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What Is Head In Parking

Cars now have many modern technologies to help drivers handle any situation on the road. Assistive parking systems and backup cameras are two examples.

However, many drivers are still hesitant about parking methods and prefer to pull forward instead.

What is head in parking? What are the pros and cons? If you are a new driver, this post is for you. Let’s keep scrolling down for details about this parking way and valuable tips for car parking.

What Is Head In Parking Only?

If you do the opposite and park with your car back facing out, this is referred to as “head-in” parking.

When you select “head-in” parking, you will be directed to the space. However, you will need to back your car out of the lot when you need to leave.

When finding a parking lot or a driveway, you have two options: park with the car front facing out or park with the car back facing out.

Obviously, this way is pretty simple while you go straight to space without using any challenging skills of backing a car. That’s why many new drivers choose it.

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Pros And Cons Of Head In Only Parking


Why head in parking only?

First, the head-in method will save you time while parking. When you approach a parking spot, it only takes a few small and careful steps to enter it.

That’s because you don’t need to adjust the vehicle’s direction and perform the reverse completely.

The next advantage is easier loading things in your car. Let’s imagine when you buy many things at the grocery store. The trunk is facing out if your car is in the head-in parking position.

All you need to do is push your cart out and load everything into the trunk without any difficulty. This will be challenging if your car is in the head-out position.

You must carry your things and squeeze between the two vehicles to load them into the trunk.


Because the car steering wheels are in front, reversing a car requires a much smaller radius than driving forward. If you reverse the car, you will need less parking space.

This effect is amplified in longer and bigger vehicles, especially in compact parking spots. Thus, it will be easier to get undesired accidents for new drivers.

Moreover, since your car’s head is inside and its butt is facing outside, it’s difficult to keep an eye out for approaching vehicles. When you reverse out, you increase your chances of getting into an accident.

Another con of this position is the inconvenience of unforeseen situations. Sometimes your car might face some problems after parking for a period.

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Head-in parking will make it more challenging to charge the battery, tow your RWD vehicle, or do anything to your engine system.

In case you need to get somewhere quickly, parking the car facing out allows you to get it out and move faster. This is why, in some countries, police cars must park facing out when at a station.

Which Is Better, Head In Or Reverse Parking?

Both have significant advantages. First, depending on your parking method, you will either save time while parking or later when you pull out:

  • You will save time while parking if you park head-in.
  • You will save time when you pull out later if you park to head out.

Head-out parking also provides more visibility and safety when pulling out. You will be able to see oncoming traffic and pedestrians without having to turn your head all the way around.

This parking method requires you to reverse into the space or driveway, which takes more time and may cause traffic congestion nearby.

This can cause impatience behavior like honking, leading to anxiety as you maneuver your vehicle into the spot.

After weighing the advantages and disadvantages of these two options, we can conclude that the head-out one is superior in terms of safety.

Therefore, many drivers always choose this way when parking (unless they go to the supermarket to buy a lot of things and need to load the car, the head-in is the preferred option).

In some parking lots, head-out parking can result in a ticket. Always double-check that there are no signs prohibiting head-out parking where you park.

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What Are The 3 Types Of Parking?

Angle, perpendicular, and parallel parking are the most prevalent styles of parking.

  • Angle parking occurs when you pull into a place at a 45-degree angle with the curb.
  • Perpendicular parking slots at a 90-degree angle to the curb are a popular way to park.

These spaces can be approached from the right or left, although if you’re in a parking lot, it may be easier to enter the lots on the left because they generally allow more space to turn in easily.

  • Parallel parking is a method of parking a car parallel to the road, in a straight line with other vehicles.

It often requires initially driving past the space, parallel to the parked car in front of that lot at a safe and ideal distance, then reversing into the lot.

Why Do People Hate Back In Parking?

Although it seems safer when backing into a parking lot, some people still hate it.

They want to put many things in the trunk after shopping more easily. Another reason can be they are in a hurry and need to go into the parking lot as soon as possible.

Is Parking Anxiety A Thing?

Yes, it is.

Although “parking anxiety” may sound dramatic, it is more prevalent than you imagine.

It originates from the unpredictability of finding a parking spot after arriving at your destination. Will I have to drive around in circles because I don’t know where to park?

Moreover, fear is common sense for many new drivers because they are unfamiliar with reversing car skills.


What is head in parking? You now get the ultimate answer and a quick analysis of its pros and cons.

Many people recommend that you shouldn’t do this method, except in some special situations.

However, please always check to be sure if there is a head in parking only sign. Otherwise, you might result in a penalty in some parking lots because of the wrong method.


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