HomeHOWHow To Get Your Kickboxing Gloves Odorfree

How To Get Your Kickboxing Gloves Odorfree

Have there been times when you were working out and it seemed like you couldn’t help but get a whiff of something so awful and filthy that it made you feel bad? Have you ever been so angry that you marched around the room looking for the person responsible for criminal conduct, only to find out that the real offenders were placed immediately over your own forearms? If you do not practice good hygiene and take care of your boxing gloves, they may end up stinking considerably worse than a rotten egg sandwich that has been left out on the floor of a paper mill on a sunny summer day. This is one of the unfortunate but unavoidable realities of the sport of boxing.

Boxing gloves can have a longer lifespan if they are kept clean, which will also make you a much more desirable sparring partner. Keeping your gloves clean is a win-win situation. Even so, nobody prefers to get smacked in the face with padding that is soaked in sweat and smells like a dirty dog, especially when they are trying to protect themselves. Boxing gloves can get stinky after vigorous boxing rounds and strenuous exercises, but with the appropriate cleaning approach, you can maintain your gear odor free and fresh for the duration of your boxing career. In the boxing ring, the boxing gloves you wear are the single most critical piece of equipment you bring with you. Keeping them fresh will allow them to last for a longer period of time.

Boxing gloves are like rock-solid armor when you’re in the ring, but the notion of having to clean them makes your stomach turn. To put it another way, attempting to clean boxing gloves presents a challenge to the standard of routine cleaning. Therefore, cleaning them is an entirely new kettle of fish altogether. For the benefit of those who are unaware, simply cleaning your boxing gloves by hand or in the washing machine will not be sufficient to ensure that they are fully clean.

As with the majority of other equipment used in martial arts, boxing gloves require regular maintenance and cleaning. If you are serious about maintaining your investment in your equipment and want to maintain your gloves smelling like new for a looooong period, then you need to clean them the right way. If you do not clean them the right way, they will not last as long. Washing the gloves in a machine would be helpful, but the reality is that this usually results in the gloves becoming damaged. Therefore, you cannot afford to wash your boxing gloves in a machine if you want to protect the investment that you have made in them.

Why Do Your Boxing Gloves Stink?

The odor that is given off by gloves that have become stale is the smell of germs thriving. You read that correctly; the breeding of bacteria was the cause. Your gloves are going to be a breeding place for germs whether you want them or not because you are going to be sweating a lot throughout each training session, and moisture is a key factor in the proliferation of bacteria. To make a bad situation even worse, many individuals have the habit of putting their gloves in a bag as soon as they take them off after using them. Because bags provide an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria, this practice makes your gloves smell even worse.

Gloves that have been used during a workout and then left unattended have the potential to get contaminated with bacteria and emit an offensive odor. You are in luck because there are preventative actions you can take to protect your glove from becoming contaminated with hazardous bacteria or other odors that are unpleasant.

This is due to the fact that bacteria and other potentially hazardous pathogens flourish in warm, dark surroundings. You can prevent odors from developing in your boxing gloves if you keep them clean and dry at all times.

Why Should You Clean Your Boxing Gloves?

The durability, without a doubt! Boxing gloves are an investment that has to be treated as seriously as one would a brand-new automobile. Every boxer has their own style when it comes to how they wear their gloves. Every student handles their boxing gloves in a distinct manner, and this holds true regardless of the type of martial art they practice (boxing, kickboxing, Thai fighting, etc.).

Boxing gloves are pieces of boxing equipment that, due to the perspiration and moisture that accumulates on them, have the propensity to grow foul-smelling and serve as a breeding ground for bacteria. Regardless of the quality of the construction, the length of time that your gear serves you depends entirely on how well you maintain it before, during, and after your workouts. If you are respectful to your boxing gloves and take good care of them, they will reward you in the long term. Infections, injuries, and the expense of buying new boxing gloves every two months can all be avoided by regularly cleaning your gloves.

Preventive care

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Take precautions to keep bacteria and germs from spreading on your gloves. After all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The procedures that you can use are outlined here.

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Let them dry completely.

Because bacteria can only exist in moist environments, one of the most important things you can do to keep your gloves clean is to ensure that they dry out completely after each usage. In addition to this, making sure the gloves are totally dry will prevent the growth of germs. It’s possible that your gloves will develop a foul odor if you do not really dry them after each use.

  • You should hang your gloves in an area that has plenty of ventilation, preferably in front of a fan.
  • You might also hang them up in the open air to dry.

Wipe your gloves after every use

After each usage, it is a good idea to give your gloves a quick wipe down with a fresh towel, both on the inside and the outside, in order to prevent them from developing a foul odor. If you do this, the quantity of moisture that is trapped inside your gloves will be significantly reduced, which will prevent the growth of bacteria.

Do not put your gloves in your bag.

After putting on the gloves, a good number of people promptly place them back in the bag. Sadly, the reproduction and growth of these bacteria are extremely common. You shouldn’t just throw your gloves into the bag like that.

  • After you’ve finished using them, put your boxing gloves back in the plastic bag.
  • Bring them inside and set them aside to air dry.
  • After they have been dried, place them in the bag.

Use hand wraps

Hand wraps are among the most effective strategies for soaking up perspiration that accumulates in your gloves and preventing them from becoming wet. The padding on the inside of your boxing gloves produces moisture, which will be absorbed by the hand wraps like a sponge would absorb liquid. This procedure is effective; however, you need to remember to wash your hand wraps on a regular basis. If you don’t, they’ll start to smell, which will transfer to your gloves and make them unpleasant to wear.

Wash your hands

We know you don’t need us to tell you to wash your hands, but since it’s such an essential preventative action, we thought we’d include it on the list just in case! Always clean your hands and make sure they are completely dry before putting on your boxing gloves if you want to avoid the gloves smelling like trash from the day before.

Hands are notorious for harboring an abundance of bacteria and germs. If you do not wash them, all of these bacteria will go straight into your gloves, and the moisture that is produced when you sweat will cause that bacteria to multiply. Always remember to wash your hands before putting on your boxing gloves. You owe it to yourself to do yourself this favor.

Methods To Clean Your Boxing Gloves

Your boxing gloves might still become smelly and unclean even if you take the most precautionary precautions possible to avoid this from happening. Therefore, you will need to give them a thorough cleaning on a regular basis in order to eliminate any odors and preserve their freshness. The following is a list of cleaning methods that can be used to remove odors from your gloves:

Use Anti-Bacterial Spray To Kill Germs

Using the anti-bacterial spray on your boxing gloves will prevent the accumulation of germs and bacteria within the gloves themselves. In the event that your gloves have been excessively soiled and have taken on a pungent odor, you will need to give them a spray in order to eliminate the accumulation of bacteria that has taken place. After you have finished spraying, you should put your gloves somewhere that get some sunlight and has some ventilation. They will come into the next practice or game feeling revitalized as a result of this. Using this procedure, you should be able to wash your boxing gloves on a regular basis.

Try the saltwater soak approach.

If you want to get rid of the smell on your gloves for good, try soaking them in a saline solution overnight. This will kill any bacteria that could be present and get rid of the smell. The bacteria will be broken down and dissolved by this solution, and you will be left with gloves that have a clean scent. Be sure to do your homework before attempting to use this method, as it may be hazardous for gloves created of specific materials that do not react when exposed to saltwater. If you plan on utilizing this method, you should conduct some research first.

  • Put some saline water in a huge container that is otherwise empty.
  • Put on your gloves and submerge them in the solution.
  • You should put them aside for the night and then dry them in a well-ventilated area the following morning.

The Stuffing Method

You can also clean your gloves by stuffing them with “glove dogs,” which are small stuffed animals. These are little cotton bags that are stuffed with cedar chips, and they are used to remove bacteria from gloves and restore their freshness. The gloves are thus left smelling clean and fresh after this process. Stuffing your gloves with glove dogs causes them to become dry and absorbs any excess moisture that may be present in the gloves. This is among the most powerful cleaning procedures, and it also inhibits the buildup of germs that gives off an unpleasant odor. Additionally, the longevity of your gloves will be extended as a result.

Freeze your gloves overnight.

It might sound strange, but putting your gloves in the freezer for the night is actually a very effective approach to eliminating bacteria. Your boxing gloves should be stored in a plastic bag before being placed in the freezer for the night. When you wake up in the morning, take your gloves out of the freezer and put them somewhere dry and ventilated to store them. If your gloves have a very strong odor, you may want to put them in the freezer for 2 nights rather than just one before bringing them out to let them air dry.

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Use apple cider vinegar.

Vinegar made from apple cider can be used to clean a wide variety of items, including bags and shoes. It is an extremely efficient method for washing boxing gloves and getting rid of odor at the same time. Cleaning your boxing gloves with this method is not only very simple but also quite effective.

  • Your hand should now contain approximately 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar.
  • Thoroughly rub it on the inside of the gloves.
  • Give your gloves a chance to dry out completely overnight.
  • When you wake up in the morning, there won’t be any odor coming from your gloves.
  • You might try applying vinegar more than once if the first time is unsuccessful.

Try baking soda

Baking soda is one of the simplest tricks in the book, and it is well-known all over the world for its ability to eliminate odors. Therefore, sprinkling some of this potent substance into your clean gloves should be able to help mitigate some of the offensive odor.

  • Put a little bit of baking soda in each glove by using a pinch to measure it out.
  • Wait at least a few hours before using the powder.
  • Baking soda can be extracted from the gloves by holding them with the open side facing down and vigorously shaking them.

How Often Should You Clean Boxing Gloves?

Following each practice, you should thoroughly clean your boxing gloves. Try giving them a brief wipe down, and then allow them to air dry so that any moisture may be removed and so that they will last longer. It is not a good idea to put your gloves, which are likely to get sweaty, in your workout bag. Instead, after the workout, let them go outside and breathe some fresh air.

It is recommended that you wipe your boxing gloves down with a clean towel before placing them in your gym bag. This will be effective in absorbing any extra moisture. If you notice that the inside of your gloves is drenched with sweat, you should put a dry towel or cloth inside the glove for a couple of minutes so that the towel may absorb any moisture that has accumulated inside the glove. After the workout, you may also put them somewhere in front of a fan to allow them to dry out.

One more technique for removing excess moisture is to use baby powder in the form of a little dusting. After you have cleaned the gloves with a dry cloth and removed any excess moisture, put them away in a dry and cold location. To ensure that they last as long as possible and to minimize any boxing glove odor, please store them in an area that has consistently low temperatures and adequate airflow.

Things Not To Do When Cleaning Your Gloves Include:

When you go to the gym on a daily basis to train in boxing or mixed martial arts (MMA), your gloves will get sweaty, and there is a chance that bacteria will start to grow in them, causing them to smell. You want your blows, not your smell, to be the thing that puts your opponent out of commission.

Maintaining your boxing gloves with preventative care and cleaning them on a regular basis can keep them smelling great. On the other hand, some boxers, fighters, and trainers resort to severe cleaning methods that can be harmful. The following are some things that you must avoid doing to your gloves:

  • Machine wash: The washing machine is not the place to clean your gloves, despite the fact that you might be tempted to do so in order to save time and make certain that they are spotless after use; however, doing so will result in the gloves being ruined.
  • Dryer: Always remember to remove your gloves before placing them in the dryer, because much like a washer, a dryer can rip your gloves to shreds.
  • Sun: If you leave your gloves out in the sun for an extended period of time to dry, the fabric will eventually deteriorate, and you will end up with splits in your gloves.
  • Freeze your gloves: Do not leave your gloves in the freezer overnight since, despite the fact that this could eliminate the unpleasant odor, it will actually cause the bacteria to go into a latent state rather than eradicate it.
  • Don’t use strong chemicals: There is a widespread misconception that using powerful chemicals to clean your gloves will make the process go more swiftly. However, please avoid powerful chemicals since they will eventually ruin your gloves if you expose them to them for an extended period of time.

How Do You Clean And Sanitise Smelly Gloves?

Old boxing gloves have a particularly repulsive odor that no one enjoys. Unfortunately, once boxing gloves or other combat gear begins to develop an odor, it can be challenging to get rid of it. This is because the unpleasant odor is a direct result of not properly drying and cleaning your boxing gloves in the first place.

In this particular scenario, prevention is undeniably more vital than treatment. When you train, you should always use boxing hand wraps, fast wraps, or cotton inners to prevent unpleasant odors from developing in the first place. This is the best way to avoid unpleasant odors. Please picture this situation as though you were wearing socks inside of your shoes. Without them, we are all aware of how foul the odor may get at the end of a long day of labor…

The same thinking should be used the boxing gloves. Putting a moisture barrier over your hands and your boxing gloves can be accomplished by using boxing wraps. Therefore, you should never forget to put them on!

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A modest spray of natural cleaner or deodorizer after each workout can help eradicate bacteria and some unpleasant odors, making it possible to clean gloves that have a present odor problem.

It is in your best interest to steer clear of any items that include harsh or dangerous chemicals, as these substances have the potential to ruin your boxing gloves and other pieces of training equipment.

Other Important Care Tips To Remember To Keep Your Gloves Clean:

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  • Hand wraps: When you box, using hand wraps will ensure that the majority of your sweat is absorbed rather than building up inside your gloves. This will help you box more effectively. After you have finished using your hand wraps, be sure to wash them. If you don’t wash them, they will begin to smell.
  • Wash hands/hand sanitizer: While putting on your boxing gloves, make sure to eliminate any bacteria on your hands by giving them thorough washing or using a hand sanitizer. This will reduce the likelihood that any bacteria will be passed from your hands to your gloves.
  • Don’t put your gloves in your bag: After each and every workout, you should avoid putting your boxing gloves in your gym bag, since doing so will simply encourage the growth of bacteria inside the bag due to the dark and confined location. Instead, place them in a plastic bag once they have been used.
  • Don’t air gloves out in the sun: Do not leave your gloves exposed to the sun for longer than thirty minutes at a time. Continued exposure might cause the material to become brittle and break, which will render the gloves useless (especially if your gloves are made from leather).
  • Be mindful of boxing glove material: It is impossible to find a cleaning solution that is effective for each and every pair of boxing gloves. The material and construction of the gloves will determine the kind of anti-bacterial spray or wipes that are appropriate for use with them. If you want your gloves to last as long as possible, it is in your best interest to clean them according to the recommendations provided by the product maker.
  • Alternate gloves: You should always keep a spare pair of gloves on hand so that you may rotate the use of your gloves and give them sufficient time to thoroughly air out after each use and washing.

Boxing Glove Health Check

Keep in mind that every few months, you should perform a brief maintenance check on the equipment you have. If you do this, you will be more proactive about taking proper care of your boxing gloves, which will help reduce the likelihood of getting injured the next time you go to the gym.

How are your gloves/gear holding up?

Are any of the aspects of their performance declining in particular? Is there enough padding in this? Are there any spots where the casing or stitching has come undone or been torn?

You wouldn’t go for a car with a flat tire, and similarly, it’s advisable to avoid punching the bag while wearing gloves that have become worn out.

Do your boxing gloves/gear cause discomfort or pain while training?

Wearing protective gear helps reduce the likelihood of discomfort and damage occurring in contact sports, even though these outcomes are not always avoidable. This is due to the fact that each of your hands contains numerous little tendons, ligaments, muscles, and bones that were specifically engineered to withstand consistent trauma.

If you use boxing gloves, you should be able to minimize your risk of injury because they provide appropriate cushioning and assistance in the right spots.

During the entirety of your workout, you should be able to wear your training clothing without experiencing any discomfort.

If you experience pain in your hand, forearms, wrists, or knuckles on a consistent basis, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome.

It is in your best interest to discuss this matter with your trainer, or even better, with a member of our staff who can guide you in the direction of the boxing gloves that will best meet your requirements.

Does your training gear smell?

If your boxing gloves are so smelly that they would make a skunk queasy, it’s probably time to retire them.

There is no criticism more humiliating than hearing it from a member of your own squad that you stink.

How Do You Clean Smelly Boxing Gloves?

Apple cider vinegar should be poured into your hand or onto a clean towel at the rate of roughly one tablespoon. Make sure to rub it all over the inside of your gloves. After that, put your boxing gloves in a place with plenty of ventilation and left them there overnight to dry. In the morning, you should notice that your gloves do not smell unpleasant anymore; nevertheless, you should repeat the procedure if you still detect an odor.

Can You Put Boxing Gloves In The Washing Machine?

Wiping down your gloves is the most effective way to clean them completely. However, putting your gloves through the washing machine poses a risk of damaging them. It is not suggested to wash boxing gloves in a machine since bathing them in water and cleaning agents accelerates the wear and damage of the casings and foams contained within your gloves, hence shortening the lifespan of your gloves.

Can You Use Lysol Wipes On Boxing Gloves?

Before and after sparring, giving oneself a light misting with Lysol, Febreze, or similar high-strength anti-bacterial spray is all that is required to keep the majority of bacteria away. This procedure does not have a chance of success of one hundred percent, but it does reduce the overall number of times that you will need to clean your gloves.

How Do You Wash Hand Wraps For Boxing?

After each and every lesson, place your wraps inside a garment bag and wash them together with the rest of your usual clothes. Then, once the wash cycle is complete, place your wraps together with the garment bag they were washed in directly into the dryer. A garment bag allows you to launder numerous wraps at the same time.

How Long Do Boxing Gloves Last?

Boxing gloves typically have a lifespan of between one and two years, according to estimates. On the other hand, if you engage in strenuous training on a regular basis, your gloves may become worn out in less than a year. Therefore, if you have been wearing the same pair of gloves for a number of years, you should seriously consider getting a new pair rather than continuing to use the old ones.


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