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What Happens When You Get Hit By A Train

You’re at a train station, waiting for your train to arrive. Trains are massive and impressive, but they can also be dangerous if we don’t stay safe around them.

Being hit by a train, especially in the head or neck at a high speed, can lead to instant death or immediate loss of consciousness. If someone were to roll underneath the train, the engine’s parts and wheels slicing through their body might extend this tragic event by a short time, but survival chances remain slim. In any case, the outcome is extremely dire and usually leads to a fatality within 1 to 2 minutes.

Getting hit by a train is a grave situation that often results in severe injuries or even loss of life. The severity of the consequences depends on various factors, including the train’s speed, where the impact occurs, and how close the person is to the train. Such accidents can cause critical injuries like broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, and internal harm.

Common Causes of Train and Railroad Pedestrian Accidents

Trains are essential for transportation and commerce, but they can also pose significant dangers to pedestrians who interact with railways improperly or without due caution.

Unauthorized Entry

One of the most prevalent and perilous causes of train-related accidents is trespassing on railroad property. This unauthorized entry can take various forms, including people taking shortcuts across tracks, using railroad bridges as pedestrian crossings, or wandering onto the tracks without proper authorization. Trespassers often underestimate the speed and quietness of approaching trains, believing they can cross the tracks quickly. This reckless behavior puts them at grave risk.

Ignoring Signals and Barriers

Railway crossings are equipped with an array of warning signals designed to alert pedestrians of an approaching train. These signals may include flashing lights, ringing bells, and lowered crossing gates. Tragically, some accidents occur when pedestrians disregard these signals, believing they can outpace the train or that it’s safe to cross the tracks despite the warnings. Attempting to walk around lowered barriers or drive through closed crossing gates can have catastrophic consequences.

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Misjudging Train Speed

Trains can present an optical illusion, appearing slower or farther away than they actually are. This phenomenon can lead pedestrians to misjudge a train’s speed and distance, thinking they have ample time to cross the tracks safely. However, trains travel at high speeds and can cover distances rapidly, making such misjudgments perilous.

Distracted Walking

In our increasingly connected world, distractions abound. Pedestrians may become engrossed in their mobile phones, wear headphones blaring music, or engage in animated conversations while walking near railway tracks. These distractions divert their attention from their surroundings, making it challenging to hear warning signals and notice the approach of a train. This reduced awareness can be a recipe for disaster.

Influence of Alcohol or Drugs

The consumption of alcohol or drugs can impair judgment, coordination, and decision-making abilities. Impaired individuals may take undue risks near train tracks, believing they can safely navigate the area. Inebriation can lead to risky behaviors, including attempting to cross tracks in front of an approaching train, with tragic outcomes.

Lack of Education

Some individuals may lack awareness of the inherent dangers associated with trains and railroad crossings. This lack of education can result from inadequate safety campaigns, limited access to resources, or simply not comprehending the potential risks. Consequently, people may engage in risky behaviors, such as walking or playing on the tracks, without understanding the potential consequences.

Suicide Attempts

Regrettably, trains are chosen as a means of self-harm by individuals struggling with mental health challenges. These incidents underscore the urgent need for improved mental health support and crisis intervention resources. Addressing the root causes of mental health issues and ensuring timely access to mental health services is essential to prevent these tragic events.

Who Is Liable For A Train Accident?

Determining liability in a train accident can be a complex process and often depends on various factors. Liability may fall on one or more of the following parties

Train Operator (Railroad Company): The company that owns and operates the train is responsible for ensuring the safety of its passengers and those near the tracks. If negligence on the part of the train operator, such as failure to follow safety protocols or maintain equipment, contributed to the accident, they may be held liable.


  • Pedestrians or Drivers: Individuals who trespass on railroad tracks or ignore safety signals and barriers may be found liable for accidents they cause. Disregarding warning signs and attempting to cross tracks in front of an approaching train can lead to accidents for which individuals may be held responsible.
  • Motor Vehicle Drivers: In cases involving train-vehicle collisions at railway crossings, drivers who fail to obey traffic laws and warning signals may be liable for accidents.

Manufacturers and Maintenance Companies: If a train accident occurs due to faulty equipment or inadequate maintenance, the manufacturers or maintenance companies responsible for the train’s components may be held liable.

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Government Entities: In some cases, government entities responsible for maintaining railway infrastructure, such as tracks, signals, and crossings, may be held liable if negligence in maintenance or design contributed to the accident.

Third Parties: Liability can also extend to third parties if their actions or negligence played a role in the accident. For example, if a contractor’s work near a railway results in damage to tracks or signals that contribute to an accident, that contractor may be liable.

Passengers: Passengers who engage in reckless or dangerous behavior while on a train may also be held responsible for accidents they cause.

Determining liability in a train accident typically involves a thorough investigation by authorities, insurance companies, and potentially legal experts. The outcome may vary depending on the specific circumstances and evidence related to the accident.

In many cases, liability is shared among multiple parties to varying degrees. Legal professionals and insurance companies often play a significant role in negotiating and resolving liability claims in train accident cases.

What To Do If You Are Injured In A Train Accident

If you find yourself injured in a train accident, it’s essential to take immediate steps to ensure your safety and well-being. Train accidents can be chaotic and potentially dangerous situations, so knowing what to do can make a significant difference.

Prioritize Safety

First and foremost, ensure your safety. If you can move, try to get to a safe location away from the accident scene to avoid any further harm.

If you are unable to move or are trapped, try to stay as still as possible to prevent exacerbating your injuries.

Call for Help

Dial emergency services (911 in the United States or the appropriate emergency number in your location) to report the accident and request immediate medical assistance.

Inform the operator about the location of the accident and the number of injured individuals.

Assess Your Injuries

Check yourself for injuries and assess their severity. If you have any life-threatening injuries (severe bleeding, difficulty breathing, etc.), prioritize getting medical attention for those injuries.

Do not attempt to move if you suspect a spinal injury or severe head injury, as this could worsen the condition.

Help Others if Possible

If you are physically able and it is safe to do so, check on the well-being of other passengers or individuals involved in the accident.

Provide assistance to others, especially those who are seriously injured, while waiting for emergency services to arrive.

Follow Medical Advice

When paramedics or medical professionals arrive, cooperate fully with their assessments and treatments.

Provide accurate information about your injuries, any pre-existing medical conditions, allergies, and medications you may be taking.

Document the Accident

If you are physically able and it is safe, try to gather information about the accident, such as the train number, location, date, and time.

Take photos of the accident scene, your injuries, and any property damage if possible. This documentation may be useful later for insurance claims or legal proceedings.

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Seek Legal Advice

Contact an attorney experienced in personal injury or train accident cases. They can provide guidance on your legal rights, potential claims, and compensation options.

Keep records of medical bills, treatment plans, and any communication with insurance companies or legal representatives.

Notify Loved Ones

Inform family members or friends about the accident and your condition. This can help alleviate concerns and ensure that someone is aware of your situation.

Follow Up on Medical Care

Continue to follow medical advice and treatment plans to ensure your injuries are properly managed and documented.

Attend all scheduled medical appointments and therapy sessions.

Understand Your Rights

Familiarize yourself with your rights as an accident victim, including potential compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Remember that each train accident is unique, and the steps you should take may vary depending on the circumstances. Seeking immediate medical attention and legal counsel is crucial to ensuring your rights are protected and that you receive the necessary care and support for your recovery.


Is it common to get hit by a train?

Getting hit by a train is not common, but it can happen, especially when safety measures are not followed. It’s crucial to be cautious around railway tracks.

How many people accidentally get hit by trains?

The number of people accidentally hit by trains varies each year, but such incidents are relatively rare due to safety precautions. Even one accident is one too many, emphasizing the importance of rail safety.

How do you survive a train hit?

Surviving a train hit is exceptionally rare and often depends on circumstances. The best way to survive is to avoid being in the path of a train altogether by following safety rules.

Can you survive if cut in half?

Surviving being cut in half is extremely unlikely and would require immediate medical attention, but it’s not a situation anyone should ever aim for. Prevention is key.

How rare is it for a train to crash?

Train crashes are relatively rare, thanks to stringent safety protocols and regulations in the railway industry. Safety measures are in place to prevent collisions and derailments.

Does a train feel guilty?

No, a train does not have emotions or consciousness, so it cannot feel guilt. Train accidents are mechanical and human errors, not the fault of the train itself.

How do you not get hit by a train?

To avoid getting hit by a train, follow safety guidelines: obey railway crossing signals, stay clear of tracks, and never trespass. Vigilance and caution are crucial.

What would happen if you jumped in a bullet train?

Jumping in front of a bullet train is dangerous and life-threatening. It could result in severe injury or loss of life and should never be attempted.

Can a bullet train crash?

While bullet trains are designed for safety and speed, accidents can occur due to various factors. However, their advanced technology and safety measures minimize the risk.

Which part of the train is safest?

The safest part of a train is generally the passenger cars, as they are designed with safety features. However, always follow safety guidelines to stay protected during your journey.

Final words

In simple terms, getting hit by a train can have devastating consequences. It’s a situation we all want to avoid. Trains are massive and incredibly powerful machines, and accidents involving them can lead to severe injuries or even loss of life.

That’s why it’s crucial always to stay safe around trains, obey signals and barriers, and be aware of your surroundings. By understanding the risks and taking precautions, we can all contribute to preventing train accidents.

Remember, safety is everyone’s responsibility, and it’s better to be safe than sorry. So, stay alert, stay safe, and respect the power of trains.


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