HomeHOWHow To Make Gloves Sticky Again

How To Make Gloves Sticky Again

Do you want the edge that you need in football? You have to have that sticky finger. Once you know how to make your receiver gloves stay sticky or stick once again, you will have that edge. It has a lot to do with talent, but it also helps to have sticky gloves when you see the NFL all-stars making crazy one-handed catches.

The dirt and other debris that gets on your gloves during the action will cause them to lose that sticky edge that everyone wants. Washing your receiver gloves to get them tacky again will help, but you don’t want to throw them into the washing machine as this could wreck them. So we came up with this list of 5 ways to get them sticking again.

Lick or Spit

Yes, it is as gross as it sounds, but it works. When your gloves dried out, try adding some moister to them and then rubbing them on your pants or jersey works. If you aren’t into spitting or licking your bacteria-covered gloves, you can always spray a little water on them and wipe them off to get them back to good as new.

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Wipey Wipey

The baby wipes aren’t just for your little brother or sister anymore. If you don’t have baby wipes, you can use Clorox wipes. Use whichever and rub them between your hands (remember to get the fingers). After rubbing your hands together, you will feel them get sticky again.

Mr. Golden Sun

If you are a quarterback, wide receiver, running back, or lineman, this trick should work for you. It would not even occur to some people to leave their gloves out in the sun. The sun will cause them to warm up and get sticky again.

Seeing Double

This way is the expensive way. Buy two pairs of gloves. Only use one pair for games and the other for practice. This sound like a good option unless you are like me and are superstitious. Just skip this idea and go with some of the others.

SHHH its a secret!

This method gets into one of the grey areas. Most amateur football does not allow this. This option is something like pine tar or stick em. We are not saying to go this route as well as being illegal. It can cause damage to your gloves. If the officials see anything on the game ball you will be busted.

Try all these ways here and see what works best for you, whether you are spitting, wiping, or just letting them bake in the sun. You are sure to have sticky gloves come game day. But if you cant get that stick back, check out our gloves at Valhalla Sporting Goods!

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