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What Is Nano Infusion

Nanoneedle serum infusion, Transdermal serum infusion, microchanneling, antiaging facial at Uma Clinic in Seattle
Nanoneedle serum infusion Seattle, Transdermal serum infusion, microchanneling, antiaging facial at Uma Clinic in Seattle

Transdermal Serum Infusion, a.k.a. Nano-needling

Nanoneedle Serum Infusion, otherwise known as nano-needling is an innovate, non-invasive transdermal serum delivery system designed to rejuvenate your skin and remedy many common issues like lack of tone, uneven texture, excessive pigmentation, scarring, and loss of elasticity. This type of treatment instantly allows up to 1000% more absorption of our professional-grade Skin Care lines, giving you extraordinary results unattainable through other means. Uma Clinic offers nano-needling in Seattle to help you glow.

What is Nano-needling like?

This is a less aggressive, needle-free alternative to microneedling. The nano infusion process is done with a handheld stylus that taps the nano cartridge up and down on your skin. The stylus features an array of pyramid-like nano pins. Each pin on the array has a diameter smaller than a single strand of human hair, rendering them almost invisible to the naked eye. When these pins gently touch the skin, they form up to 200,000 invisible nano channels. These micro channels in the skin are a direct line to deliver nourishing serums below the skin barrier to stimulate the regenerative processes and collagen production in your skin. The skin naturally adsorbs the active ingredients many times more effectively through nano channels to refine wrinkles, remedy scarring, reduce hyper-pigmentation as well as many other skin imperfections, improving and restoring the overall health of the skin.

There is no pain, inflammation, bleeding, or discomfort. Nano-needle serum infusion is very safe, non-invasive and only affects the epidermis, making it both painless and very effective. Nano infusion is safe for all skin types and tones. There is no risk of post traumatic hyperpigmentation, nor is there any recovery time. You feel a vibration and sensation much like a cat licking you with its rough tongue and emerge with a rejuvenated, hydrated, glowing skin!

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The Nano-Needling vs. Micro-Needling: Which Treatment Is Right for You?


While the technique, machines, serums, treatment areas, and results are similar, nano-needling affects only the top .25mm of the epidermis while microneedling penetrates more deeply into the skin. The benefits of this serum infusion treatment include pigmentation reduction, increased cell turnover, an increase in lift and tone, and an immediate glow with no downtime! The after-effects of microneedling usually include some redness in the treatment area that resembles a sunburn and fades in about 24-hours. Microneedling has roughly a 3-day healing period, which includes the avoidance of any sweat-inducing activities (salty sweat in freshly needled pores is no fun…believe us!) for the first two days and no sun or make-up for three days.


With nanoneedling, you can immediately resume your normal activities (and don’t forget the sunscreen!) with no recovery time whatsoever.

Another major difference between the two techniques is that nanoneedling requires no numbing of the skin while microneedling does. This makes nanoneedling an excellent alternative for those with an allergy to lidocane or with a dislike of needles. The sensation of nanoneedling is very much like being licked by a cat, or much like the feeling of a microdermabrasion treatment if you’ve experienced that before. It’s gentle and painless.

Due to to the risk of post-traumatic hyperpigmentation, microneedling is often not recommended for clients with deep skin tones, however nanoneedling is completely safe for all skin tones since the stylus has no needles and requires no healing after the procedure. All you’ll see is the radiant glow of newly revealed, healthy skin.

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Nanoneedling uses an array of microscopic pryamid-topped filaments to separate the cells within the epidermis to allow active products to be pushed into the skin without puncturing the skin. This means no needles are used, no down time is required, the treatment is safe for all skin tones, and you will see spectacular results! This treatment is great for a wide variety of skin types and treats a great array of common concerns. It is a powerful tool to help your skin look its best!

Nano-needling Treatment Frequency & Maintenance

For optimum results, we recommend a course of 4 weekly treatments, followed by one treatment done every other week for 4 weeks, then one maintenance treatment every 4-6 weeks thereafter.

It is important to follow a professionally recommended skin care regimen featuring appropriate, high-quality products to achieve optimum results.

Benefits of NanoNeedle Serum Infusion

  • enhances product absorption
  • gently exfoliates
  • increases hydration
  • triggers the natural regenerative processes of the skin
  • increases circulation
  • softens lines and wrinkles
  • evens skin tone
  • improves skin texture
  • improves appearance of acne scarring
  • boosts collagen production
  • stimulates elastin production

Target Issues

  • aging skin
  • crow’s feet
  • fine lines
  • hyperpigmentation
  • large pores
  • lip lines
  • scarring
  • stretch marks
  • areas in which traditional chemical peels and microdermabrasion cannot be done

NanoNeedle Serum Infusion – Contraindications

These contraindications are very important and are here to help provide you with a safer procedure. Please read them thoroughly.

  • Pregnancy
  • Psoriasis (active or inactive)
  • Rosacea
  • Extensive telangiectasia (spider veins)
  • Chemotherapy/radiation treatment within the last 6 months
  • Photosensitivity medications
  • Accutane within last 12 months
  • Avoid Botox, or fillers such as Juvederm for the last 2 weeks
  • Retinal /Rentin A within last month
  • Blood thinners within last 2 weeks
  • Active Herpes (if you have a history of cold sores, please take an antiviral 2 days prior to and day of treatment)
  • Sunburn
  • Avoid alcohol 2 days prior to treatment
  • Prepare for treatment with high quality skin care products 4-6 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Avoidance of IPL/Laser procedures for 7 days prior (on area to be treated)
  • No waxing, depilatory creams or electrolysis 5-7 days prior (on area to be treated).
  • No acids or defoliants that may be drying or irritating to the skin (such as alpha hydroxyl acid [AHA], beta hydroxyl acids [BHA], exfoliating masks, hydroquinone, or benzoyl peroxide acne products). If a peel is not recommended, avoid irritating products for 24 hours prior to treatment.
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Nano-Needle Seattle, Nanoneedle Serum Infusion Seattle at Uma Clinic
Nano-Needling Seattle, Nanoneedle Serum Infusion Seattle at Uma Clinic


  • Stop tanning 1 ½ – 2 weeks prior
  • Any skin care regime that involves any acids a week prior (alpha hydroxyl, beta hydroxyl acid, retinol etc.) It is recommended clients just use a gentle cleanser for the time being.
  • Do not consume any drugs or alcohol 24 – 48 hours before
  • If you are prone to the Herpes Simplex Virus (cold sores, or even fever blisters) it is recommended you ask your doctor for a prescription of Valtrex to prevent an active outbreak. Start taking 3-4 days prior procedure, and 4 days post procedure
  • Do not wax area desired to be treated a week before. Example, if you are going to have micro needling done to your face, DO NOT wax your face a week before procedure
  • Make sure the you are in good health before undergoing this procedure. If you are unsure about any skin conditions or health concerns at all, please advise your doctor beforehand and provide us with a doctor’s note authorizing treatment.
  • No shaving the treatment area the day of the procedure
  • Arrive with clean, bare skin. Omit lotions, creams, make up, or deodorant in area to be treated.
  • Use an antiviral agent for 2 days prior to and day of treatment if you have a history of cold sores
  • Treatment denied for: active cold sores, herpes simplex or warts in the area to be treated, open sores, sunburn, excessively sensitive skin within the application area, pregnancy, dermatitis or inflammatory rosacea within the application area.
  • ALWAYS use SUNSCREEN after treatment.
  • No sun exposure & no tanning beds (for 3 days after treatment)
  • No sweating (for 3 days after treatment)

We look forward to being a part of your wellness team. Schedule Your Nano-needling Appointment in Seattle HERE.

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