HomeWHATWhat Are Clear Braces

What Are Clear Braces

What are clear braces?

Clear braces are a type of orthodontic treatment used to straighten your teeth. They can correct a wide range of orthodontic issues, including crooked, crowded, gapped and overlapped teeth. Clear braces are discreet and less noticeable than metal braces. Many orthodontists offer clear braces for adults and teens.

Clear braces vs. metal: What’s the difference?

When you hear the word “braces,” you probably picture traditional metal braces. These dental appliances straighten your teeth using stainless steel bands, brackets and wires.

Clear braces work the same way as traditional metal braces. But they consist of ceramic brackets and frosted wires to match the shade of your natural teeth. As a result, clear braces are less noticeable compared to metal braces.

Clear braces aren’t as strong as metal braces. For this reason, it may take slightly longer to straighten your teeth using clear braces.

Note: There’s also a difference between clear bracket braces and clear orthodontic aligners (such as Invisalign® and ClearCorrect®). While clear braces use components similar to metal braces (like brackets and wires), orthodontic aligners are removable plastic trays that fit snugly over your teeth. Both have pros and cons. Talk to a dentist or orthodontist to find out which option is best for you.

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Are clear braces as effective as regular braces?

Yes. Clear braces are just as effective as traditional metal braces. They just use different materials. But as mentioned above, it might take longer to straighten your teeth with clear braces.

Why are clear braces used?

Orthodontists use clear braces to correct a wide range of misalignment issues, including:

  • Malocclusion (when your bite is “off”).
  • Overbites.
  • Underbites.
  • Cross bites (when your lower teeth sit on the outside of your upper teeth).
  • Open bites (when your upper and lower front teeth don’t touch or overlap).
  • Crowding.
  • Gaps or spaces.
  • Overlapping.

In addition to boosting your confidence and self-esteem, clear braces help improve oral health and function. When your teeth aren’t aligned properly, it can increase your risk of cavities and gum disease. It’s more difficult to clean teeth when they’re crowded or overlapped. Proper alignment also reduces your risk of chewing issues.


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