What Does John Wick Drink

*Special Note* This is just to identify the boozes in John Wick 2. This site does not condone buying Russian products while they are under sanction.

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What Does John Wick Drink in John Wick Chapter 2?

In John Wick Chapter 2 John Wick is seen drinking Jewel of Russia Ultra Vodka and Blanton’s Single Barrel Special Reserve bourbon. He also drinks an unnamed bourbon at the Continental Rome.

John Wick Drinks Jewel of Russia Ultra Vodka in John Wick Chapter 2

In the beginning of John Wick 2, John Wick is seen with a Jewel of Russia Ultra Vodka

In the beginning scene of John Wick Chapter 2, John Wick is seen confronting Abram Tarasov (brother of the main villain from John Wick Chapter 1) and killing most of his henchmen. He eventually offers peace by pouring a shot of Jewel of Russia Ultra Vodka.

The peace shot of vodka wraps up the loose ends from the previous movie before setting up the stage for the rest of the series.

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John Wick Drinks Blanton’s Single Barrel Special Reserve Bourbon Whiskey in John Wick Chapter 2.

A bottle of Blanton’s Single Barrel Special Reserve Bourbon Whiskey in John Wick Chapter 2.

After his fight with the assassin Cassian ends with drinks in the bar, John Wick is seen drinking bourbon to calm his nerves. The Bourbon whiskey Wick is drinking is Blanton’s Single Barrel Special Reserve.

John WIck drinking Blanton’s Single Barrel Special Reserve Bourbon Whiskey in John Wick Chapter 2

John Wick drinks his bourbon as he typically does: neat and with the bottle sitting by, suspiciously label out.

Bonus: Background Bottles

Bottles Seen in The Continental Rome

Bottles seen in the Continental Rome bar identified

Several bottles are seen in the Continental Rome bar after John Wick fights the assassin Cassian. Two of the bottles seen on this tray are Glenlivet 15yr Scotch Whisky and Stoli Elit Vodka. The other bottles are presumably house wines (or colorful set dressing).

*Please comment below if you noticed an identifiable bottle I missed.*

The boozes at the Continental Rome bar in John Wick Chapter 2 identified.

Liquor Bottles seen in the Tailor’s.

Liquor bottles seen in John Wick Chapter 2

*if you can identify any other bottles in this scene please let me know in the comments below*

As John Wick enters the Tailors in John Wick Chapter 2 we see a well-stocked bar. One is a Russian Standard bottle (I believe it appears blue because of the lighting/color correction they used on the film) and the other is 77 Wheat Whiskey from Breukelen Distilling.

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