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What Is Astroflipping

If you’re a wholesaler or real estate investor, you may have heard the term “astro flipping” used in online advertisements. It’s also generating some buzz inside online forums such as Bigger Pockets and Quora.

However, most people don’t fully understand what astro flipping is and how it can help you as an investor. This article discusses what astro flipping is, the difference between astro flipping and wholesaling, and whether or not it’s worth it to learn more about how to do astro flipping as part of your real estate investment strategy.

What is Astro Flipping?

Astro flipping is the brainchild of Jamil Damji and Josiah Grimes, who created a movement of real estate wholesalers who use innovative techniques to acquire more deals and make more money in real estate. Damji has a following on YouTube, where he teaches members of his community how to make more money in real estate, side hustles, and other lifestyle content.

If you look on the Astro Flipping website, nowhere does it explain in detail how to do astro flipping and the details of what this approach entails. However, the website displays the astro flipping approach in nine steps, which we will cover later in this article.

It makes sense that the secrets behind astro flipping aren’t readily available online to protect trade secrets and intellectual property. But astro flipping reviews online share some useful information for those looking into getting started with astro flipping.

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One Quora user summed up astro flipping in a nutshell. They said that “astro flipping starts with finding multiple wholesalers with real estate deals and then entering into an agreement regarding bringing buyers to the table. Then they negotiate the deal lower with the wholesaler and repeat the process until you have about 6 deals you’re co-wholesaling.”

Another user weighed in and said that astro flipping is a form of co-wholesaling where the astro flipper receives a portion of the commission and often splits it with the other co-wholesalers in the deal, whereas regular wholesalers keep the entire profit.

One of the main benefits of astro flipping is that the astro flipper takes a small percentage of everyone’s pie, while the wholesaler is limited to the properties they have under contract themselves.

The Astro Flipping Approach

As we mentioned, there are nine steps to approaching astro flipping.

  1. Acquisitions. The first step in astro flipping is to educate yourself on the basics of acquiring properties and how the astro flipping process works. Before you go out on your own and apply the astro flipping principles, you need to study how the process works, starting with your point of contact and continuing through the signing of your contract.
  2. Dispositions. The second step in the astro flipping process is to build a list of active performers, allowing you to become a selling machine in your market. This is the true first step of getting the astro flipping process started.
  3. Contracts. Astro flipping intends to remove all the complexities surrounding contracts and contract laws. The astro flipping program gives you access to every contract they have used while wholesaling. You’ll also get full explanations and step-by-step guides on how to use the contracts in certain situations.
  4. Marketing. Even if you build something great, there is no guarantee that they will come. The astro flipping program gives you all the materials you need to market yourself and your business effectively. You’ll also find out the methods that the astro flipping creators found to be the most effective for marketing your real estate business.
  5. Automation. Plenty of business owners waste time by performing monotonous tasks. However, your time is rarely best spent on these tasks that a virtual assistant (VA) could easily handle. Sifting through email, responding to social media messages, and scheduling appointments take up too much time and have the potential for automation.
  6. Mindset. Your mindset is one of the most important parts of astro flipping. The astro flipping community makes sure you have the right mindset before setting out on your journey. They ensure that you’re prepared to be successful and run a profitable business.
  7. Relationships. According to astro flipping, it takes a team of astronauts to run an operation into space, which means it also takes a team to find success at astro flipping. The community of successful investors and students provide support, advice, and partnerships with other investors in the program.
  8. Foundation. Even with a strong foundation, the learning process never stops. Astro flipping is one of the best ways to continue your education about the real estate investing world and expand your knowledge. The knowledge gained from astro flipping can help you make more money and also allow you to teach others how to do the same.
  9. Results. Finally, the end of the astro flipping program is when you see the results you’re looking for. Thanks to the proven methods and strategies of astro flipping, members tend to receive a high level of success with the program.
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The Difference Between Astro Flipping and Wholesaling

The difference between astro flipping and wholesaling is apparent when we look at the two investing methods closer. Wholesaling is a way for investors to buy and sell contracts as an intermediary between both sellers and buyers. Wholesalers target distressed properties and put these properties under contract at a deep discount and then sell them to another cash buyer for a fee.

On the flip side, astro flipping is when you enter into agreements with wholesalers and send their deal directly to your own cash buyers list. Your bring the buyer and essentially co-wholesale the the deal with the other wholesaler. Therefore, the difference between astro flipping and wholesaling is that astro flipping does not require you to do any marketing to sellers or finding a deal in the first place.

In theory, you will be able to do more deals with Astro Flipping (vs wholesaling) if you connect with a lot of wholesalers and have a strong buyers list. However, you will earn less per deal (vs a wholesaler), since JV deals typically split the assignment fee 50-50.

Astro Flipping Reviews

We weren’t able to find many astro flipping reviews online, partly because the creators don’t want to give up the secrets of the profitable wholesaling method for investors. However, one astro flipping review said that the program emphasizes automation and locating strategic third party vendors to leverage relationships that generate endless new deals.

Other astro flipping reviews are generally positive and point out that the method requires a lot of effort, patience, and attention to detail. But if you put in the work, you should see the astro flipping magic take place.

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