HomeHOWHow To Double Glove

How To Double Glove

Double Gloving, Increase your peace of mind with twice the protection

“Recommending double-gloving to reduce any further risk of blood contamination before it is too late”.

What is double-gloving?

Double-gloving is a process of donning two pairs of gloves for the purpose of enhacing protection against blood or fluid contamination. The healthcare professional dons a dark coloured under-glove (for example iNtouch Spot) as the first layer and then followed by a lighter coloured over-glove (for example iNtouch Slide) as the second layer. If the over- glove is punctured or perforated during surgery, any liquid will collect in between the over and under glove, and because of the difference in glove colours, the breach will become obvious.

It is important to determine the size of the gloves to be used for double-gloving. We recommend sizing as follows for a good double-gloving experience with enhanced comfort and dexterity:

Under-gloves – Use one size larger than existing hand size Over-gloves – use existing hand size (so, if a surgical team member normally uses size 7.5, the under-glove used will be in size 8 and the over-glove in size 7.5)

Example of double-gloving using the open donning method.

1. Remove the iNtouch Spot wallet from the pouch, open up the wallet and prepare gloves for donning. 2. Holding the cuff opening, insert hand through the glove 3. Grip the cuff bead and pull the glove in an upward direction to cover the gown. Repeat steps 2 & 3 for the other hand 4. Next wear the iNtouch slide over the undergloves (iNtouch Spot) by gripping the cuff bead and pulling the glove in an upward direction to cover the underglove 5. Double-gloving is complete by repeating 4 & 5 for the other hand

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Why is it important to double-glove?

Risk 1:

Glove Perforation with Single-Gloving


According to a research conducted by Hagen GO in Norway, Perforations were found to occur in 203 out of 655 operations (31%). The perforation frequencies encountered by the five main categories of surgery are shown below.

Risk 2:

Exposure to sharp injuries during surgeries


Needle stick injuries are the most prevalent injury during surgical procedures. Total reported incident in the USA alone amounts up to 800,000 cases each year with 40-60% non-reported. This places surgical clinicians at risk to exposure to viruses and pathogens. A study in 2009, indicated that devices causing injuries to surgical personnel are as follows.

Most research findings noted surgeons only realise blood contamination on their hands at the completion of surgery. They are not aware during operation their hand protection had been breached. By double-gloving they enhance their level of protection. Double-gloving was reported to reduce the risk to patient blood exposure by as much as 87% if the over-glove is punctured.

Risk 3:

Perforations in single-gloves are not detected just as easily as with double-gloves


A research observed that perforations in single-gloves are often not detected during operations; thus increasing the risk of transmission of blood-borne infections, particularly because the time of exposure may be long.

Double coloured gloves make the intraoperative detection of perforations easier.

Double-gloving is known to significantly reduce the perforation risk. Therefore, the use of double coloured gloves is recommended in all categories of surgery.

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Is tactile sensitivity compromised by double-gloving?

In a study to evaluate double-gloving acceptability, 88% agreed that double-gloving were comfortable in the group and 88% agreed that tactile sensitivity remains satisfactory.

Another study conducted on the effect of double-gloving on tactile sensitivity and dexterity by evaluating surgeons on their performance to tie surgical knots. The results observed no changes in their ability to tie knots or in discrimination test.

When is it recommended to double glove:

Due to the high prevalence of perforation based on numerous published studies conducted, it is highly recommended to double-glove in all invasive procedures.


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