What Does Plunder Mean In The Bible

1. (v. t.) To take the goods of by force, or without right; to pillage; to spoil; to sack; to strip; to rob; as, to plunder travelers.

2. (v. t.) To take by pillage; to appropriate forcibly; as, the enemy plundered all the goods they found.

3. (n.) The act of plundering or pillaging; robbery. See Pillage.

4. (n.) That which is taken by open force from an enemy; pillage; spoil; booty; also, that which is taken by theft or fraud.

5. (n.) Personal property and effects; baggage or luggage.1283. diarpazo – to plunder to plunder. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: diarpazo Phonetic Spelling: (dee-ar-pad’-zo) Short Definition: I plunder, rob thoroughly Definition: I plunder //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/1283.htm – 6k

4813. sulao – to plunder to plunder. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: sulao Phonetic Spelling: (soo-lah’-o) Short Definition: I rob, plunder Definition: I rob, plunder, strip. //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4813.htm – 6k

724. harpage – pillage, plundering Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: harpage Phonetic Spelling: (har-pag-ay’) Short Definition: the act of plundering, plunder, spoil Definition //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/724.htm – 6k

725. harpagmos – the act of seizing or the thing seized plunder. From harpazo; plunder (properly concrete) – robbery. see GREEK harpazo. (arpagmon) – 1 Occurrence. 724, 725. harpagmos. 726 . Strong’s Numbers. //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/725.htm – 6k

4812. sulagogeo – to carry off as spoil to carry off as spoil. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: sulagogeo Phonetic Spelling: (soo-lag-ogue-eh’-o) Short Definition: I plunder Definition: I plunder //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4812.htm – 7k

3027. lestes – a robber robber, thief. From leizomai (to plunder); a brigand – robber, thief. (lestai) – 3 Occurrences. (lestais) – 1 Occurrence. (lestas) – 2 Occurrences. //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/3027.htm – 7k

4661. skulon – arms stripped from a foe, ie spoils a foe. Word Origin perhaps from skullo Definition arms stripped from a foe, ie spoils NASB Word Usage plunder (1). spoil. Neuter //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4661.htm – 6k962. bazaz – to spoil, plunder 961, 962. bazaz. 963 . to spoil, plunder. Transliteration: bazaz Phonetic Spelling: (baw-zaz’) Short Definition: plunder. Word Origin a prim. /hebrew/962.htm – 6k

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4933. meshissah – booty, plunder 4932, 4933. meshissah. 4934 . booty, plunder. Transliteration: meshissah Phonetic Spelling: (mesh-is-saw’) Short Definition: plunder. /hebrew/4933.htm – 6k

8154. shasah – to spoil, plunder shasah or shasah. 8155 . to spoil, plunder. Transliteration: shasah or shasah Phonetic Spelling: (shaw-saw’) Short Definition: plundered. Word Origin a prim. /hebrew/8154.htm – 6k

8155. shasas – to spoil, plunder to spoil, plunder. Transliteration: shasas Phonetic Spelling: (shaw-sas’) Short Definition: plundered. rifle, spoil. A primitive root; to plunder – rifle, spoil /hebrew/8155.htm – 5k

1500. gezelah – plunder, spoil 1499, 1500. gezelah. 1501 . plunder, spoil. Transliteration: gezelah Phonetic Spelling: (ghez-ay-law’) Short Definition: robbery. Word Origin fem. /hebrew/1500.htm – 6k

7998. shalal – a prey, spoil, plunder, booty 7997b, 7998. shalal. 7999 . a prey, spoil, plunder, booty. Transliteration: shalal Phonetic Spelling: (shaw-lawl’) Short Definition: spoil. /hebrew/7998.htm – 6k

7997b. shalal – to spoil, plunder 7997a, 7997b. shalal. 7998 . to spoil, plunder. Transliteration: shalal Short Definition: capture. Word Origin a prim. root Definition /hebrew/7997b.htm – 5k

5337. natsal – to strip, plunder, deliver oneself, be delivered to strip, plunder, deliver oneself, be delivered, snatch away, deliver. Transliteration: natsal Phonetic Spelling: (naw-tsal’) Short Definition: deliver. /hebrew/5337.htm – 6k

6563. pereq – parting of ways, plunder 6562, 6563. pereq. 6564 . parting of ways, plunder. Transliteration: pereq Phonetic Spelling: (peh’-rek) Short Definition: road. /hebrew/6563.htm – 6k

1215. betsa – gain made by violence, unjust gain, profit from batsa Definition gain made by violence, unjust gain, profit NASB Word Usage dishonest gain (4), end (1), gain (7), illicitly (1), plunder (1), profit (4 /hebrew/1215.htm – 6k

On the Words of the Gospel, Luke xvi. 9, “Make to Yourselves then in Latin, our Lord Jesus Christ says this, “Make to yourselves friends of the riches of iniquity.” Some, by a bad understanding of this, plunder the goods /…/sermons on selected lessons of the new testament/sermon lxiii on the words.htm

Festus Succeeds Felix who is Succeeded by Albinus as He is by Accordingly, he did not only, in his political capacity, steal and plunder every one’s substance, nor did he only burden the whole nation with taxes, but he /…/chapter 14 festus succeeds felix.htm

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Petty Dishonesty. thou shouldest say, I have made Abraham rich.” Now, this was just an occasion when he might have fairly claimed remuneration from the recovered plunder, but no /…/the village pulpit volume ii trinity to advent/xlvi petty dishonesty.htm

The Battle of the Beanfield. 2 Samuel, xxiii, 11, 12. Those Philistines liked to fight rather than to work, preferring plunder to ploughing, so they would cross the border and carry away the results of the //christianbookshelf.org/champness/broken bread/v the battle of the.htm

Fall of the Western Empire (Ad 451-476) and the glitter of spears and armour was seen; and just as the Huns had broken through the wall, and were rushing into the city, greedy of plunder and bloodshed /…/chapter xxiii fall of the.htm

But on the Next Day, I Brought Ten Thousand Armed Men with Me… they had done amiss with regard to me, by their fidelity for the time to come; and they besought me to preserve what spoils remained upon the plunder of the /…/josephus/the life of flavius josephus/section 64 but on the.htm

Of the Golden Age, of Images, and Prometheus, who First Fashioned For having lost the knowledge of God, and broken off that one bond of human society, they began to harass one another, to plunder and subdue. /…/lactantius/the divine institutes/chap xxv of the golden age.htm

What, Then, Constrains You, what Excites You to Revile… [3383] Tyrants and your kings, who, putting away all fear of the gods, plunder and pillage the treasuries of temples; who by proscription, banishment, [3384 /…/the seven books of arnobius against the heathen/64 what then constrains you.htm

The Treasury of Sacred Song No fair towers, whose princely fashion. Is but Plunder’s invitation; No stout marble structure, where. Nor no Fury dispossess thee: Let all war and plunder come, //christianbookshelf.org/palgrave/the treasury of sacred song/cxliv home.htm

Decay of Charles the Great’s Empire (Ad 814-887) After a time they grew bolder, and would leave their vessels on the rivers, while they struck across the country to plunder places which were known to be /…/chapter v decay of charles.htmPlunder (118 Occurrences) 1. (vt) To take the goods of by force, or without right; to pillage; to spoil; to sack; to strip; to rob; as, to plunder travelers. Plunder (118 Occurrences). /p/plunder.htm – 37k

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Loot (15 Occurrences) Noah Webster’s Dictionary 1. (v.) To plunder; to steal; to pillage. 2. (n.) Plunder; booty; especially, the boot taken in a conquered or sacked city. /l/loot.htm – 11k

Pillage (5 Occurrences) Noah Webster’s Dictionary 1. (n.) Open robbery; warlike plunder. 4. (vi) To take spoil; to plunder; to ravage. Multi-Version Concordance /p/pillage.htm – 8k

Rob (27 Occurrences) 2. (vt) To take (something) away from by force; to strip by stealing; to plunder; to pillage; to steal from. Then he will plunder his house. (See NIV). /r/rob.htm – 15k

Unless (102 Occurrences) (WEB WEY DBY NAS RSV NIV). Matthew 12:29 Or how can one enter into the house of the strong man, and plunder his goods, unless he first bind the strong man? /u/unless.htm – 36k

Ties (7 Occurrences) Ties (7 Occurrences). Matthew 12:29 Or how can one enter into the house of the strong man, and plunder his goods, unless he first bind the strong man? /t/ties.htm – 8k

Binds (14 Occurrences) Matthew 12:29 Or how is one able to go into the house of the strong man, and to plunder his goods, if first he may not bind the strong man? /b/binds.htm – 9k

Spoil (140 Occurrences) 1. (vt) To plunder; to strip by violence; to pillage; to rob; – with of before the name of the thing taken; as, to spoil one of his goods or possession. /s/spoil.htm – 40k

Bind (68 Occurrences) Bind (68 Occurrences). Matthew 12:29 Or how can one enter into the house of the strong man, and plunder his goods, unless he first bind the strong man? /b/bind.htm – 32k

Plundered (44 Occurrences) Noah Webster’s Dictionary (imp. & pp) of Plunder. Multi-Version Concordance Plundered (44 Occurrences). He will plunder the storehouse of treasure. (See NIV). /p/plundered.htm – 19k

Who was Achan in the Bible? | GotQuestions.orgWho was Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz? | GotQuestions.orgWhat does it mean to bind the strong man? | GotQuestions.orgPlunder: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.comBible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus

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