HomeHOWHow To Get Facebreaker Gloves

How To Get Facebreaker Gloves

Updated for Patch 3.20

The Best Crafty Guides by Odealo

Guide notes August 28, 2021 -Build created January 26, 2023 -Build updated for Patch 3.20 Build overview Tags: [MELEE] [PHYSICAL] [IMPALE] [LIFE]



Boss DPS:


Facebreaker is a very unique pair of gloves – you gain up to 800% more Physical Damage with Unarmed Melee Attacks. It’s really a lot, but with no weapon, you will have significantly reduced flat damage – the actual numbers that you want to have more of. There are a lot of ways to obtain Flat Physical Damage, mostly from your gear. It’s a Pure Physical Build, as most Champion builds are – Champion specializes in increasing the effectiveness of Impale, Fortify, Banners, and many other utility buffs. In this build, the most effective Ascendancy Keystones are Master of Metal – for added Flat Damage and Imaple buffs, Unstoppable Hero and Fortitude for permanent Fortify, Stun Immunity, 20% Attack Speed, Armour, and Evasion Rating. Inspirational grants an increased effect of Auras and bonuses to Banner Skills. Berserk is also a viable choice due to its powerful Keystones, but Champion is a well-balanced option with more Armour and Fortify.

Impale mechanics works great with pure Physical and quickly attacking builds such as this one. It’s a Critical Strike build that uses some clever ways to gain more base Critical Strike Chance – it may result in a complete 100% Critical Strike Chance with the right Items and Skills. The build is very tanky – your Maximum Life can reach 5k with a casual player’s budget, and the damage you take from hits is significantly lowered – you have a lot of Armour, medium Block Chance, and nearly 30 Fortify. The build isn’t expensive, but if have currency, there are a lot of ways to improve it, mostly by getting better gear, Cluster Jewels, and Facebreaker with a higher damage bonus.

You can also check our other Path of Exile builds right over here Odealo’s Crafty Guides – Full List

1. Gameplay

This build is a complete no-brainer. You spin around Maps killing everything on your path. You occasionally can cast Ancestor Totems or Blood Rage, but in most cases, that’s just needed against Bosses. You should also use Steelskin as your primary Guard Skill (Molten Shell can also be used if you have over 10k Armour Rating) linked with cast when damage taken. The Curse that’s used is an Assassin’s Mark. For Auras, we’ve used Determination, Pride, Precision, and Dread Banner. Overall, it’s really a self-explanatory build that you can’t go wrong with.

This video was recorded on a level 93 Champion on Standard. We had casual/budget build actually used, with literally no legacy/expensive gear. It ended up pretty for what is it – a beginner-friendly Resolute Technique build with good defenses and solid DPS. There is plenty of space for improvement, so if you are interested in investing more time into this character, please don’t treat our character from the video as your final goal 🙂

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2. Build’s PROS & CONS


  • easy to set up thanks to the use of Resolute Technique and high bonus Physical DPS from Champion’s Ascendancy and Impale
  • tanky with a reasonable Life pool
  • smooth gameplay
  • real no-brainer build which is great for beginners (assuming you can get all the necessary equipment)


  • high Attribute requirements call for specific mods on rare gear
  • no Leech and reflect Maps are off-limits

3. Leveling tips

A compelling leveling guide for this build can be found here: Duelist Leveling Guide using Melee/Impale. It’s a guide designed to speed up the leveling process for the Duelist class, which also includes this Impale-focused build.


You should kill all three Bandits for two additional Skill Points which is the only viable option for this build

Leveling Skill Trees:

22 Points Skill Tree Take this path to a Point Blank, Onslaught, Phasing, and Life. If you don’t use Splitting Steel, don’t take Point Blank.

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61 Points Skill Tree Allocate more Maximum Life, Resistances, Chance to Impale, Accuracy, Reservation Efficiency, and Damage corresponding to your specific weapon.

4. Final Skill Tree, Ascendancy Points, and Pantheon

Final Skill Tree:

92 Points Final Skill Tree (doesn’t include Cluster Jewels) 122 Points Path of Building (PoB) link

Ascendancy points:

Preferably in that order:

  1. Master of Metal
  2. Unstoppable Hero
  3. Fortitude
  4. Inspirational


Major God: Soul of Lunaris: 1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for each nearby Enemy, up to 8%; 1% increased Movement Speed for each nearby Enemy, up to 8%

Minor God: Soul of Garukhan: 60% reduced Effect of Shock on you

5. Final Gems links

[DPS] Cyclone setup Cyclone – Cyclone is a Channeling Attack that allows you to move while dealing Melee Physical Damage around you, it has a very high Attack Speed making it most suitable for this build. Brutality Support – Increases your Physical, but disables Elemental and Chaos Damage. Melee Physical Damage Support – At a small cost of your Attack Speed, it greatly increases Melee Physical Damage. Pulverise Support – More AoE, and Area Damage, slightly lowered Attack Speed. Infused Channeling Support – Greatly increases the damage you deal with Channeling Skills, and decreases damage from AoE, Hits, Channeling, Physical, and Melee Hits while Channeling. Impale Support – Improves your chance to impale and the effect of this debuff on enemies. Consider the Anomalous version for an extra 10% Chance to Impale. [UTILITY] Warcry and Blood Rage setup Blood Rage – Blood Rage grants you more Attack Speed, Life Leech, and generates Frenzy Charges as you kill enemies, it drains your Life as it’s active. Enhance Support – By upgrading the Quality of Blood Rage you’re able to get more Attack Speed, and more Damage from Assassin’s Mark. Assassin’s Mark – Increases Critical Strike Chance and Multiplier against the marked enemy. Mark on Hit Support – Linked Mark triggers automatically on Hit against Rare and Unique enemies. [UTILITY] Auras setup Pride – It’s the obligatory Aura for Physical Melee build for it makes enemies near you take more Physical Damage, and if the distance will remain close, the bonus increases even more. Dread Banner – It increases your Chance to Impale, and Impale effectiveness, which results in a high DPS increase for just 10% Mana Reserved. Determination – Adds and increases Armour, it’s particularly useful with the Abyussus Helmet. Precision – Adds Accuracy Rating and increases Critical Strike Chance. [UTILITY] Dash/Steelskin setup Flame Dash – The recommended mobility Skill, it’s an instant relocation Spell that you can use at any time. Keep it at level 1. [UTILITY] Dash/Steelskin setup Steelskin – use Steelskin as your Guard Spell to reduce incoming damage. You can also replace it with Molten Shell if you have over 10k Armour for a better effect, which you should. Cast when Damage Taken – Automatically triggers Guard Spell after taking damage. [UTILITY] Ancestral Totems setup Ancestral Protector – this Totem increases your Attack Speed if it stays active Ancestral Warchief – this Totem increases your Melee Damage if it stays active Multiple Totems Support – with This Support Gem you can have more Totems activated at once, so both Ancestral Warchief and Protector can stay up at the same time and grant their bonuses Maim Support – Enemies are Maimed, which makes them slower and more vulnerable to Physical Damage.

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6. Gear Setup

The build isn’t expensive, it can be even played as a Starter. The only Uniques that are really necessary are Facebreaker, and these are so Cheap that you can actually seek a specific Corruption on them – the most popular being an Extra Frenzy Charge or Attack Speed. Flat Physical Damage (numbers, not percentages) is by far the most influential stat – it can be found on almost any Rare gear slot so keep an eye on it, but Abyssus is especially abundant with it. 155 Dexterity is required for this build to work properly (Blood Rage and Dash), and 111 Intelligence (Infused Channeling). You will need to seek these Attributes on Jewels and Jewelry.

Our recommended items will:

  1. Cap your resistances at 75%
  2. Provide you with enough DPS and Life to start mapping

Stat priorities on items:

  1. Maximum Life
  2. Elemental Resistances
  3. Flat added Physical Damage
  4. Dexterity and Intelligence
  5. Attack Speed
  6. Chaos Resistance
  7. Reduced Mana Cost of Skills
  8. Armour
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(Helmet) Rare Helmet Look for an Elder Helmet that has a mod “Nearby Enemies take 9% increased Physical Damage”, a lot of Life, and Elemental Resistances. If you have a free Suffix, you can Craft some Attributes here. Min. requirements: +80 to Maximum Life +70% to Elemental Resistances Nearby Enemies take 9% increased Physical Damage Optional affixes: Increased Effect of Fortify on you Chaos Resistance Attributes (Helmet) Abyssus it’s a mad idea to equip an item that makes you take 40 to 50 percent increased Physical Damage, but if dying is not an issue then it is one of the best items on the list. It’s a lot of Flat Physical Damage that will increase your overall DPS by something like 20 or 40%. +(20-25) to all Attributes Adds 40 to 60 Physical Damage to Attacks +(100-125)% to Melee Critical Strike Multiplier (100-120)% increased Armour (40-50)% increased Physical Damage taken Helmet enchantments: Cyclone Attack Speed/Damage enchantment (Shield) Rare Shield A defensive and the most common option for a Shield is to have a rare one with a lot of Maximum Life and Elemental Resistances Min. requirements: +100 to Maximum Life +80% to Elemental Resistances Optional affixes: High Armour Rating Socketed Gems have 15% reduced Reservation Attributes Chaos Resistance (Shield) Great Old One’s Ward This Shield is more offensive-oriented, it gives you no Elemental Resistance but a lot of Flat Physical Damage, a Chance to block Spells, increased Attack Speed, and a decent amount of Maximum Life. 3% increased Movement Speed (8-12)% Chance to Block Spell Damage Adds (8-12) to (15-20) Physical Damage to Attacks (6-10)% increased Attack Speed +(50-70) to maximum Life (Body Armour) Rare Body Armour – A lot of Defensive and Utility Affixes can be found on a Body Armour, but the most important are the basics – Maximum Life and Elemental Resistances. Min. requirements: +100 to Maximum Life +60% to Elemental Resistances Attacks have +1% to Critical Strike Chance Optional affixes: Enemies you Kill have a #% chance to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Physical Damage increased Maximum Life You Can Apply Additional Curse Attributes (Body Armour) Carcass Jack – The Body Armour that provides you with a lot of Area Damage and Area of Effect – the two most important stats for Cyclone enthusiasts. The other Stats such as Maximum Life and Elemental Resistances are a nice addition that makes this item such a great choice. (120-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield +(50-70) to maximum Life +(9-12)% to all Elemental Resistances (40-50)% increased Area of Effect (40-50)% increased Area Damage Extra gore (Boots) Rare Boots – Boots should give you more Maximum Life, Elemental Resistances, and at least 25% increased Movement Speed – a very important stat that determines your Clear Speed. Min. requirements: +70 to Maximum Life in total +80% to Elemental Resistances +25% increased Movement Speed Optional affixes: Increased Armour You have Tailwind if you have dealt a Critical Strike Recently #% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill Attributes (Gloves) Facebreaker – These are very common Gloves that require you to wield no weapon for the huge damage bonus. The difference between the lowest and the Highest Roll on this Affix is around 20% of your Total DPS so it’s really important to roll high. Look for a pair with at least 750% more damage. +30% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier 10% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold (600-800)% more Physical Damage with Unarmed Attacks Extra gore Optional Corrupted Implicits: #% increased Attack Speed #% increased maximum Life +1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges (Belt) Ryslatha’s Coil – It adds Flat Damage, provides Maximum Life, and enhances the range of the Damage you can deal with Hits – more Maximum Damage and Less Minimum Damage. It’s a really good belt with no Rare one even coming close to the DPS bonus this one can achieve. (20-30)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies +(20-40) to Strength (30-40)% more Maximum Physical Attack Damage (40-30)% less Minimum Physical Attack Damage Adds 1 to (15-20) Physical Damage to Attacks +(80-100) to maximum Life Gain 50 Life when you Stun an Enemy (Amulet) Rare Amulet – A Base that adds some important Attributes is the most preferable, look for Added Flat Physical Damage to Attacks Mod, Maximum Life, and Elemental Resistances. If it’s Warlord-influenced you can seek reduced Reservation of Pride or Determination. Min. requirements: +70 to Maximum Life in total +40% to Elemental Resistances Adds 12 to 22 Physical Damage to Attacks Optional affixes: Pride/Determination has increased Mana Reservation Efficiency Attributes Critical Strike modifiers (Amulet) Rigwald’s Curse – We heavily recommend this Amulet for the extra 7% base Critical Strike Chance – that’s the amount a very good weapon would have. It also makes scouting for Claw modifiers on Jewels or Anointment profitable. +(24-36)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier +7% to Unarmed Melee Attack Critical Strike Chance Modifiers to Claw Damage also apply to Unarmed Attack Damage with Melee Skills Modifiers to Claw Attack Speed also apply to Unarmed Attack Speed with Melee Skills Modifiers to Claw Critical Strike Chance also apply to Unarmed Critical Strike Chance with Melee Skills Corrupted Recommended Anointments: Panopticon Charisma Claws of the Hawk (with Rigwald’s Curse) Soul of Steel (Ring) Rare Steel Rings – Steel Rings should be the ones to look for, they add more Damage to Attacks, additionally, look for a Prefix that adds even more of it. The secondary statistic is of course Maximum Life. Min. requirements: Adds 9 to 15 Physical Damage to Attacks Attributes +60 to Maximum Life Optional affixes: Elemental Resistances Chaos Resistance increased Attack Speed Channelling Skills have -3 to Total Mana Cost (Jewel) Rare Jewels – You should strive for a Jewel that adds at least 7% to your Maximum Life and has one of the other mentioned stats that you’re currently in need of. Abyss Jewels may be preferable due to the flat added Physical Damage you can get there. Min. requirements: increased Maximum Life increased Attack Speed Elemental Resistances increased Global Physical Damage with Claws or while holding a Shield Dexterity Intelligence (Jewel) Forbidden Flame & Forbidden Flesh – First to Strike, Last to Fall, Conqueror, Brutal Fervour, and Endless Hunger are all good, but the best Keystone is Bane of Legends. Allocates <Random Ascendancy Notable> if you have the matching modifiers on Forbidden Flesh Allocates <Random Ascendancy Notable> if you have the matching modifiers on Forbidden Flame (Jewel) Lethal Pride – Lethal Pride can get you a lot of Strenght and other bonuses, especially when socketed near Savagery. Commanded leadership over (10000-18000) warriors under (Akoya-Kaom-Rakiata) Passives in radius are Conquered by the Karui Historic (Jewel) Watcher’s Eye – The crown jewel of your build that should have a mod increasing the number of Impales you can inflict upon enemies, it can get expensive but it’s worth the price. (4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield (4-6)% increased maximum Life (4-6)% increased maximum Mana <Two or Three random aura modifiers> Recommended Aura modifiers: Impales you inflict last 2 additional Hits while using Pride (40-60)% increased Attack Physical Damage while using Pride (Jewel) Large Cluster Jewels – We’ve used two Large Cluster Jewels, Attack Damage, or Attack Damage while holding a Shield bases have some good nodes in them. Recommended Notables: 1 Added Passive Skill is Feed the Fury 1 Added Passive Skill is Fuel the Fight 1 Added Passive Skill is Martial Prowess 1 Added Passive Skill is Strike Leader 1 Added Passive Skill is Furious Assault 1 Added Passive Skill is Iron Breaker 1 Added Passive Skill is Master the Fundamentals (Jewel) Medium Cluster Jewels – Critical Strike Cluster are excellent, we heavily recommend Quick Gateway for an increased Movement Speed. Recommended Notables: 1 Added Passive Skill is Basics of Pain 1 Added Passive Skill is Pressure Points 1 Added Passive Skill is Quick Gateway (Flask) Lion’s Roar – The most commonly used Flask for build such as this one, it gives you a lot of Armour and Damage. +1500 to Armour Adds Knockback to Melee Attacks during Flask effect Knocks Back Enemies in an Area when you use a Flask 75% chance to cause Enemies to Flee on use (7-10)% more Melee Physical Damage during effect (Flask) Bottled Faith – Grants a much higher chance to land a Critical Strike, increased Damage, and Consecrated Ground. 40% increased Damage Creates Consecrated Ground on Use (30-15)% reduced Duration Consecrated Ground created by this Flask has Tripled Radius Consecrated Ground created during Effect applies (7-10)% increased Damage taken to Enemies (100-150)% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies on Consecrated Ground during Effect

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Other suggested Flasks:

  1. Alchemist’s Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline for increased Mobility
  2. Diamond Flask with a suffix for an increased Critical Strike Chance, or Armour
  3. Eternal Life Flask with a Suffix for Bleed or Freeze removal

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If you have any other build requests please leave that in the comments below. We are always open to suggestions and constructive feedback.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Grinding Gear Games.


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