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What Are Spiritual Blessings

A very important verse is given to us in Ephesians 1:3. It says,”Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” This is a verse that every Believer should know and understand clearly. Before you were born, God had already blessed you with all spiritual blessings. He had already given you every blessing of the Spirit that you will need in order to have a successful, satisfying Christian life. Spiritual blessings are far more important than material blessings

This verse says your spiritual blessings are retained in heaven and they are dispersed to the Believer on earth according to the Believer’s need, growth and faith. All of these blessings are provided through and by Jesus Christ.

There are nine spiritual blessings that God has bestowed on every Believer before He made the foundations of the world. These nine blessings are outlined in Ephesians 1:4-14. Allow me to give you a brief explanation of each of our nine blessings.

Blessing #1: He has chosen you: All of us were first in God as spirits. We became a person when God breathed into our bodies, our spirits inside of him, while we were in our mother’s womb At that moment, in conformity with His word we became a living soul. God chose us, while we were in Him, to be holy and without blame before Him. He did so because of His love. Since God and Jesus are one, this explains why Jesus said in John 15:16, “You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.”

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Blessing #2: He has adopted you: God has adopted you as a Child of God. We have an adult standing with God. A baby cannot legally use his inheritance, but an adult can. You do not have to wait until you are old, before you can claim all of your riches in Christ. You can do so right now. In the future, your adoption will be totally complete when you receive your glorified bodies at the return of Christ.

Blessing #3: He has accepted you: There is no way we can make ourselves acceptable to God, but God by His grace, makes us acceptable through Christ. This is an eternal position which can never change!!! God has arranged for you to be accepted as His Beloved, through the grace that comes through Christ. Your blessing of adoption was made possible through God’ doctrine of Election. Ephesians 1:5 says, “Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.” This is again, what many call election. A soul-winner does not discuss election with un-saved people because it is the Believers family secret that only belongs to the Children of God. Once you have been saved, then and only then, are you able to understand this.

Blessing #4: He has redeemed you: Redeem means, “to purchase and set free by paying a price. God blessed you a long time ago to be free the slavery of sin,to be free from the power of Satan, to be free from the Law, and to be free from the world. The price He paid was the blood of his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

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Blessing #5: He has forgiven you: God has blessed you to be forgiven of your sins. All you have to do is confess your sins and ask for forgiveness. In heaven there is no accusation against you God arranged all of this for you before He laid the foundations of the world.

Blessing #6: He has revealed His will to you: Believers are part of God’s inner circle. He has let known to us the mystery of His will through his Holy Word/The Bible. He has given you the ability to see, read and understand His Word. Mystery refers to a sacred secret that was once hidden but is now revealed. God has made it possible for every Believer to love the Word of God.

Blessing #7: He has made us an inheritance: Through Jesus Christ we have a wonderful inheritance while at the same time, in Christ, we are an inheritance. Believers have the inheritance of the Kingdom of God. And all Believers together as the Church is the gift wrap gift from God to His son, Jesus Christ. We are all joint-heirs with Christ.

Blessing #8: He has sealed you: A seal speaks of a finished transaction. When Jesus died on the cross, He said, “It is finished.” Even before you were born into this world, God blessed you as a finished transaction. Sealing also denotes ownership. That’s why the Bible says even your body is not your own. God blessed you with a seal because He foreknew He would purchase you one day to be His own. The seal also means you have security and protection. If God be for you, who can be against you. The seal of course is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit abides in you forever!

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Blessing #9: He has blessed us with an earnest: The word “earnest” means, “the down payment to guarantee the final purchase of property.” As mentioned earlier, you are God’s property. The earnest you have received is also the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God’s first installment to guarantee His children that He will finish His work and eventually bring you to glory. That’s why the Bible says there is a glory in us that is yet to be revealed. The “earnest” brings about total redemption in three phases. We have been redeemed through faith in Jesus Christ. We are being redeemed as the Holy Spirit works in our lives to make us more like Christ. We shall be redeemed when Christ returns and we become and look like Him.

Once you know and fully understand these spiritual blessings, you will know the true love of God which passeth all understanding. Ephesians 3:19 tells us that we are to know the love of Christ that passeth knowledge, that we may be able to be filled with all the fullness of God. These nine spiritual blessings are the best place to start.

Gilbert Owens is the minister at Kingdom of God Ministries.


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