What Is A Crank On A Bike

Welcome to the “transmission” of the bicycle. This is the “heart” of the animal. Here is where your energy is turned into speed and pure fun. It is here that our fat cells fall to the ground and are left behind. Are you looking for the next perfect pair of jeans that are a size smaller? You will find your way to that goal through this part of the bicycle. See? I knew you’d love this tecky stuff!

Fun fact: Higher “cadence” (the speed at which you turn the pedals) burns fat. Slower spinning builds muscle (usually requires you to stand up and pedal up hills).

Terms from parts shown above:

  • Front Derailleur: The front derailleur literally de-rails your chain to another “gear”. The gears (also known as: “chain rings”) have “teeth” and look like a buzz saw blade. The derailleur changes speeds much like your car in that sometimes you need a stronger gear for pulling your car up a mountain and a faster gear for keeping up with suicidal morons on Interstate 85.
  • Chain Rings: The chain rings (aka: gears) should NOT be confused with “cogs” which are located on the rear wheel). The big chain ring is for level ground or riding down hill. The middle chain ring is for varied riding sometimes up hill sometimes on level ground. The small chain ring is for climbing hills… it’s the power gear.
  • Crank: The Crank is a general reference to all of the drive train… the gears, cranks arms, crank spider, and bottom bracket (not including the chain or derailleur).
  • Crank (spider): is the actual section that the chain rings bolt onto.
  • Crank Arms: These are the levers to that your pedals attach to.
  • Chain: The chain is what turns the back wheel when you pedal.
  • Bottom Bracket: This is the housing that holds the bearings in place and the axle that the crank arms attach to.
Refer to more articles:  What Is A Bulkhead In A House

Continue to back end of a bicycle>>

Quick links to specific bicycle sections & parts:

Frame Terminology>>Bicycle Front End>>Bicycle Center>>Bicycle Back End>>Shocks>>Brakes>>Pedals & Shoes>>

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