What Are The 3 Stages Of Alcoholism

There are 3 stages of alcoholism: early, middle, and end stages. If you are showing signs of alcoholism, as time passes, you become more dependent on alcohol and have a more challenging time quitting. Without a qualified alcohol detox program, it becomes nearly impossible to put down the alcohol for good. At Atlanta Detox Center in Atlanta, Georgia, we offer scientifically based rehab and holistic therapy programs to cleanse your system and put alcoholism behind you.

What Are the 3 Stages of Alcoholism?

1. First Stage of Alcoholism (Early)

The first of the 3 stages of alcoholism occurs when a problem drinker has slipped into the early stages of dependence. When you drink more often, and in increasing amounts, you begin to develop a tolerance. Your body becomes used to having alcohol in your system and begins to depend on it. For example, you may notice that you drink a whole bottle of wine at dinner instead of a single glass.

In the early stages of alcoholism, you may find yourself drinking nearly every day. If you constantly turn to alcohol to deal with stress and anxiety, your body will start to rely on it. During this stage, you probably continue to fulfill your obligations at school, work, and home. Additionally, many people remain in denial of their drinking problem at this point.

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2. Second Stage of Alcoholism (Ongoing)

In the second of the 3 stages of alcoholism, you start to crave alcohol when you’re not drinking. Your body depends on alcohol for survival, and you no longer drink for enjoyment. If you try to quit on your own, you soon develop withdrawal symptoms, including pain and discomfort. Moreover, if you abstain from drinking alcohol during this stage, you can put your life in danger.

Delirium tremens sometimes occur if you stop drinking during this stage. Some of the more severe symptoms include hallucinations, vomiting, seizures, and confusion. Fortunately, not all alcohol withdrawal symptoms have such severe impacts.

Some of the more common withdrawal symptoms you may feel during the second stage of alcoholism include:

  • Tremors
  • Sleeplessness
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Depression
  • Restlessness

Withdrawal symptoms typically start within six to twenty-four hours from when you stop drinking. We recommend checking into an alcohol detox program where you receive services like medical detox. At Atlanta Detox Center, we offer a medical detox center and addiction treatment therapies as well as on-staff twenty-four hours a day to ensure your health and well-being.

3. Third Stage of Alcoholism (Late Stage)

The last of the 3 stages of alcoholism is also called late-stage alcoholism. At this point, alcohol has had a severe effect on your mind and body. Fatty liver, cardiac problems, and other health complications put your life at risk.

At this point, you must check yourself into an alcohol detox center, followed by an effective alcohol addiction treatment program. Your entire life probably revolves around getting drunk, and you may feel hopeless and depressed if you can’t drink. Additionally, drinking has become a compulsive habit that you cannot control.

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If you develop delirium tremors at this stage, you have a relatively high chance of dying if you attempt to detox cold turkey or without medical assistance. To ensure a safe transition from late-stage alcoholism to sobriety, you’ll need constant care and attention during the detox process. You may also need to commit to an inpatient recovery program for sixty to ninety days. Attending a substance abuse treatment program can give you the tools you need to stay sober and resist cravings once you return home.

You need a strong support system outside of recovery. Finding a 12-step program, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, can provide support and help you maintain sobriety. Feel free to join our alumni program to develop a support network of other clients from Atlanta Detox Center.

Receive the Best Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Atlanta Detox Center

No matter which of the 3 stages of alcoholism you find yourself in, it’s never too late to quit. Contact us today by calling 470-450-2355 or completing our online form to find out more about our innovative alcohol detox program designed to help you replace alcoholism with healthy habits and interests.

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