What Are Coping Strategies Everfi

Ever felt overwhelmed by life’s challenges, be it work stress, relationship struggles, or just the constant noise of daily life? You’re not alone. Coping strategies are the unsung heroes that help us navigate through these rough patches. In this blog post, we’ll dive into a variety of healthy coping strategies that can enhance your mental health and overall well-being. Stick around, and you’ll walk away with a toolbox of strategies you can use to handle life’s ups and downs.

The Importance of Healthy Coping Strategies

Let’s get real: we all cope in different ways. However, not all coping strategies are created equal. While some may bring short-term relief, they can be harmful in the long run (think emotional eating, substance use, or binge-watching TV for hours). That’s why it’s vital to adopt healthy coping mechanisms. They can significantly improve your mental health, relieve stress, and even increase your overall happiness.

Emotional Awareness: The First Step to Using Coping Strategies

Before diving into coping methods, it’s important to identify what exactly you’re feeling. Recognizing your emotions and what triggers them is the cornerstone of emotional intelligence.

Try this simple exercise: the next time you feel overwhelmed, jot down what you’re feeling and what may have caused it. This simple act can bring clarity and make it easier to decide which coping strategy to employ.

As you get started, it could also be helpful to keep track of what coping strategies you try out for different emotions and how you feel after practicing them. Doing so could help you find out which coping mechanisms help the most in certain situations.

Physical Coping Strategies


Exercise isn’t just about building muscle or losing weight; it’s incredibly effective for mental well-being too. Physical activity releases endorphins, which act as natural mood lifters. They can also help you sleep better, reduce stress, and improve self-esteem.

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Practical Tip: Finding time can be challenging, but even a brief 15-minute walk can make a significant impact. If walking isn’t your thing, try a quick at-home workout or even a dance session to your favorite music.

Deep Breathing

It might sound overly simple, but deep breathing is a powerful tool. It works by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps control the relaxation response in your body.

Practical Tip: The 4-7-8 breathing exercise is excellent for beginners. Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and then exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. Do this cycle 4 times, and you’ll likely feel a noticeable difference.

Check out these deep breathing techniques to handle stress and anxiety.

Healthy Eating

The food we consume can have a surprising impact on our mental state. Research shows a strong connection between a healthy gut and a healthy mind, often referred to as the gut-brain axis.

Practical Tip: Aim for a balanced diet rich in fiber, protein, healthy fats, and various fruits and vegetables. A straightforward way to start is by adding a piece of fruit or a handful of veggies to each meal, or even just making yourself one smoothie a day.

Psychological Coping Strategies

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness involves being fully present and engaged in the here and now. It’s shown to reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. It can even improve concentration and increase feelings of contentment.

Practical Tip: Take 5 minutes in your busy day to sit quietly and focus on your breathing. If your mind wanders, that’s okay; gently bring your focus back to your breath.

Learn the basics of meditation and improve your mental health.

Cognitive Reframing

Our thought patterns have a considerable impact on our emotional well-being. Cognitive reframing is the practice of identifying and challenging any negative or distorted thoughts.

Practical Tip: Whenever a negative thought pops into your head, question it. Ask yourself if the thought is based on facts or assumptions. Replacing negative thoughts with more balanced and positive thoughts can be incredibly freeing.

Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you challenge and control self-sabotaging thoughts. Repeating these affirmations can improve your outlook and imbue your approach to challenges with positivity.

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Practical Tip: Write down a list of positive affirmations that resonate with you. Whenever you need a mental boost, recite one or more of these affirmations to yourself.

Need some inspiration? Get 5 examples of positive affirmations.

Social Coping Strategies

Seeking Support

Having a reliable social support network can be a powerful buffer against stress. Friends, family, and support groups offer emotional support, fresh perspectives, and even practical advice during challenging times.

Practical Tip: Don’t isolate yourself when you’re going through hard times. Reach out to someone you trust. Sometimes, just talking about it can offer a fresh perspective and lighten your emotional load.

Setting Boundaries

Learning to say no is empowering. You can’t be all things to all people, and you shouldn’t have to be. Setting boundaries helps protect your emotional energy.

Practical Tip: When you feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to decline additional responsibilities or invitations. Explain your need for space in a polite yet firm manner.

Active Listening and Empathy

Offering an empathetic ear to someone else can also serve as a coping strategy for you. It can make you feel valued and can also put your own problems in perspective.

Practical Tip: Practice active listening by giving the other person your full attention, nodding to show understanding, and responding appropriately. It will improve your conversations and often make the other person feel valued, generating positive feelings all around.

Creative Activities as Coping Strategies

Creative activities offer an engaging way to cope with stress, anxiety, or emotional turbulence. They allow you to express yourself in a non-verbal manner, providing a much-needed outlet for emotions you might find hard to articulate. Moreover, creative activities often put you in a state of flow, where you can lose track of time and temporarily step away from life’s stressors.

Drawing and Painting

Artistic expression through drawing and painting can be incredibly therapeutic. Even if you’re not a trained artist, the act of creating something can instill a sense of accomplishment and peace. It offers a tactile, engaging way to disconnect from digital distractions and tune into your feelings.

Practical Tip: You don’t need a canvas and oil paints to get started. A simple sketchbook and some pencils or watercolors will do. Consider setting aside 30 minutes to just doodle, sketch, or paint what you’re feeling.


Writing provides a structured way to explore your thoughts and feelings. Whether it’s journaling, poetry, or even writing a short story, this form of self-expression can bring clarity to chaotic emotions.

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Practical Tip: The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take 15 minutes to jot down your thoughts. You can follow prompts or write freely. The point is to get those feelings out of your head and onto paper.

Get 20 journaling prompts focused on your mental health.


Whether you’re listening to it, playing an instrument, or even composing, music can be profoundly healing. It offers a wide range of emotional experiences and can serve as a form of emotional release.

Practical Tip: Create different playlists that cater to various emotional states—sadness, happiness, tranquility, and so on. Play the playlist that corresponds to how you’re feeling for a more targeted emotional experience.


Losing yourself in a good book can be a unique form of escapism that is both healthy and stimulating for your mind. Reading can transport you to different worlds, offer new perspectives, and even inspire new ways of thinking.

Practical Tip: Always keep a book that piques your interest nearby. Whenever you need a break, delve into a chapter or two to divert your mind. Opt for genres or topics that uplift you or offer a sense of adventure.


Activities like knitting, woodworking, or even simple DIY projects can provide a wonderful sense of accomplishment and focus. Crafting can be meditative, as it often involves repetitive motions that allow you to zone out and forget about your worries.

Practical Tip: Pick a crafting project that can be completed in a single sitting, or over a weekend. This ensures you’ll quickly experience the satisfaction of creating something with your own hands.

Creative activities can serve as powerful coping strategies because they offer a balanced mix of emotional release, mental diversion, and tactile engagement. Adding one or more of these to your “coping toolbox” can make a world of difference in your overall emotional well-being.

Putting it All Together: A Balanced Approach to Coping Strategies

So there you have it—a variety of coping strategies to choose from. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. The key is to have a mix of strategies to create your personalized coping toolbox.

Life will always have its challenges, but with these coping strategies, you’re better equipped to handle them. So why not challenge yourself? Try incorporating one new coping method this week. You might be surprised at how much lighter you feel.

Need additional support with finding the right coping strategies to use at the right time? We can help. Call us at (844) 867-8444 to schedule an appointment with one of our expert mental health professionals. They will work with you to determine coping strategies and an appropriate treatment plan based on your unique struggles and needs. Remember, you deserve to feel better.

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