What Does Get Your House In Order Biblically Mean

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Have you ever heard the phrase, “Get your house in order?”

What does it mean to get your house in order? It means to be prepared.

Collins English Dictionary says that the phrase means that if someone gets their house in order, puts their house in order, or sets their house in order, they arrange their affairs and solve their problems. He has got his house in order and made some tremendous decisions.

The “world” says that getting your house in order means that someone should organize their closets, Tupperware dishes with their lids, and tackled that drawer that you put things into that you don’t want to deal with until later. The world says that you make a to-do list and you take time and do what is on your list. The world says that you get your legal things in order and your finances secure. In relationship to disasters such as tornadoes, you prepare a sheltered area or in times like these you stock up your pantry. The world’s view is temporary and limited because of the temporary nature of the world itself. This world despite all of the conservationists and environmental efforts, will pass away. It says so in the Bible.

Rev. 21:1, “Then I (John the Apostle) saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.”

The sea in the Bible represents instability. This world is all about instability if this world is built up itself. Nothing of this world will last. No amount of limiting carbon emissions or banning fracking and straws or whatever is the newest trend will work, it only delays what the Bible says will happen. I figure that the conservationist and environmentalist need to read their Bibles more than their reports, charts, and predictions.

God’s Word (The Bible) says that to get your house in order, you need salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • God created the world. (Genesis 1 & 2)
  • God created man in the world. (Gen. 1 & 2)
  • Man, Adam, and woman, Eve, lived in the Garden of Eden with God. (Gen. 2)
  • Man disobeyed God’s instructions and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Gen. 3)
  • The spiritual condition of Adam and Eve was now changed. Their condition became sinful. (Gen. 3)
  • God sent Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden and prevented them from returning by placing cherubim and the flaming sword to guard the way to the tree of life. (Gen. 3)
  • God sent Adam and Eve who have changed spiritual conditions out of the garden to prevent them from taking and eating from the tree of life. This would prevent them from living out eternally in the wrong spiritual condition.
  • God is Holy and man is not. (Romans 3:23)
  • Man cannot “live” with God like in the garden of Eden because man is sinful and sin cannot be where a Holy God is.
  • Adam and Eve have children. (Gen. 4)
  • The children born to Adam and Eve and all future generations are born in a condition of spiritually lacking. Lacking what? Holiness, meaning no sin. They have a spiritual nature that is sinful.
  • God now provides a way for sinful man to live out eternity with a sinless and Holy God. (Romans 6:23)
  • God demonstrates His own love toward us (mankind), in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

So you have a choice, how do you want to respond to getting your house in order?

Do you want to respond the way the world does and organize your closets, drawers, and laundry? Do you want to spend your time binge-watching that trending television series you were too busy to get to before so that you will be able to relate and communicate with other in your social circle? Do you respond by making a list and checking it off twice? Santa Clause reference, and yes, I have Santa issues, people! Have you read any of my books?

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Do you want to respond the way the Lord God wants you to respond? He wants you to respond by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

  1. Recognize and acknowledge that you are a sinner. Admit that you fall short of the glory of God because of the sin within you. Romans 3:23
  2. Recognize and acknowledge that the wages of your sin will lead to your physical and spiritual death but (contrast word) the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. You will still one day physically die, but your spiritual death will not happen because of Jesus. You will spiritually live out eternity with Jesus. And since the Blessed Hope (the rapture) has yet to happen, one day if you are a believer you will get a glorified body because of Jesus. Romans 6:23, Titus 2:13, Revelation
  3. Recognize and acknowledge that unless a person is spiritually born again he cannot see the kingdom of God (eternity). John 3:3-7
  4. Recognize and acknowledge that Jesus is the way in which you will be born again. John 14:6
  5. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved by Jesus (meaning you will be born again). Romans 10:9-13
  6. Recognize and acknowledge that you belong to Jesus, you have been changed in your spiritual condition from your old sinful nature to your new spiritual nature in Christ Jesus. 2 Cor. 5:14-21
  7. Recognize and acknowledge that you belong to Jesus and have a covenantal relationship (intimate relationship) with Him. You listen to His voice and obey Him after you invited Him into your heart and into your life. Rev. 3:20

In this time of the pandemic in which the pieces of Tupperware and their lids are reunited, move past the ways of the world. Make some tremendous decisions! Choose to reunite your spirit with the Spirit of the Most High God. Choose Jesus! Willingly change your spiritual condition so that you will be prepared for eternity, whether it comes sooner because you are sick or later in your days.

Being prepared for Him is the best way to respond to this pandemic.

And just a follow-up note: A spiritually mature believer in Christ Jesus who listens and obeys tends to exhibit habits in their lives that demonstrate His presence in their lives. Their house demonstrates “order.” The Holy Spirit is all about putting our disordered lives back into the order in which God desires it to be. That includes our closets and drawers, people!

Grace and peace to you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! -Shahe Nahler

UPDATE: March 2021

Have you gotten your house in order yet?

This is a follow up to a blog that I first published a couple of weeks into the pandemic and shut down.

A year has passed. One filled with masks and mandates, distancing and ordering on-line, video chats and hand sanitizer. This past year has been a very different year.

If it was a year into a new job, there would be an evaluation possibly a promotion. If it was a year into a new marriage, there would be an anniversary and a celebration. If it was a year into sobriety, there would be an award presentation and a huge accomplishment.

So how do you evaluate a “very different year?”

You first start with the beginning. Think how this all began. Then evaluate where you are now. What exactly does evaluation mean? Simply put, the making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value of something; an assessment.

An assessment is defined as the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something. Can you tell I love words and definitions, people?

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For example, initially when the pandemic began, did you set for yourself some tasks that you wanted to complete? Now, ask yourself, did I complete them?

Did that closet get cleaned out? Did I read that book? Did I exercise more or watch television less? A good one to be on that list would be to read your Bible and study it more. A good assessment would be, did I get it read all the way through? Have I learned more about God because I’ve studied my Bible more?

A worldly accomplishment would be that my Tupperware has been officially matched with its lid. But that makes absolutely no impact for the kingdom of God.

A spiritual accomplishment would be that I shared Jesus with another person and they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Now, that is a most wonderful impact for the kingdom of God.

We should hold everything up to God’s standards.

These examples are evaluations of your “to do” or “wish lists” and “worldly lists.”

What about your spiritual lists?

Did you share Jesus and tell at least one other person about His perfect Gift of Salvation? Just one person in one year? During a time of a pan demic which means the pan-world is dying collectively from the same disease? Jesus came to save a lost and dying world. He should be the first thing to share with someone else.

If you followed the early suggestions, you lysoled the bottom of your shoes when you came back from being “out in the world” You did this to protect your family from disease. Did you protect your family members by first making sure that all are securely in a relationship with Jesus? That is the ultimate way to protect your family.

Did you stock up on food to nourish your body? But did you stock up on God’s word to nourish your spirit?

Did you obey and wear a mask? Did you obey God and “clothe yourselves in the Lord Jesus Christ?” Romans 13:14

Did you wash your hands and use hand sanitizer? Did you by the gallon bottle? Did you bath yourself in God’s Word and in His Spirit to keep yourself clean and appropriate before God?

Did you make changes? To your outside or to your inside? Or both?

Did you look around and want to rearrange furniture or redecorate a room? Did you spiritually look around and decide to pray more or study your Bible more?

Did that new couch or new room satisfy or did you move on to the next project. How many times does one room need updated? Did you update your computer? Did you update your spiritual life as in study a new word or read a book of the Bible that you have avoided before.

We are so quick to be seen, to post pics to social media, to upload, to download, to unload, and to reload, but what about God. Where does God fit into your life?

A non-believer or an immature believer would answer that question and not think anything of it or the order of the wording. That is actually a very backward question.

A mature believer would says whoa, that’s backward. The question should be where do I fit into God’s plans and what does God want for my life?

We have our perspectives backwards. This pandemic has taught us to obey local, state, and federal authorities (for the most part). But what about obeying our spiritual authority?

We wait in line at a 6 foot distance but even with dots and lines and signs and such, have you seen how horribly we humans que up? I can’t tell you the number of lines I have stood in where the people in front or in back of me do not keep a six-foot distance. They can’t stand on a dot or line or keep the right distance for anything. They simply won’t do it. It is not a real-applicable-priority in their life. Their words and their actions do NOT match.

What about all the folks that say, “I stay away from everyone. I am so careful.” But (contrast word) in a conversation, they had someone bring them food or they went downstairs to see another person in their apartment complex, or they visited this person or that person. How many went on so called “safe” vacations and went to restaurants and beaches and rentals and grocery stores and gas stations and rest areas, etc.

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It boils down to this, a change is not a change unless it is a God-change. Meaning changed by Jesus.

We were sinful in nature before the pandemic and the pandemic did NOT change that sinful nature. It just exposed it. Did you cut in line? Did you go to the store anyway? Did you still go to the beach? Did you still get your hair done? Did you still do this or that but in a new of “safer” way according to you and your opinion?

We blindly follow the recommendations of this health organization or that doctor, but we moan and groan at God’ instructions.

How ready are we to want “normal” back? We say to one another, I want the vaccine and I want everyone to get it so we can go back to our “normal way” of life. That means we go back to our old way of life.

God forbid! Our old way of life is never good, appropriate, and pleasing to God. A believer can say, “I am a Christian, saved by Jesus!” But if you are a mature Christian, you should always be changing and be in the process of becoming more like Jesus only not divine. There is nothing “normal” that is defined by this world that we should be a part of. It is all about Jesus and what Jesus wants, desires, leads us to, and instructs.

As a Christian that goes to church every Sunday, how many times have you read about Moses and the Hebrews and thought, “What a whining bunch of people who always want to go back to slavery when God’s wonders and miracles are right before their eyes! I would never be like that.” Truth is we are all a bunch of whining people.

This pandemic has exposed “that” very thing about us. We are witnessing God transforming of this world through His signs and wonders and miracles and yet we want to go back to pre-pandemic 2020 when we thought and saw with our own eyes that “life was good.” This pandemic was an opportunity to share Jesus, to show that life is short and we should be spiritually prepared for physical death by making sure that our spirit is prepared eternally.

There is a difference between adapting and transforming.

To adapt means to make something suitable for a new use or purpose; to modify it. To become adjusted to new conditions. To make something suitable for others.

Transformation means a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. Spiritual transformation is what Jesus offers you so that you will be properly dressed to become a part of the kingdom of God. Jesus and Jesus alone is the way, the truth, and the life that will get you into that kingdom.

Adapting to your “new normal” is learning how to maneuver in this world. Transformation is changing the spiritual outcome of your life while you are still in this world because you have Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

This blog has gone all around the world. Every morning I look to see where it was read in the last 24 hours. I do this not because I want to say, “My blog has done this or that.” BUT (contrast word), I am excited that God’s truth is getting to folks through this blog. Hopefully, God-willing, it will cause the reader of it to stop and think about how they have spent this “very different year.”

Have you gotten your house in order yet?

Time is moving very quickly. This “very different year” has gone by very fast. Do not wait. And I pray this in Jesus Name!

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