contamination on gloves!

There are very basic and common sense things that can be done, like the example above. But this will only happen when people understand the risks of these gloves!

Here are some references where you can read some further information.

The Trouble With Gloves





Please, share and circulate across your contacts and your social media platforms as far and wide as possible. Let’s at least tackle the mis-nformation and misunderstandings, and help the public to protect themselves and each other.


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