HomeWHATWhat Does A Persimmon Tree Look Like

What Does A Persimmon Tree Look Like

Image Credit: Charlie Yoon (CharlieYoon)24

With so many varieties and species, it is unfortunate that the persimmon is not a common fruit in market stalls in the country, but wait, what if you plant one of your own?

You would want to know everything about it. For starters, the Persimmon Tree is a remarkable ornamental tree that has a sort of tropical look, sure to stand out in your garden.8

The leaves are deciduous, meaning that you can expect different shades over the fall. But most of all, the fruits have the most ornamental appeal; wondering what color is a Persimmon Fruit, imagine a fleshy, rounded ball that is orange or yellow in different shades.

The best part is that there are so many variations that you can choose from. If you thought that fruits from a Wild Persimmons Tree were exceptional, imagine growing your favorite type at home.

You also have the option of going for the Dwarf Persimmon Tree or the Semi-Dwarf if you don’t want an extremely tall tree towering over your home.9 Many people love these small ones because they are easier to handle and also work in urban settings.

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This is especially helpful if you don’t live in the right growing zone for persimmons.

Diospyros Virginiana Persimmon Tree Facts You Should Know

You will likely come across several types of Persimmon Trees in various parts of the world. Their orange fruits are quite famous in the US, but did you know that only 2 species live and thrive in the country? The common persimmon (Diospyros Virginiana) and the Asian persimmon (Diospyros kaki).

The Virginiana is quite popular and the one you may opt for when choosing to plant, and here are some fun facts about it.

  1. The Diospyros virginiana/Common Persimmon/American Persimmon/Jove’s fruit is native to Eastern and Central North America. You will probably find it growing naturally in a wide range, from Texas to Kansas and from Florida to New England.
  2. It is a dioecious plant with separate male and female parts growing in different trees, which basically means that you will need two of them if you want fruits to grow.
  3. It is a deciduous tree whose leaves fall in the winter, but the fruits stay put, making them a beautiful addition to winter landscaping.
  4. Homeowners grow the Persimmon Tree for virtually only two main reasons; fruits and ornamental value.
  5. It grows in quite a wide range of temperatures, from hardiness zones 4a and all the way to zone 9b.
  6. It is one species whose individual parts of a tree have distinct uses. The fruits came in handy for food and medicine (plus the bark) for natives and were used for fevers and diarrhea. Also, the hard black wood can be used to make billiard cues and golf club heads.
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Persimmon Tree Symbolism

Are you a plant owner that likes to tie meaning to plants in your space? Others only love the aesthetic aspect of plants but don’t necessarily know the meaning behind them.

You are in luck if you are looking for a tree with an important symbol because the persimmon has several, and it all depends on which you choose to believe in.

The most common persimmon symbolisms are longevity and good fortune. It is known to be a symbol of success, especially at work, which maybe explains why you will find it in business places.

Apart from that, the persimmon is deservingly a symbol of longevity. This is probably due to the fact that it can grow for as much as 75 years and survive various conditions.

The fruits also grow radiant and numerous as soon as the plant is three, and the tree keeps producing them all through its lifetime. It is also famous for resisting whatever gets thrown its way, be it diseases, pests, or unpleasant conditions.

People keen on symbolism in plants would really relate to that and want to have the Persimmon Tree in their space.

Types of Persimmons

The best part about nature is the fact that there are countless types of trees, each with distinctive features that make each variety outstanding. The Persimmon Tree is no different because there are quite a number of individual beauties that belong to the Diospyros spp, each stunning in its own right.

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Take a look at the most common types that you would love to have growing in your space.


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