What Is An Estate Sale Vs Garage Sale

The summer months are upon us and you know what that means—garage sale season. There’s something about the warm weather that makes us want to clean out our home and declutter from the previous year. Whether you’re looking to eliminate bulky items you no longer have any use for or make room for new household objects, hosting a sale can be the perfect solution.

But, how do you know what type of sale to hold? From garage sales to estate sales, the possibilities are endless. We’ve compiled a list of differences between estate sales and garage sales for you to better understand which option is best for you. Let’s check it out.

What is a Garage Sale?

Garage sales are known for helping you get rid of unwanted household items and, you guessed it, being hosted in your garage/driveway. You can expect to find everything from baby clothes and kitchen utensils to books and old furniture. Though you can expect to find a plethora of odds and ends, it’s not common to come across high-quality products or items in “like new” condition.

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Garage sales are usually held over the weekend and are advertised with hand-made signs posted throughout the neighborhood and on local street corners. It is here that you’ll find some of the best opportunities for negotiation, as homeowners aren’t typically looking to make a profit—they just want to eliminate the possessions from their dwelling. Garage sales can run as long as a whole weekend and hours normally run as the sun is still out.

What is an Estate Sale?

Estate sales are held inside the home and can take place for a number of reasons, including the death of a homeowner or if a homeowner decides to downsize and relocate. Oftentimes family members will host the estate sale, but more often than not, an estate sale company, such as Blue Moon Estate Sales, will be hired to help take care of selling the possessions.

Unlike garage sales, estate sales are the place to discover a large variety of items. In order for an estate sale to be held, each item must be inspected and valued at a certain price—you’ll find things such as vintage furniture, name brand clothing, fine china, and rare pieces of art.

Timeliness matters when attending an estate sale. Differing greatly from a garage sale, estate sales are conducted in an orderly fashion, often requiring you to take a number and wait to be called into the home to shop. Here you won’t be able to haggle through the pricing as price tags are not up for negotiation.

The Main Differences

Estate sales and garage sales are similar in the sense that you’re able to thrift the unwanted items of others, but the differences matter dramatically.

  • Estate sales are more formal and structured while garage sales are first come, first serve

  • Estate sales are designed to eliminate an entire estate while garage sales are meant to get rid of old household items

  • Estate sales run one-time only (typically one full weekend) while garage sales can continue on for weeks at a time if the homeowner chooses

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Regardless of how you’re planning to get rid of your items, both garage and estate sales are great options for anyone looking to get a good deal on unique items.

Why You Should Have an Estate Sale

Estate sales aren’t a spontaneous event and take quite a bit of work to plan. This is why we suggest hiring an estate sale company like Blue Moon Estate Sales to help you with every detail. By hiring Blue Moon to run your estate sales, you’ll see a large influx of commission without having to exhaust your time and efforts.

Our friendly staff will explain our process in detail and ensure you’re informed every step of the way. There’s no time like the present to start your decluttering journey—have an estate sale today.

Host an Estate Sale with Blue Moon Estate Sales

Blue Moon Estate Sales wants your first estate sale to be a success. Take advantage of hiring us to handle every detail while you sit back and relax. Visit us here to learn more about what hiring Blue Moon entails.

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