What Do I Like About Myself

Honestly, I’m afraid this post will make me come off as being too self-absorbed or self-centered but I’m going to take the plunge anyway and hope some good comes out of it. If I were to ask you to name all the things you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself? I think it’s pretty safe to say that your mind didn’t even go there until I brought it up! That’s exactly what happened to me when I was asked this question. You ever had that one conversation you know you’ll remember for the rest of your life because it leaves such a huge mark on you? This was one of those moments for me. The question that followed was even more intriguing – what do I love about myself? I sat there staring into nothingness because sadly, I didn’t have an answer. It was in that moment that I realized how easy it is for us to compliment other people but when it comes to ourselves, we usually just concentrate on our flaws. When do we ever appreciate all our amazing attributes? Very rarely, if at all!

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So in order to recognize my unique-ness and oh-so-irreplaceable self, I challenged myself to come up with 20 reasons why I love myself. Here I go …

  1. I love my freckles. In fact, I’m sorry for the time I hated on them, for staring at myself in the mirror thinking they made me look ugly, for the countless creams I applied on my face to get rid of them and for worrying if I’d be able to hide them as a bride. Because now, I have fully embraced them. They make me unique, they make me “me” and hey, I don’t have to draw them to be “with the trend.” So what kind of coverage do I want now? The kind that makes my freckles visible 😉
  2. I love the birth mark on my right arm. I don’t let it stop me from wearing outfits that will make it visible.
  3. I make the best mint chocolate chip cookies. It’s a different story that that’s about the only thing I can make but lets focus on the positives here!
  4. I love my clothes folding ability. I would like to say that I have Marie Kondo’s gift in that aspect of my life.
  5. I am caring. I go out of my way for the people I love and will do anything to put a smile on their faces.
  6. I am a loyal friend—a real one. I will take your secrets to the grave. I will write, call, show up, and check-in on you. Sometimes, it might take me a while but sooner or later, I force myself to pick up that phone, and to show up to things regardless of how fatigued I am.
  7. I like to make people smile. I’ll bust out into dancing in the middle of my living room just to cheer up my grandma!
  8. I have the ability to be happy for other people at their highs, even if I’m in a rut myself. I get really happy when I receive that phone call and find out that my friend is tying the knot or got a promotion at his/her workplace. News like this actually makes my day!
  9. I try my best not to judge anyone. I strongly believe in the philosophy: live and let live. I welcome everyone’s views, ideas, beliefs and feelings. In fact, when I find someone judging another person, I like to remind them not to do that.
  10. I love my honesty. I consider it to be one of my best traits. I am not afraid to stand up to anyone and tell them they are wrong or being unfair. I have put myself in situations where a tiny lie would have made the situation much easier but I would much rather stick to my truth.
  11. I am not afraid to face my fears and I find that I challenge myself all the time. I have traveled solo. I have stood in line for that one rollercoaster that sucked the life out of me, time and time again, until it didn’t scare me anymore.
  12. I fight for myself. I have fought for the career I want, to be treated the same way as my brothers, not to be forced into settling for things I wouldn’t be happy with and not to be moulded into what a girl my age “should” be doing with her life.
  13. I enjoy my own company. I don’t depend on anyone to have a good time. I know I can have as much fun as I would have in the company of others, without the company of others. The peace and solitude I experience being in my own company cannot be compared!
  14. I am brave. I am never afraid to go outside my comfort zone and try new things. I don’t mind being the first in line to try a new drink. That being said, please don’t ask me to try any sea food; I’m not that adventurous. I have also been in very difficult situations on my own. I have gone to a cancer centre on my own because I chose not to freak out my family and friends. I believe I have broken lots of social norms.
  15. I have the courage to take risks. I wasn’t afraid to colour my hair purple or blue. I wasn’t afraid to do the Edge walk or skydive, and I haven’t been afraid to work in various industries.
  16. I love learning! I have learnt how to edit pictures and videos on my own time. In fact before I decided to start this blog, I didn’t even know anything about blogging. It’s been a learning process and a very fulfilling one!
  17. I am creative. I have written poems. I love taking photographs and editing them. I love decorating. I love wrapping gifts.
  18. I can dance. It brings me so much joy that the pain afterwards is totally worth it!
  19. I appreciate the tiny little things in life—the smell of coffee, chocolate, an epsom salt bath, a hug, the aroma of eucalyptus, the chocolate chip cookies my dad gets me, the warmth of my heating pad after a long and cold day, my best friend opening the car door for me or cleaning the snow off my car, my brother surprising me with a mint chocolate tart, and seeing my near and dear ones happy. The little things make the big things seem that much smaller.
  20. Lastly, I love that I have Fibromyalgia. It allows me to understand people going through depression and anxiety. It helps me recognize my true friends and family, and filters out the assholes. It gives me the power to not let things come in the way of my dreams and desires because if I can live my life being in pain 24/7, I can do anything I put my heart and mind to!
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Phew! That, I’ve got to say was one of the hardest things I have ever written. It required me to dig deep down, see things in myself that I didn’t know existed, and recall all the compliments I’ve ever received in the past. Now I ask that you try and come up with your own list. I know it’s hard but I promise, it’s just as rewarding.

Love and spoons,


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