HomeWHATWhat Do Hang-on Stands Require

What Do Hang-on Stands Require

To make your hunting journey fun, safe, and comfortable, you must learn how should a hang-on stand be secured. Indeed, there are many ways to do this job. However, only a few tutorials show the correct ways to fix the structure tightly on a tree. And this article is about showing you the right ways to put a hang-on stand.

You will learn to install a hang-on stand safely with the help of 3 cases and tutorial images. You will also explore 20 tips to make the platform safer. And as you read more, you will know the benefits of using these stands and understand different types of elevated stands so you can pick the right one for your next hunting trip.

What is a Hang-On Stand?

A hang-on stand is a small platform designed for hunters. It comes with a seat with a foot resting area and gets fixed into a tree through straps, chains, or cables. These stands are attached at an extended height from the ground. Hunters use different climbing aids, such as stick ladders, to reach the desired height to install a hang-on stand.

Case 1: How Should a Hang-On Stand Be Secured?

This method will teach you to secure a hang-on stand on a tree with a clean trunk (no branches).

Things You Need

  • Climbing sticks
  • Lineman’s belt
  • Full body harness
  • Tree straps
  • Hang-on stand

Step-by-Step Method

  • Step 1: Place the first climbing stick on the trunk. Make sure the stick has a tree strap fixed to one side. Remember, the first stick should be close enough to the ground so you can easily climb.
  • Step 2: Once you have found the area, push the stick against the trunk with one hand or using your chest force. Use your other hand to tie the tree strap around the other side of the stick.

Then, pull the stick down so the sharp metallic part gets into the tree.

  • Step 3: Climb to the top step of the stick to install the second stick.

Once you have reached that point, tie your Lineman’s belt around the tree and ensure that it is attached to your body harness.

  • Step 4: While standing on the first stick and being tied to the Lineman belt, fix the second stick similarly. And as you go up, feel free to carry the remaining sticks and the hang-on stand on your shoulder.
  • Step 5: Install the third and fourth sticks, and don’t forget to tie each one with a tree strap, as you can see in this image.
  • Step 6: Bring the hang-on stand off your shoulder and place it on either the left or right side of the trunk. Do not place the stand right above the last stick you have installed. It should always be on one of the sides of the trunk so you can quickly get on or off it.
  • Step 7: Once you are satisfied with the positioning, tie the upper part of the platform with a tree strap and tighten the grip.
  • Step 8: Lift the bottom part of the hang-on stand and hold it still with one hand.
  • Step 9: Use the other hand to tighten the strap further and then gently keep the platform back to its position.
  • Step 10: Now tie the lower part of the platform as you tied the upper part in Step 9. But you don’t have to lift the hang-on stand at this level.
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And after tying the straps, fold the ends so they won’t flop in the wind.

  • Step 11: At this stage, the Lineman’s belt is below the platform, but it needs to be removed so you can get on the hang-on stand.

However, removing the belt without securing yourself with another support medium is unsafe. So, while you stay where you are, take out another strap, tie it around the tree, and connect it to the tether of your full-body harness.

You don’t have to make a super rigid connection.

  • Step 12: Take your Lineman’s belt off, and put one foot on the last step of the climbing stick and the other foot on the platform. Slowly shift your body on the platform and stand on it.
  • Step 13: Slide up the tree strap connected to the tether and tighten the grip. Also, leave some space between the tied strap and tether so the connection won’t block your elbow.
  • Step 14: You are all done here. So open the seat of the hang-on stand, and make yourself comfortable because the platform is secured.

Case 2: How Should a Hang-On Stand Be Secured?

This method will teach you to safely install a hang-on stand on a tree with limbs and branches. This example has different techniques compared to the Case 1 example.

Things You Need

  • Ladder steps
  • Pull ropes
  • Tree straps
  • Lineman’s belt
  • Hang-on tree stand
  • A safety harness with loops
  • Carabiner with locking system

Step-by-Step Method

  • Step 1: Attach your ladder steps to the tree and tighten them with tree straps. Attach two ladder steps initially starting from the ground.
  • Step 2: Take a pull rope and connect one end to your harness.
  • Step 3: Take around 5ft of the rope and attach the next ladder steps. Once done, take the remaining part of the pull rope to attach the hang-on stand. In this way, you will not need to carry the equipment on your back. When you reach the point where you desire to install the stand, you can simply grab the items by pulling them up.
  • Step 4: Now, you have to attach yourself to the tree to be safe during the installation process. To do that, connect your Lineman’s belt to one of the harness loops to create an attachment point on one side.
  • Step 5: Circle the remaining part of the Lineman’s belt around the tree and attach its end to the other empty harness loop using a carabiner with a locking system.
  • Step 6: Set the gap between your body and the tree by adjusting the prusik knot on the Lineman’s belt.
  • Step 7: Start climbing the step ladder while adjusting the Lineman’s belt with each step.
  • Step 8: Assuming you have reached the top part of the steps, it is time to add another step.
  • Step 9: Pull the rope to which you attached the ladder steps and platform in Step 3. Then, fix the steps to the existing structure until you reach your desired height.
  • Step 10: Before you move forward, you may find branches getting in the way of your Lineman’s belt.

When this happens, ensure you have three contact points placed on the ladder structure. For instance, the two feet and one hand are positioned on the steps in this image.

  • Step 11: Now, carefully use your one hand to detach the Lineman’s belt and attach it again above the branch that is making an obstacle in your way.
  • Step 12: Pull the rope to which the platform/hang-on stand is attached.
  • Step 13: Position the stand on the opposite side of the ladder structure.
  • Step 14: Use the tree straps to wrap around the top and bottom of the stand.
  • Step 15: Lift the stand to tighten the straps. Make sure the pointed part goes a bit deep into the tree. Then, position the stand backwards.
  • Step 16: Attach the tether above the hang-on stand by stepping up another step on the ladder. And feel free to tighten the tether as per your need.
  • Step 17: Attach the strap on your harness to the tether and lock it with the carabiner, as seen in the four images below.
  • Step 18: Step into the hang-on stand by detaching yourself from the Lineman’s belt.
  • Step 19: Stand straight, attach the Lineman’s belt again, and replace the tether strap on the tree at your head’s height. Once you have reattached the tether, you can go ahead to remove the Lineman’s belt.
  • Step 20: Your hang-on stand is all set.
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Case 3: How Should a Hang-On Stand Be Secured?

This is example number three to help you learn to secure a hang-on stand on a tree and a tree bracket. The tutorial can be applied to branch and branchless trees. However, it is always suggested to choose a trunk with little or no limbs.

Things You Need

  • Free straps
  • Rachet straps
  • Lineman’s belt
  • Tree straps
  • Tether straps
  • A double J hook
  • Climbing sticks
  • Hang-on stand
  • Full body fall-arrest harness system
  • Tree bracket with the retaining pin

Step-by-Step Method

  • Step 1: Tighten all the bolts of your hang-on stand. Also, don’t make bolt them too tight, or else it may disfigure the platform structure.
  • Step 2: Attach one ratchet strap to the platform’s seat upright bar and make a snitch knot.
  • Step 3: Tie a free strap on the next upright bar.
  • Step 4: Wear your full-body fall-arrest harness system.
  • Step 5: Now, install your climbing aid/steps from ground level and tie them using tree straps. Then, connect one side of the Lineman’s belt to the harness. Wrap it around the tree and connect the other side to the other loop of your harness system.
  • Step 6: Step up on the climbing aid. And with each step, adjust the Lineman’s belt so there is full support.
  • Step 7: Hold the tree bracket and remove the retaining pin from the holes.
  • Step 8: Considering you have reached the top of the climbing aid and have found a great area to install the hang-on stand. Place and hold the tree bracket against the tree with one hand.
  • Step 9: Connect one end of the ratchet strap with the double J hook into the bracket. Hold the bracket in the same position, and use your other hand to wrap the end of the ratchet strap with the hook into the other space inside the bracket.
  • Step 10: Ratch the strap, but don’t make it too tight.
  • Step 11: Pull the free strap up to bring the platform/hang-on stand near the bracket.
  • Step 12: Push the welded rod on the base of the seat support into the bracket’s slot. Make sure it sits correctly, crossing the flipper.
  • Step 13: Insert the safety/retaining pin back into the holes.
  • Step 14: Adjust the angle of the seat by lifting the base of the platform slightly upwards and then putting it down again.
  • Step 15: Once the platform is fixed in the bracket, tie the bottom uprights with a ratchet strap.
  • Step 16: Stand on the top step and tie around the tether strap and attach it to your harness. Also, remove the Lineman’s belt after you have connected the tether to your harness system.
  • Step 17: Carefully and slowly step on the platform and enjoy your hunting time.

20 Tips for Securing Hang-On Stands

  • Tip 1: Do not use the stand if the condition is bad.
  • Tip 2: Get down from the stand very carefully. Don’t jump or slide.
  • Tip 3: Never leave the stand hanging on a tree for more than 2 weeks.
  • Tip 4: Wear a good quality full-body harness when installing a hang-on stand.
  • Tip 5: Always read the instruction manual that comes with your hang-on stand.
  • Tip 6: Start preparing from the ground level and tie each climbing stick with a strap.
  • Tip 7: Choose clothes which don’t get caught with the branches or parts of the stand.
  • Tip 8: Use a pull rope to get your equipment rather than stepping down to pick up the load.
  • Tip 9: Always stay connected to the tree through straps, Lineman’s belt, or other similar equipment.
  • Tip 10: Pick a large tree with a large diameter that can support the weight of the stand and the hunter.
  • Tip 11: Only choose climbing sticks that slide together to make a complete and continuous ladder structure.
  • Tip 12: Dead trees and trees with dead limbs are not a good option to securely fix your hang-on stand.
  • Tip 13: Don’t jump on or put instant body weight on the stand; otherwise, the structure will be overloaded.
  • Tip 14: Never disconnect yourself from the tree. Always keep yourself attached either through a tether or Lineman’s belt.
  • Tip 15: Avoid using climbing sticks with screws, as they might cause harm in the form of cuts when ascending and descending.
  • Tip 16: Select a direct and clear route up to the tree that doesn’t compels you to lean unnecessarily either backward or side of the climbing sticks.
  • Tip 17: Carrying unnecessary weight or wearing heavy clothes is not recommended as they can create hurdles in climbing and sitting on the stand.
  • Tip 18: Check the grip of the Lineman’s belt on the first step of the climbing stick while you can easily touch your feet to the ground. You can continue adding more steps if you can comfortably lean with the belt’s support. Or else, fix your belt immediately before going forward.
  • Tip 19: When connecting yourself to the tree using the tether and the full-body harness strap on the shoulder, make sure the attachment is not too tight to make room for the elbow. This way, you can easily use the elbow to handle your hunting equipment, such as a compound bow and make a perfect shot.
  • Tip 20: Let your friends or family know the location of your hunt and your return plan.
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Benefits of Using a Hang-On Stand

1. Greater Safety

A hang-on tree stand not only elevates you from the ground to get a better shot. It also keeps you safe from surprise attacks and similar dangers.

2. Wider Vision

A hang-on stand provides a wider vision of the field, and the prey is spotted sooner compared to the ground level.

3. Planned Shots

A stand gives you time to plan your best shot. You can think and strategize your game in a less tense environment.

4. Unnoticeable Human Scent

Since you’re top, it becomes difficult for the animals to detect your movement and scent.

5. Visibility to Other Hunters

A hang-on stand makes you visible to other hunters. It can help keep a check on the team in case help is needed.

Different Types of Stands

There are 5 types of stands mostly used by hunters. So let’s talk about them one by one.

1. Hang-on Stand

A hang-on stand is comprised of a platform with a seat. It connects with the tree through free straps, ratchet straps, chains, or cables.

image 249

2. Ladder Stand

A ladder stand has a platform followed by a ladder. On the top is a seat for the hunter to rest and wait for the shot.

image 248

3. Platform Stand

Platform stands are made to accommodate multiple hunters. They come in different styles and sizes. These stands have walls on the three sides, each having a window to look outside the structure.

image 252

4. Climbing Stand

Climbing stands are also attachable stands like the hang-on stand. However, they come in two variations – one with a seat and one with a standing platform.

image 247

5. Tripod Stand

Tripod stands don’t need to be secured to a tree. They are placed on the ground with a climbing ladder that takes you to the hunter’s seat.

image 250


You can secure a hang-on stand with the help of the right equipment, such as straps, tether, harness, and hang-on stand brackets. It is suggested to choose a tree that has no branches. In case you don’t find one, make sure to use your Lineman’s belt and tether to climb up or down the ladder. Never use ropes, and always check for damages before entering or exiting the stand.

FAQs – Hang-On Stand

Q1. How do you secure a hang-on stand?

The majority of hang-on stands are secured through straps, tethers, and harness systems, which are connected to the tree.

Q2. What is the leading cause of falling from a hang-on stand?

One of the major causes of hang-on stand accidents is ignoring the instructions recommended by the manufacturers on how to attach the platform correctly. So, read the instructions and always follow the safety precautions.

Q3. How to hang a hang-on stand on a tree?

You need to attach the hang-on stand to the tree with the help of tree straps. You must wrap the straps around the tree and the top and bottom uprights of the stand tightly.

Q4. How can I save myself from falling from a hang-on stand?

Make sure you have attached the stand according to the instructions. Always stay connected to the tree even after hanging the stand with the help of a safety tether.

Q5. What types of ropes should I use to secure my hang-on stand?

Do not use ropes as they stretch and easily break. Instead of ropes, use straps, tether, and Lineman’s belt.

Q6. How to get into my hang-on stand?

First, hang the stand securely. Second, keep one foot on the ladder and one foot on the platform and connect yourself to the tether. Third, always use steps/a ladder to get into the stand.

Q7. How to get out of my hang-on stand safely?

Carefully keep your feet on the ladder, wrap the Lineman’s belt around the tree and attach it to your harness. Then, disconnect yourself from the tether, and step down gently using your hands and Lineman’s belt support.

Q8. What should I look for when hanging a hang-on stand?

Choose a strong and tall tree with a minimum height of 10 feet. Also, try to select a tree that has fewer or no branches.

Q9. Is it safe to use a hang-on stand in the rain?

It is safe to use your hang-on stand in the rain. But keep your feet tight on the platform and ladder when getting in or out, as the wetness can make you slip. Also, inspect thoroughly to find any damages caused by moisture.

Q10. What is the weight limit of a hang-on stand?

Typically, a hang-on stand can bear a maximum weight of 250 lbs. However, you must check the manufacturer’s guide to see the weight limit of your stand.

Q11. How often should I check the wear and tear of my hang-on stand?

You should check the condition of your hang-on stand at least once in 2 weeks. Do not use the stand if it’s rusty or damaged.

Q12. What is the ideal height for a hang-on stand?

You should hang your hang-on stand at least 10 feet high from the ground. In this way, you will get a clear vision, and animals won’t be able to detect you.

Q13. Can animals like deer see you on a hang-on stand?

Deers have excellent eyesight. They can detect movement from far away. So it is advised to remain still as much as possible on the hang-on stand when you spot a deer. Also, avoid wearing bright color clothes or else you will attract more attention.


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