Bass beds, in classic form, are dug out bowls along the bottom that are mostly clear of debris. They look brighter than other areas and are somewhat round. Some beds are obvious and very easy to spot. However, the beds that are easy for one angler to spot are easy for everyone to spot, and those fish tend to get a lot of pressure.
Mann searches for the less obvious beds and for the clues that a bass is using a piece of cover – clues that prompt him to really search for the bed itself and for the bass using that bed.
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He pointed toward rubbed roots of lily pads as an example. Where there’s a little gap in the pads, he’ll look for roots that have been upturned or visibly rubbed against. That tells him there’s a bed, so he’ll look closer for the bed and will stay very still, scouring the area for the bass.
“Nine out of ten times, you’ll never see those fish if you’re not looking for the clues,” he said.
Similarly, bass might spawn at the end of a submerged log, where the bed is not obvious and the only clue that suggests staying close and watching for the bass is a bit of bark rubbed off at the end of the tree or a slightly difference bottom appearance against the log.
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Mann also pays attention to clues from the fish themselves. When he looks across a broad eel grass flat, he’ll often see surface swells. When he sees a swell a couple of times in the same spot, it usually has been caused by a bedding bass chasing bluegill or shiners out of the bed.
Similarly, when he’s staying on the move and searching, Mann often will see the male bass on the bed, but rarely a larger female. They are much spookier than other fish and usually take off before the boat gets close enough to see them. Mann often will see a bulge on the surface when the bass suddenly takes off in shallow water. If he sees a big swell as he approaches a spot and then finds a bed and male bass when he gets to that spot, he knows a good bass is using that bed.
He’ll circle back to a good position for looking, drop his Power-Poles and watch the bed. Eventually the female will return, and he can see if it’s a fish he wants to spend time trying to target.
A Stealthy Approach
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