HomeHOWHow To Hide Fingerprints Without Gloves

How To Hide Fingerprints Without Gloves

Fingerprints are produced by the continuous release of grease and sweat on the fingertips. This, coupled with the dead layer of the epithelium, remains on almost any surface. Moreover, the more a person is distant from a state of calm, the more intensively the sebaceous and sweat glands work, and accordingly the prints appear clearer. I don’t remember how much thickness of the layer, but it is negligible, a few NM.

The procedure for taking prints is outrageously simple.

Magnetic powder is applied to the object with the imprint with a brush (previously soot was used), which adheres to the perspiration marks, showing them to the naked eye. Special cameras and UV lamps are also used in forensic science, showing again the traces of sweat.

After entering a digital fingerprint into the program, it, using a special algorithm, composes the formula for your fingerprint in text form. Then this formula is checked against the database in a matter of seconds and produces matches.

Who should be afraid of this topic in the first place?

Those in relation to whom the fingerprinting procedure was carried out. These are, first of all, former criminals, employees of law enforcement agencies, military personnel, even those who have been transferred to the reserve. And if they did not take your prints, then it makes life easier for you, but. If the evidence points to you, then by all means your prints will be taken from you and they will be very surprised that the same ones were found at the object of the crime.

Consider the most acceptable options (we do not consider social disguise with gloves, this is a matter of your imagination. Examples are a nurse, an orderly (with disposable latex, if not on hands, but in a bag; cyclist, janitor, installer, etc.)).

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So let’s get down to a mini-review.

1. Glue BF-6

This is not BF-2, which firmly glues plastics and metals to itself, this is a special medical glue for healing wounds, burns, etc. Bought at the pharmacy. Forms a protective film on the hands, hardening within a few minutes. Holds up well.

2. Fingertip

Bought at the pharmacy, not bad, but can get scorched by people.

3. Colorless nail polish

It holds up perfectly, hardly burns and is washed off at home with nail polish remover. It is better to take liquid for nail polish remover with acetone, so it’s faster. And depending on the type of varnish, they are elastic and brittle. We don’t need the fragile ones.

4. Liquid gloves

A special composition that forms a film on the hands and clogs the pores from which grease / sweat is released. Holds on hands until the first contact with water. Quite a good and convenient method, but not every specific product is suitable for this purpose. The price varies greatly, ranging from 100 rubles and ending with a couple of thousand.

5. Scotch strips

Shiny, specific pale and zero sensitivity

6. cling film

Better than scotch tape in terms of sensitivity, and it keeps well on the finger.

7. Adhesive plaster

Before wrapping the pad, rub the cuticle (the skin is next to the nail) with sand until reddening and peeling, fill it with iodine / brilliant green and on top you can smear it with a black felt-tip pen and rub it. And now you have a legend about a dermatological disease of the fingers with the terrible name Tropical Hemangioma of Mavsisyan. If on a subject – look in Google for a photo on request: dermatological diseases of the fingers, choose a similar one and remember the name of the disease. But this is superfluous, rather for the paranoid (or prudent)

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8. Silicone transparent sealant

An excellent tool with one drawback – it can harden for a long time, but! There is a very interesting life hack. You smear your fingers with oil (preferably technical), so that later you can easily remove the layer of silicone. Cover your fingers with silicone (if the thickness of the layer is large, it will be uncomfortable for you to work in them, because there is no sensitivity of the fingers, if it is small, then when you take off your silicone fingertip, there is a risk that it will break, choose the golden mean) … Spread evenly over your fingers and wait, wait, wait until it completely solidifies. Taking off .. And now you have your own second skin ready. By the way, there is a trick: until you put silicone on your fingers, put a cut off thin strip of skin (or something else, according to your imagination) on the nail, so that the edge of the strip protrudes beyond the finger so that you can quickly grab it. After applying the sealant, adjust its position in the silicone so that it is approximately in the middle of the layer. Why do all this? so that the “skin” is removed as quickly and conveniently as possible

9. Swab with alcohol

A bottle of alcohol and cotton swabs. Rub your fingers, as a result of which sweat, fat and epithelium are dissolved / washed away. For safe work, you need to remember that this works for 2-3 minutes after rubbing, then the glands begin their insidious business again.

10. Alcohol-based hand gel

The specifics are the same as in clause 9, but after spreading, it is worth wiping your hands on your pants / shirt in order to erase the mass dissolved in alcohol. Caution, not every gel contains a sufficiently high concentration of alcohol. You can determine it empirically by applying a drop from your finger to the upper part of the tip of the tongue. Well, or just by looking at the label)

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Of the minuses – in addition to alcohol, excipients such as glycerin, etc., remain on the surface, which can also be found on your hands, or in a bottle with gel

11. Alcohol wipes

Not the ones sold in stores, they are for girls pampered by a tanning bed, and not for harsh miners, laboratory technicians and clients. We need those that are sold in pharmacies, 1 per pack.

12. Household chemicals

There are many examples: all kinds of solvents, gasoline, acetone, etc. One huge drawback is that there are traces / smell on the hands. And the principle of operation, see clause 9

13. Gloves

Everything is clear here, but the best gloves are disposable latex examination gloves. Sold in pharmacies.

Attention: some of the print may remain on the glove, and then on objects, if you touch it from the outside. But I would not worry about this, the quality of the print will be terrible. It is also possible, with the help of an examination, to determine whether a criminal act was committed in these gloves. In this case, talcum powder and small particles remaining on the object, on the hands and on the glove are burning us. With woolen – the same. scorches pile and particles.

Yes, if a deliberate attempt to hide fingerprints is established, then this will definitely not give you any advantages.

A great way to test the functionality of these methods.

Control test before arrival. Take a mirror, put your finger on it strongly, carefully remove it and see the result. If it is not immediately visible, it does not mean that there is no print left! Light a smoking candle (cheap church ones are good) and hold it over the glass for a few minutes, collect the soot on a medium or thick paint brush and swipe it over the mirror with the intended imprint.


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