HomeWHATWhat Is Process Piping

What Is Process Piping

Process Piping and Plumbing can be complex concepts to define especially in the absence of in-depth information to effectively differentiate. To most people, such concepts can be considered to be cross-cutting based on their close relationship in the manufacturing industry. As a homeowner, you might want to obtain accurate facts when seeking repairs on HVAC systems, plumbing and installation services from a seasoned company.

What is Plumbing?

Plumbing is often referred to as the unique process of distributing chemicals and liquid components through a predefined network of pipework. Be as it may, not all pipes connected in a building can be considered to be components of a plumbing system. Plumbing is primarily associated with pipes connected to a faucet or shower system. On the other hand, process piping entails the connection and distribution of pipes in processing machines often associated with industrial factories. As a homeowner in need of urgent installation or repair services, the benefits of distinguishing between the two concepts cannot be stressed enough. After all, the right knowledge can assist you in obtaining the right services at affordable costs.

What is Process Piping?

Process Piping is a unique technique used to convert chemicals, gases, and liquids into tangible and valuable products. In a nutshell, process piping incorporates any pipes excluded from a building’s mechanical systems and instead channeled towards the production of a specified product. For starters, the pipes used in the transportation of key ingredients such as salt, water, yeast and flour in an industrial bread baking process can be considered to be components of a process piping system. Simply defined, pipes used in the distribution of substances other than water distribution are categorized as process piping systems.

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Process piping entails a vast interconnected system including separators, flanges, pressure hoses, traps, strainers, gaskets, and many more components. Such apparatuses are uniquely placed together to separate, distribute, stop and control the movement of fluids within the piping system.

What Makes Plumbing So Different From Process Piping?

Contrary to common perception, the main difference between plumbing and processing can be accurately attributed to the building codes. Before installing a plumbing system, you must comply with the plumbing code as an essential requirement. For process piping systems, plant developers are required by law to comply with the engineering codes to evaluate the suitability of each designated pipe.

When seeking an installation of plumbing systems, it’s in your best interests to comply with specific materials such as copper pipes as outlined by State laws. In process piping systems, manufacturers are afforded more latitude regarding the specific types of materials intended for use. After all, engineers need to ensure that such apparatuses don’t negatively affect the processes’ end product.

At O.C. McDonald, we are privileged to have a seasoned team of experts with the unique expertise and tons of experience in installing both plumbing and process piping systems. Depending on your exact needs, we shall diligently exhibit high-quality and professional workmanship to deliver tailored services. Feel free to contact us today at 408-295-2182 and learn how we can help you achieve your desired goals.


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