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What Insurance Adjusters Won’t Tell You

Dealing with insurance adjusters can be challenging after an accident. Their job is to limit payouts, not get you maximum compensation. This is not right, but it is important that you know before negotiating with them.

Working with an Atlanta insurance claims lawyer can help so you are not rushing into an unfair settlement. When you have a lawyer on your side, you will know you are in good hands. Insurance adjusters have several tricks they do not want you to know to get you the lowest offer.

They Are Not Really on Your Side

Adjusters are trained to identify ways to reduce or deny claims so they do not lose much money. They may try asking leading questions to get you to unknowingly admit partial fault, which means your settlement will be a lot less, or you will not get any. Remember, the adjuster works for the insurer’s interests first, so they will always look for a way to keep more money with the company.

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Be cautious of what you say to adjusters, and avoid misrepresentations of your words. Stick to only the facts and do not accept an offer right away. Work with an attorney who can deal with the insurance company on your behalf and ensure you receive fair compensation.

While adjusters may seem friendly, it is important to keep in mind they work for the insurance company, not you. Their goal is resolving claims quickly and cheaply, not maximizing payouts. Keep discussions fact-based and get legal representation to balance out the adjuster’s unfair bias.

They Can Turn Your Statements Against You

Insurance adjusters try to get information from you that reduces claim value. Seemingly harmless questions may lead you to contradict yourself or inadvertently admit partial liability. Your words can be used against you to try and get your claim dropped or significantly decreased.

You are not required to give a recorded statement to an insurance company when you are by yourself without a lawyer. Politely refuse if asked, as this further jeopardizes your claim. Adjusters may also pretend to have insider knowledge or “evidence” against you to get you to admit some guilt.

Do not fall for these traps. If you feel an adjuster is manipulating the conversation, end the discussion. You can let your attorney handle all contact with them so you do not accidentally say something they take the wrong way.

They Are Aware Their Settlement Is Too Low

Insurance adjusters use various tactics to make lowball offers seem reasonable, even when they know the amount is not fair. They hope that you accept the low settlement just to quickly end the process. Always make sure you think about the amount before jumping to a quick agreement.

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Adjusters may pressure you to take the offer before providing all required documentation. Or they may act like the low amount is non-negotiable. In reality, they have room to pay fairly.

Trust your gut if an offer seems suspiciously low, given your damages and injuries. Politely push back and provide evidence justifying a higher payout. A lawyer can help represent your claim’s true value if they refuse to negotiate fairly.

They Are Not “Really” Friendly, They Are Trained

Do not mistake an adjuster’s friendly demeanor for genuine concern for you. Their conversational tone and personable approach are strategic techniques taught to build some sort of trust with you. It is all part of maximizing profits.

Adjusters are trained to keep discussions casual and relaxed. This makes you more receptive to their suggestions and offers. It also makes you more likely to slip up and say something against your own interests.

Remember, adjusters are skilled negotiators working for the insurer’s benefit. Be polite but cautious in conversations, and do not take friendliness at face value. Protect yourself by being careful in discussions.

They Can Pay You More Money than You Think

Insurers often make low initial offers to test if you will take less than fair value. But most have the authority to provide reasonable compensation for losses. Do not assume the first offer is the high limit.

Push back professionally if an offer seems insufficient, and be prepared to justify your stance with evidence. Provide medical reports, comparable claim data, and documentation of all impacts. Adjuster authority varies, but many can raise offers substantially if warranted.

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If discussions stall and the adjuster will not budge, request to speak to a supervisor. Sometimes, when they know you are not going to settle low, they will work with you more. Do not back down when you know something is unfair.

They May Make You Think You Need to Act Urgently

Adjusters may pressure you to accept an offer quickly before you have time to fully evaluate it. Phrases like “one-time deal” or “expires soon” attempt to create fake urgency to settle fast. This is not the truth, and you should not fall for it.

Settlements can take time as the full scope of damages and losses are assessed. You have every right to carefully review offers, obtain legal representation, and negotiate further if needed. Rushed acceptance typically leads to insufficient compensation.

Do not agree if an adjuster insists you must decide immediately and ask for recorded acceptance. Say you need time to talk it over with a lawyer before consenting. Work with an attorney to take over discussions and handle settlement matters so you can get paid a fair amount.

Do Not Settle for Less – Get What You Deserve

Insurance adjusters use various tactics to minimize claim payouts. But you have the power to counter by being informed and seeking legal representation. A lawyer can help you handle negotiations and secure fair compensation.

With legal representation on your side, adjusters must provide reasonable settlements. Do not let an adjuster take advantage through deceptive practices. Contact us for a free consultation so we can help you through these tactics and get the compensation you are entitled to.


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