HomeWHATWhat Is Feathered Indians About

What Is Feathered Indians About

Tyler Childers’ breakout track “Feathered Indians” has the makings of a country classic. From the unshakeable melody to the punchy lyrics, Childers reminds us of his predecessors in the genre with this track—bringing a classic country spirit to the modern scene.

But what exactly is Childers trying to convey with this song? Find out, below.

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Behind the Meaning

Well my buckle makes impressionsOn the inside of her thighThere are little feathered IndiansWhere we tussled through the night

Few opening lines in a country song in recent memory are as memorable as the one in “Feathered Indians.” Childers keys us in to just how visual he is as a songwriter with the lines above. The singer routinely wears a belt buckle which features the image of a Native American chief on it.

Impressions of the embossed figure are printed on the girl he is with, from where the buckle pressed into the inside of her thigh. When you’re a songwriter, almost anything becomes fodder for your lyrics. We can clearly see the scene that inspired Childers to pen this tune.

If I’d known she was religiousThen I wouldn’t have came stonedTo the house of such an angelToo fucked up to get back home

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In the next breath, we find out his romantic interest is religious, which explains why his clothes stayed on while spending the night with her. But the mention of her faith does more than just set the scene. It creates a distinction between the angel-like quality Childers describes her as having and his dark, less pious demeanor. In one simple line, he gives us a wealth of knowledge about what their dynamic is like.

Hold me close my dearSing your whisperin’ songSoftly in my earAnd I will sing alongHoney tell me how your love runs trueAnd how I can always count on youTo be there when the bullets flyI’d run across the river just to hold you tonight

Childers explains the breadth of his devotion to this relationship in the chorus. He’d die for her (be there when the bullets fly). He’d even perform miracles for her (I’d run across the river just to hold you tonight). Childers’ emotion runs rampant throughout this song, but the chorus is where he really lets it run wild.

(Photo by Rich Fury/Getty Images)


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