How To Make Paper Mache Gloves

Hi everyone, I work with everything from A- to -Xylene in my studio and my hands are just awful!! Most of the time Im so “in my Zone” creatively that I don’t take notice until there is substantial pain standing in the way of progress. Anyway, at that point what I do is first wash my hands (don’t laugh, it’s not easy when they hurt) gently, but with something that will exfoliate the hard dry layer that needs to get out of the way so the new healthy epidermis can breath. I use a soft nail brush. Sounds silly but, dry ’em really well… then moisturize. Hand lotion like Vaseline Hand and Nail works fine, then I make myself take a break! I remind myself that paper pulp, clay, paste, et al. are full of water (thus wrinkly fingers) and the constant contact with my beloved medium can be like soaking in mucky water all day. Latex gloves always seem too large to me and I cant feel what I’m doing when they’re sliding around. My favorite gloves and the only ones I have found comfortable to work in are the little blue elastic-ish ones that l have rubber on the important bits. They fit much better and stay in place but they aren’t water proof. Square one? yes, I visit this square several times on the eve of epiphany!

The answer for me, was to coat my hands with a protective product containing a nice amount of Paraffin or Beeswax , I believe Avon still makes ‘Silicone Glove’ but, my fav is one called ‘Look Ma New Hands’ from Bath and Body Works. Then I wiggle into the floppy latex gloves (squishy) – Then into my snug work gloves. My hands are now completely protected from any and all mucky water, floating in a comfy thin squishy layer, and when I go in and take my gloves off my hands feel soft, and best of all, they dont hurt!

I REALLY hope this helps someone! It’s awful to have something like this holding you back when there are so many un-beautified things out there waiting for us!


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