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What Do I Love About Myself

We’re often told we should practice self love and embrace all the wonderful things that make us who we are. Knowing that, and doing that, are two totally different things though. Sometimes it’s hard to find things to celebrate, which is why having a list of 100 things to love about yourself is so useful.

In an attempt to make embracing self love easier, and help you find new things to appreciate about how amazing you are, I’ve put together this list of 100 things to love about yourself. We might not feel all these things all of the time, but they’re a useful reminder of the honest, beautiful, and successful person that you are.

The value of finding things to love about yourself

Self love isn’t all about looking in the mirror and telling yourself you look incredible. It’s about recognizing that you have needs, and not putting yourself last above others. This quote from the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation sums it up perfectly:

“Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth. Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. Self-love means not settling for less than you deserve.”

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Self love includes a whole host of things, like:

  • Positive self talk
  • Recognizing and ignoring negative self talk
  • Self acceptance
  • Saying goodbye to toxic people and habits
  • Staying true to your personal values and beliefs
  • Making and trusting in your decisions
  • Practicing all the pillars of self care
  • Setting and maintaining boundaries
  • Not putting yourself at the bottom of the list

This list of 100 things to love about yourself is a great starting point for talking to yourself with love. It’s also an opportunity to reflect on who you are, celebrate your wins, and embrace more positivity.

How to use this list of 100 things to love about yourself

Woman writing in a journal, reflecting on 100 things to love about yourself

There’s no one true way to practice self love. Use this list to help inspire you and choose a way to use it that works best for you.

You could try:

  • Saving this post and coming back to it every week
  • Writing down some of these ideas in your journal or notebook
  • Using this list to inspire you to try some new self care ideas
  • Making your own positive affirmation cards with the statements
  • Saying these statements out loud
  • Adding these affirmations to your self care vision board
  • Using this list to encourage you to write a love letter to yourself
  • Adding these affirmations as an option on your self care menu

My goal is for you to read through this list and feel good about yourself. Maybe that’s just for today, or maybe it becomes part of a positive habit — maybe as part of a Sunday routine or you create a habit around Monday affirmations instead.

100+ things to love about yourself today and into the future

Let’s get onto the good stuff. Here are 100 things to love about yourself! They may not all apply to you right now, but use them as inspiration. Read through this list of things, take a moment to let the affirmations sink in, and spend a little while appreciating all the incredible things that are true about you.

  1. I can embrace change.
  2. I’m resilient.
  3. I have an appreciation for nature.
  4. I have a great sense of humor.
  5. I am honest.
  6. I’m a supportive best friend.
  7. I’m a great listener.
  8. I’m independent.
  9. I’m working on my self confidence.
  10. I’m a dreamer.
  11. I have amazing cooking skills.
  12. I’m a fast learner.
  13. I treat those around me with respect.
  14. I’m happy in my own company.
  15. I’m okay with being a work in progress.
  16. I’m filled with positive energy.
  17. I can step outside my comfort zone.
  18. I love my little quirks.
  19. I’m detail oriented.
  20. I take care of my mental health.
  21. I understand my self worth.
  22. I appreciate the little things in life.
  23. I am filled with so much love to give.
  24. I’m trustworthy.
  25. I help others with my skills and talents.
  26. I am dependable.
  27. I’m focused on my own self improvement.
  28. I have great make-up skills.
  29. I have a real zest for life.
  30. I appreciate the simple pleasures in life.
  31. I’m a good friend to those around me.
  32. I’m working on my self esteem.
  33. I see the positive things in life.
  34. I stay strong through hard times.
  35. I’m great at learning new things.
  36. I tackle problems with confidence.
  37. I use my struggles to help others.
  38. I am creative.
  39. I’m committed to living a good life.
  40. I advocate for others.
  41. I believe in a better world for all.
  42. I love those that I call family.
  43. I’m working on my insecurities.
  44. I’m a talented musician.
  45. I’m big hearted.
  46. I’m ready to embrace new challenges.
  47. I’m hard working.
  48. I look out for others.
  49. I am grateful.
  50. I take good care of animals.
  51. I’m generous.
  52. I’m a great problem solver.
  53. I only take what I need.
  54. I can navigate bad days like a pro.
  55. I love personal growth.
  56. I invest in my own self care needs.
  57. I’m good with money.
  58. I’m ready to stand my ground.
  59. I’m making more eco-friendly choices.
  60. I share with others.
  61. I’m authentic.
  62. I learn from my mistakes.
  63. I’m polite and respectful.
  64. I can apologize and move on.
  65. I’m optimistic.
  66. I’m great at keeping my home tidy and clean.
  67. I get excited about the holidays.
  68. I am strong.
  69. I’m working on my physical health.
  70. I make people laugh.
  71. I have a unique perspective on life.
  72. I honor my responsibilities and commitments.
  73. I care for others.
  74. I have a great sense of style.
  75. I am organized.
  76. I have a talent for learning languages.
  77. I’m there to comfort others.
  78. I make amazing leftovers.
  79. I’m upbeat.
  80. I strive to coach and support those around me.
  81. I love what I do for work.
  82. I’m easy to spend time with.
  83. I’m happy to lead or let others lead.
  84. I am working on myself.
  85. I’m a good role model.
  86. I can let go of grudges.
  87. I’m not afraid to try new things.
  88. I am content.
  89. I can make it through any challenge.
  90. I’m great at sticking with good habits.
  91. I’m not afraid to be honest.
  92. I buy things that last.
  93. I’m always fair.
  94. I get up when I get knocked down.
  95. I don’t let the bad things overwhelm me.
  96. I have a talent for home decorating.
  97. I am cheerful.
  98. I accept and love myself.
  99. I make better choices every day.
  100. I’m on a self love journey.
  101. I’m generous with my loved ones.
  102. I’m capable of amazing things.
  103. I will live a meaningful life.
  104. I embrace my uniqueness.
  105. I’m resilient when things go wrong.
  106. I’m a good listener.
  107. I’m on a wellness journey.
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Embrace self love with these things to love about yourself

Get inspired by this list of 100 things to love about yourself to create a healthy habit around positive self talk and self care. Reflect on these affirmations, write them in your journal, or come back to this post whenever you want a little pick-me-up. You could even use this as a guide to help you write your own list of specific, personal things you love about yourself.

I hope you’ve found this list of 100 things to love about yourself useful! If you have, I’d love you to share it with someone you care about so they can embrace their own self love journey too.


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