What Happens If I Withdraw My Child From School

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Have you ever asked, “how do I withdraw my child from school?” or, “can I withdraw my child from school over the phone?”

You can withdraw your child from school in the U.S. at any point in time, however, there are few states that require notification BEFORE you withdraw. Delaware is an outlier; they insist that you make a decision on or before October 5th. Check your state’s notification requirements here.

Although you could technically withdraw your child over the phone, it is best practice to do so in writing so that both you and the school have a tangible record. I withdrew my child from Kindergarten mid-year with a simple email.

So you’ve made a monumental decision. Whether it’s a relief or nerve-wracking, it’s decided. Now you are just asking yourself, “How do I withdraw my child from school”? Well you’re in the right place! Keep reading for my expert advice (I’m a certified teacher and current homeschooling parent!)

Can parents withdraw their child from school?

The short answer is YES. Yes, you can withdraw your child from school and start homeschooling, worldschooling, unschooling, or any combination of the three.

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It is legal to homeschool in all fifty states of the U.S. As long as you follow legal guidelines, which we’ll go into in another minute, you’re free to withdraw your child from their school.

Can I pull my child out of school and homeschool?

Yes, you can pull your child out of school and homeschool! As long as your are located within a country, state, or province where homeschooling is legal, you may withdraw your child from school at any time to homeschool with some exceptions (see below).

Some states require notice BEFORE you withdraw your child. Those states are: Arkansas, Colorado, Hawaii, Maryland, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and West Virginia. Delaware requires that you make a decision before or on October 5th.

Are you considering homeschooling, but need help withdrawing your child, sending a letter of intent, and more?➡️ Click here to see how I can help you 1-on-1.

How to pull your child out of public school to homeschool:

If you’re thinking about pulling your child out of public school to homeschool, the first step will be to formally inform your child’s school of your intent to withdraw your child. This can be done via letter, email, or phone in some cases, but we recommend a paper letter or email sent to the principal.

Keep reading to see how you can use a simple letter (we provide an example and a downloadable template!) to pull your child out of school to begin homeschooling.

How do I withdraw my child from school?

In many states, a simple notice letter to the school is enough to withdraw your child from school and begin homeschooling. Keep reading for a template of a letter you can use to send to your child’s school.

⭐️ Pro-Tip: It’s a good idea to request a copy of your child’s cumulative file from the front office to keep for your records.

In some states, you are also required to formally notify the state of your intentions to homeschool. Click here to check out any additional requirements to withdraw your child from school and start homeschooling.

Can I withdraw my child from school over the phone?

Although in some school districts it may be permissible to withdraw your child over the phone, I highly suggest putting it in writing whether in the form of an email or a hard copy of a letter.

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Can you withdraw your child from public school mid-year?

Yes, you can withdraw your child from school at any time of the year. Every family’s situation is different but I recommend thinking of what is best for the child. Is there an immediate danger to their safety or mental health? You can choose to withdraw immediately.

Is your child safe, but you have decided that it’s not the best fit for your family? Choose a date to withdraw your child that feels natural, for example, over break or at least a weekend.

We withdrew our kindergartener from public school over the winter break and it was a seamless transition into homeschooling for our family.

How do I write a letter to withdraw my child from school?

Everyone’s child’s experience at public school is different. If your child had a positive experience at school, it’s nice to make the letter more personalized and to express your gratitude to the teachers and administrators who made the school a special place. You may choose to write an additional personalized note to your child’s teacher thanking them.

If your child had a negative experience at school, it can be tempting to write a scathing letter. I caution you to instead keep the letter polite and short.

There’s no sense in letting a copy of it make it to social media and causing all sorts of drama. Trust me, it won’t do any good and may cause some well-meaning people problems, including your child and yourself.

👉 The letter should include all of your child’s identifying information, including their full name, birthdate, and grade. It’s very important to write an exact date of withdrawal. Keep a copy of it for yourself. Check out my example below and feel free to customize it.

Withdraw child from school letter sample

Dear (administrator’s name), (Today’s date)

I am withdrawing my child, (child’s full name here) from school with the intention of homeschooling.

(Child’s first name) is in (teacher’s name)’s (grade) class and his/her/their birthdate is (child’s birthdate here). His/her/their last day of attendance will be (___).

I would like to request a copy of (child’s name)’s cumulative file. I can pick this up or it can be emailed as a zip file to (your email address here), whichever is more convenient for your office staff.

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Thank you for your help in this matter. I appreciate you and all of the hardworking staff at your campus.


(Your signature and printed name below)

Which states allow homeschooling?

All states in the U.S. legally allow homeschooling, however, there are state laws and requirements which vary from state to state. As a second generation homeschool family in Texas, my experience may be very different from homeschool families in other parts of the U.S.

What are the best states for homeschooling?

Although the ‘best’ is a subjective term, some states have much more rigorous requirements for homeschool families. One of the reasons that a lot of people homeschool is for more flexibility.

One of the reasons that I homeschool is to prevent my children from having to take high stakes testing. In some states, homeschool students are required to take state regulated testing!

On the flip side, states with more regulation over homeschooling might currently offer or in the future offer funding for homeschoolers, whereas states with less regulation may not.

States with the least amount of regulation over homeschooling

  • Texas
  • Alaska
  • Connecticut
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Iowa
  • Michigan
  • Missouri
  • New Jersey
  • Oklahoma

States with the most amount of regulation over homeschooling

  • Massachusetts
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont

What happens if I withdraw my child from school in Texas?

What happens if you withdraw your child from school in Texas is that you will find there are no legal requirements to prove homeschool enrollment. You do not have to provide any sort of documentation to your child’s school or the state.

As a former homeschool student raised in Texas AND a currently homeschooling parent living in Texas, I’ve had two first-hand experiences with homeschool laws in this state. Neither my parents nor I were legally required to do anything or inform anyone after choosing to homeschool in Texas.

Recap: How do I withdraw my child from school?

Although it’s a tough decision, you know what is best for your children. These decisions aren’t made lightly and whatever you decide to do, whether to keep your child in through the school year or to withdraw them mid-year, be confident and don’t look back.

I didn’t have a ton of stress when withdrawing my daughter because we were leaving public school to move abroad. I knew that the education she would get traveling with us would be 100x more authentic than what she would get in a school setting. However, it was still a big decision!! Especially if you have push back from family.

We withdrew her from the school over winter break, and I felt really good about my decision when January reared it’s ugly flu/cold/strep/covid head! They closed the school down anyway and my daughter was already safe at home, loving the homeschool life!

➡️ Click here for more information working 1-on-1 with homeschool consultant, Beth McCarter, or fill out the enquiry form below.

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