HomeHOWHow To Freeze A Ok Sign Glove

How To Freeze A Ok Sign Glove

Looking for a fun activity for your kids that will help to beat the heat? How about making frozen hands filled with mystery items!

Kids love to play with ice and to discover mystery items. Combining the two is a great way to spend time with your kids on the weekend or as an activity for a play date.

But instead of just making boring old ice cubes, you can make a frozen hand that will add to the fun and excitement. Seeing and playing with a frozen hand is both familiar and strange at the same time.

All you need is a latex glove which you can pick up at any grocery store. Add beads, buttons, chains and other sparkly and shiny items to the glove and fill with water. Freeze overnight and you are ready for fun with your frozen hand.

Just add a bit of salt to your frozen hand and as the ice melts have fun picking out the different mystery items. Collect all the items in a bowl and show off your treasure!

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In addition to helping develop fine motor skills, this activity is a good way for your junior scientist to practice observation and cause and effect along with experiencing different textures and temperatures. Experiencing melting ice is the best way to understand the process instead of just reading or talking about it!

Let’s get started with making frozen hands!

Make Frozen Hands Filled with Mystery Items

Start to finish time: 60 minutes

Prep time: 15 minutes / Total time: Overnight for best results

What you need: Frozen Hand

Step 1: Make your frozen hand

  • Put all your small items into the glove.
  • And the fingers too!
  • Add cold water to fill the glove about 3cm from the top.
  • Tie a knot in the top of the glove.

Lay the frozen hand flat on the plate and spread the fingers open so they are not touching. It’s important that the hand can lie flat in the plate so that when it freezes it stays flat.

Put into your freezer and freeze the hand overnight.

Step 2: Expose your frozen hand

The next day take the frozen hand out of the freezer. Put it onto a plate or bowl with edges to keep in the water when the ice melts. Let your child touch it and ask them how it feels?

Use scissors to cut the knot off the glove. (Run the knot part under the cold water tap for a few seconds if it’s frozen stuck.

Have fun peeling off the glove. Isn’t it interesting how kids love to “peel” things!

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Step 3: What can you see inside the frozen hand?

What can you see inside the frozen hand? Can you name all the items? Use your imagination when you describe them!

Can you pick out any of the sequins or beads yet? Probably not! So we need some salt to help melt the ice.

Pour some salt into a bowl and get ready to melt the ice hand!

Can you pick up the frozen hand? How does it feel? IT’S COLD!!

Step 4: Melt the frozen hand ice to expose the jewels

Sprinkle salt all over the hand. I found coarse salt works faster than fine salt.

Encourage your kids to have the patience to wait for the salt to melt the ice. If they can’t wait, let them rub their fingers on the hand to help it melt faster.

As a last resort, if they really can’t wait, pour a bit of water on the frozen hand.

As the ice melts, the items will be exposed and they can try and pry them loose. Collect them in a small bowl to keep safe to re-use!

To speed the process add more salt or a little warm water to the frozen hand! Be careful of sharp edges that form as the ice melts.

If you are looking for fun arts and craft ideas, check out the DIY activities on our blog. Or if you are interested in a convenient way for your kids to learn creative thinking at home with your kids in Hong Kong, sign up for ActivityBox!

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~ Miss Julie


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