What Is An Arch In Dentures

Dentures aren’t your only option for restoring missing teeth! At Oak Creek Dental Care, we also offer full-arch implants, which are an ideal alternative to traditional dentures. But what are full-arch implants? How do they compare to dentures? And which treatment is right for you? We’ll explain everything you need to know about these two treatments for missing teeth.

What Are Dentures?

You’re probably familiar with dentures, but let’s discuss the basics anyway. Full-arch dentures consist of a base made of gum-colored acrylic. This base is designed to fit perfectly around your gums, and is held in place mostly by friction. However, denture adhesives are also available, which helps improve the hold of the dentures.

Integrated into the base is a full set of teeth, also usually made out of a durable acrylic material. Together, the base and the teeth provide a natural-looking smile restoration. Dentures are affordable and can be built fairly quickly, so they are a very popular way to restore a full mouth of missing teeth.

What Are Full-Arch Implants?

Full-arch implants, as the name suggests, consist of a set of about 4-6 dental implants. These may be placed in one arch or both arches of your mouth, depending on whether you need just one row of teeth or both rows to be replaced.

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These implants are small pieces of titanium that are shaped like screws. They are surgically placed into your jaw, where they heal and permanently bond with the bone. This is why titanium is used. It has the unique ability to “osseointegrate” with the bone, essentially becoming a natural part of your mouth.

Once your dental implants heal and bond with your jaw, a set of implant-supported dentures will be built to attach to them. Depending on the design, they may be removable, similar to dentures, or they may be meant to permanently attach to your implants.

Either way, your full-arch dentures will snap onto your dental implants, which will hold them tightly in place. This means that full-arch implants and dentures won’t shift when you eat, speak, or chew.

Full-arch implants also stimulate and preserve the bone tissue of your jaw, since each implant places pressure on the jaw bone and keeps it healthy. Dentures don’t do this, which can lead to long-term changes in your appearance.

Dentures Vs Full-Arch Implants: What’s Right For Me?

This mostly comes down to your budget. Dentures are much more affordable, and are often covered by dental insurance, making them an even better choice for patients who are on a budget. However, they don’t last as long as dental implants, and do not look or feel as natural.

And while full-arch implants look and feel really natural and last a long time, they are significantly more expensive. While we do offer financing options at Oak Creek Dental Care, they simply may be out of your budget.

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Need More Information About Full-Arch Implants And Dentures? See Dr. Saleki Today!

If you need to restore your teeth in Oak Creek, Franklin, or South Milwaukee, Dr. Ehsan Saleki is here to help. Contact us online or give us a call at (414) 762-9010 to schedule a consultation, explore both treatments in further detail, and choose the option that’s right for your own unique needs.

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