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What Does Commencement Date Mean

Ever come across the phrase “commencement date” in a legal document or contract and feel a bit perplexed? You’re not alone. Many people don’t know exactly what this term means and how it applies to their situation. In this blog post, we will explain what commencement date really means and how it plays into the larger picture of contracts and agreements. From determining when duties start to the difference between commencement date and effective date, read on to learn more about this often misunderstood term.

What is a Commencing Date?

The commencement date is the date on which an agreement, such as a contract or lease, becomes binding. This is the date on which the parties are legally obligated to perform their respective duties under the agreement. The term “commencement date” can also refer to the date on which something else begins, such as the start of a job or a project.

What Does Commencing Date Mean for Employers?

An employee’s commencement date is the date on which their employment with a company begins. The commencement date is generally the date on which an offer of employment is accepted, but it can also be the date that an employee starts work if they have been employed on a different basis previously (e.g. as a contractor).

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The commencement date is important for employers because it determines when an employee’s entitlements, such as annual leave and sick leave, begin accruing. It also affects an employer’s obligations under employment law, such as the requirement to provide a written statement of terms and conditions of employment within two months of commencement.

What Does Commencing Date Mean for Employees?

When an employee starts a new job, their Commencing Date is the date that their employment begins. This is different from their Start Date, which is the date that they begin working at the company. The Commencing Date is important because it determines when an employee becomes eligible for certain benefits, like vacation pay and sick days. It also affects how long an employee has to serve before they can be terminated without cause.

How to Choose a Commencing Date

There are a few things to consider when choosing a commencing date. First, you should make sure the date you choose is in compliance with all company policies. Additionally, you will want to take into account any holidays or events that may be happening around the time you plan to start your new role. Finally, it is always best to speak with your manager about an ideal start date so they can provide guidance and approval.

The Importance of the Commencing Date

It is essential to have a clear understanding of the commencement date when entering into any legal agreement. The commencement date is the date on which the contract comes into effect and binds the parties to its terms. This date is generally specified in the contract itself. If no commencement date is expressly stated, then it is generally implied that the contract takes effect on the date it is signed by the parties.

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It is important to be aware of the implications of the commencement date, as it can have significant legal consequences. For example, if one party fails to comply with their obligations under the contract from the outset, they may be in breach of contract and liable for damages. In some cases, a failure to adhere to the terms of a contract from the start can even result in termination of the agreement.

Therefore, it is crucial that you carefully consider the commencement date when entering into any contractual agreement, and seek professional advice if you are unsure about its implications.


In conclusion, it’s important to understand what “commencing date” means when you are taking on a new job or signing up for a service. It is the day that your work will officially begin and can have a big impact on how much money you receive and what benefits you might be entitled to. Make sure that you take the time to read all of the documents related to your new role carefully so that you know exactly when your commencing date is and understand any associated consequences.


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