How To Change Gloves Cs Source

After days later csso 0.6’s coimng,i’d put all texture for gloves too and make them use-able for you can now chane your Gloves in the csso-0.6

And without any plugs,here is the step you need to do sothat you can change your gloves skin:

I’d left vmt.files with a nmuber path in side and put all gloves skin with a list,which will shown below:

(Both chinese and English name of gloves skin are gave so anyone can get it)

手部束带(Handwrap):12、钴蓝色骷髅 Cobalt Skulls 4、屠夫 Slaughter2、套印 Overprint 5、恶土 Badlands3、蟒蛇 Constrictor 6、防水布束带 Duct Tape7、警告 CAUTION! 8、沙漠头巾 Desert Shamagh9、丛林涂装 Arboreal 10、云杉DDPAT Spruce DDPAT11、长颈鹿 Giraffe 1、皮革原版 Learher

驾驶手套(Drive): 1、原版 original 2、月色纺织品 Lunar Weave3、深红纺织物 Crimson Weave 4、西装革履 Black Tie5、王蛇 King Snake 6、墨绿色格调 Racing Green7、美洲豹女王 Queen Jaguar 8、菱背蛇纹 Diamondback9、蓝紫格子 Imperial Plaid 10、绯红列赞 Rezan the Red11、丛林护卫 Convoy 12、超越 Overtake13、雪豹 Snow Leopard

运动手套(Sporty): 1、原版 original 2、 双栖 Amphibious3、超导体 Superconductor 4、树篱迷宫 Hedge Maze5、迈阿密风云 Vice 6、欧米伽 Omega7、猩红头巾 Scarlet Shamagh 8、大型猎物 Big Game9、青铜形态 Bronze Morph 10、潘多拉之盒 Pandora’s Box11、干旱 Arid 12、夜行衣 Nocts13、弹弓 Slingshot

专业手套(Specialist) 1、原版 Tiger Strike 2、深红和服 Crimson kimono3、渐变大理石 Marble Fade 4、一线特工 Field Agent5、陆军上尉 Lt. Commander 6、翠绿之网 Emerald Web7、深红之网 Crimson Web 8、元勋 Foundation9、大腕 Mogul 10、森林ddpat Forest DDPAT11、猎鹿 Buckshot

Refer to more articles:  How To Break In A Glove With Crisco

摩托手套(Motorcycle) 1、原版 original 2、薄荷 Mint3、烟幕投掷 Smoke Out 4、血压 Blood Pressure5、终点线 Finish Line 6、 嘭! POW!7、第三特种兵连 3rd Commando 8、清凉薄荷 Cool Mint9、日蚀 Eclipse 10、嘣! Boom!11、多边形 Polygon 12、 玳瑁 Turtle13、交运 Transport

血猎手套(Bloodhound) 1 、原版 Charred 2、蛇咬 Snakebite3、染铜 Bronzed 4、游击队 Guerrilla九头蛇手套(Hydra) 1、原版 Emerald 2、红树林 Mangrove3、响尾蛇 Rattler 4、表面淬火 Case Hardened

狂牙手套(Brokenfang) 1、原版 Yellow-banded 3、精神错乱 Unhinged2、翠绿 Jade 4、针尖 Needle Point

At same time i’d left you a same txt.file in the rar.pack so you can check what gloves you want at anytime.


For i’d write with chinese in the photo so i will only write English here:

you only need to change the number i left in the vmt to change the skin of gloves,

don’t change anything expect this or gloves texture will miss!

(rember you still have to cahnge your gloves in the modoption)

Preview(This lightwarp haven’t been fixed yet at that time):





yes you can use different gloves at same time for they are Independently controlled by left and right.vmt

Thanks PiMoNFeeD for he brought us csso,such a good mod.


Sometime skin might miss for there is a blank in your path(vmt),plz report if here is bug so i can fix them

Tatara Kogasa


Password is Tatara Kogasa,my new name lol(But you can still call me Rock)


Texture fix: missing gloves of Driver(12)has been added

Lightwarp fix:BloodhoundBrokenfangHydra

3/10 UPDATE:

Missing texture of Motorcycle has been fixed

Refer to more articles:  How To Make Ppe Gloves

Lightwarp fix: BloodhoundBrokenfangHydra

3/27 update:

FIX all texture and bumpmap to match CS:GO

Fix wrong texture

Fix wrong skin-name-match

Fix lightwarp to match CS:GO

enjoy,i’m now back to school



Update the texture to the CSSO1.1 and removed the password


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