HomeHOWHow Long Golf Gloves Last

How Long Golf Gloves Last

Unlike the pros, amateur golfers don’t get gifted golf gloves for free – so it makes sense then to try and prolong their life as much as possible.

We all want to squeeze as much longevity out of our golf gloves before having to fork out for a replacement.

The question is: how long do golf gloves really last?

Generally, golf gloves for amateurs can be reused between 10-15 times before they start deteriorating significantly. While the pros will replace their glove after every round, average players can usually extract much more use out of their glove before it becomes too worn.

We’ve all been guilty of hanging onto our old, worn golf gloves for too long – on a few occasions my fingers have actually poked through some holes in the fabric before I finally decided it was time to buy a new one.

It’s always a fine line between using your golf glove for ‘just one more round’ versus spending the money to replace it.

In this article, I’ll explain a bit more about golf gloves including how long you should use them for, and how you can prolong their life (if you want to read about golf glove fitting, head to this article).

How long should a golf glove last?

A golf glove should last anywhere between 10-15 rounds for amateur players. Your glove will begin to wear and tear if you use it any longer than this. However, professional players will usually only wear a glove once and swap it for a new one before every round.

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Obviously, this is a ball park estimate – players who ‘grip it and rip it’ with higher swing speeds will tend to chew through golf gloves faster than players will slower swing speeds, such as senior players.

However, generally, a golf glove will last the average player 2-3 months maximum if they play a couple times a week and hit up the driving range once a week (based on my own personal experience).

Do golf gloves wear out?

Yes, golf gloves wear out with use. The friction created between the glove and the grip of the golf club will begin to erode the fabric over time or cause it to tear. The more golf you play each week, the faster you will wear out your glove.

Naturally, if you play a lot of golf, you’re going to churn through a lot of golf gloves (however, you’ll be able to reduce the churn rate somewhat by buying leather gloves versus synthetic ones).

As with all material, manmade possessions, golf gloves will slowly begin to fall apart with time and usage.

Which brings us to the next question many amateur golfers want the answer to…

How can I make my golf glove last longer?

Ways to make your golf glove last longer include: getting a glove that fits correctly; washing it after each round and letting it dry in a flat location; avoid scrunching it up and putting it in your bag after a round; and use a glove that is made from leather rather than synthetic material.

Usually, amateurs will grab the cheapest golf glove they can find in their local pro shop, chuck it on their hand without even checking that it fits properly, and then throw it back into their bag after the round (filled with sweat and dirt).

While doing these things may seem like a great idea to save money at the time, they aren’t best practice if you’re looking to prolong the lifespan of your golf glove.

Below, I’ve elaborated on some things you can do to make your glove last longer.

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Get a glove that fits correctly

The better your glove fits, the less likely it is to slide around on your hand during your swing and cause friction between the glove and golf grip.

The more you can minimise this excessive friction, the slower your glove will wear out over time.

Golfer putting on golf glove
<em><strong>Getting a glove that fits properly will help it last longer<strong><em>

Wash your glove after each round

Most average golfers will spend four hours sweating into their golf glove, then scrunch it up and throw it back into their bag without a care in the world.

Unfortunately, when that sweat dries, it causes your glove to harden and solidify – making it less malleable and more susceptible to tears the next time you try to put it on.

Instead, washing the sweat out of your golf glove after each round and letting it dry in a flat location – without allowing it to crease – will keep it softer, more pliable and make it less likely to tear.

Avoid scrunching your glove up

If you don’t feel like washing your glove after every round – and, let’s be honest, not all of us can be bothered doing that – an easy thing you can do to prolong its life it to store it properly after your round.

Rather that burying it at the bottom of your bag, where it will crease and harden, you can simply attach it to the top of your bag via the glove’s Velcro strap.

This will allow it to dry quickly, without creases.

Use leather gloves where possible

While leather gloves are slightly more expensive than synthetic gloves, they will last longer due to the material being more durable.

If your budget allows, try using leather gloves and you’ll find you won’t have to replace them as regularly – a great option are the Srixon Cabretta leather gloves.

How often should I replace my golf glove?

Amateur players should replace their golf glove as soon as it loses its grip, or begins to wear enough that holes start to appear in the material. Professional players, however, typically replace their golf glove after every round.

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The reason for using a golf glove is to provide extra traction between you and your golf club, allowing you to grip it better and giving you more control over how you deliver the clubface onto the ball.

If you use a golf glove that is worn so significantly that it has lost all of its grip, then it defeats the purpose of wearing it in the first place.

If your golf glove has reached this level of erosion – or even worse, has holes in it – that is a clear sign it’s time to replace it.

Can I wash my golf glove?

Yes, you can wash your golf glove without damaging it. The best way to wash a golf glove is with gentle, running water while your hand remains inside the glove to help keep its shape. It’s important you wash it straight after use to avoid the material drying with sweat inside it.

Synthetic gloves can be washed in a washing machine, however leather gloves should always be washed by hand.

If your glove still smells after being washed, you can try applying a simple foot odour spray as that should remove the stench while it dries.

We’ve explained everything you need to know about washing gloves in another article here.

How do I keep my golf glove from getting crusty?

The best ways to keep your golf glove from getting crusty is to wash it after use; allow it to dry in a flat location; and avoid scrunching it up and placing it in your bag after your round.

Washing your glove after each round or range session is the single most effective way to stop it from becoming crusty, which occurs when sweat remains in the material and then dries.

Preventing your golf glove from getting crusty is one of the easiest things to do to prolong its life.

Final message

In summary, golf gloves will last anywhere between 10-15 rounds for amateur players – potentially longer if they are well looked after (e.g. washed after use and dried appropriately).

While it’s good to try and extract as much use as possible out of your golf gloves – and I’ve listed some ways you can do that in this article – it’s important not to be too stingy.

If your golf glove reaches a point where it no longer has any grip or starts getting holes in it, it’s time to replace it.


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