HomeWHATWhat Is The Color Of Darth Vader's Lightsaber

What Is The Color Of Darth Vader’s Lightsaber

Darth Vader is the main antagonist but a famous character in the Star Wars Saga. His journey from an enslaved boy to a great Jedi and then a Sith Lord was genuinely astonishing. After becoming a Sith lord in the prequels, he continued to appear in the original trilogy, “Clone Wars.” series, and then “Rebels.”

Two things about Darth Vader that make fans go crazy are his breathing sound and his blazing lightsaber. Darth Vader’s lightsaber is an iconic lightsaber of Star Wars, and every fan desire to get this lightsaber. Desires bring questions. Many people want to know what color is Darth Vader’s lightsaber. What does the color mean? And how did he get that color? So, let’s have a little look at these questions.

Darth Vader’s Lightsaber

Anakin Skywalker wielded a regular blue lightsaber before to becoming a Sith Lord. Even after embracing the Dark Side, he continued to use it for a while. In a duel with Obi-Wan on the planet Mustafar, he lost it. Darth Vader now required a replacement. Darth Sidious gave him the command to locate another lightsaber.

It was hard to find a lightsaber in this new Empire. The lightsabers of nearly every Jedi had been destroyed in a fire, along with their bodies. Thus, during his galactic exploration, Darth Vader discovered Kirak Infil’a, a Jedi. Despite having survived the Great Jedi Purge, he was a Jedi who later broke away from the Jedi Order.

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Darth Vader fought him and found him a difficult opponent. According to the Canon story, Darth Vader barely survived the battle but managed to kill Kirak and win the duel. He took his lightsaber so he could corrupt it and use it.

Darth Vader began the Sith bleeding ritual to pour hatred and other negative emotions into the crystal. This ritual aims to turn the crystal red into the Dark Side of the Force. Unexpectedly the crystal resisted, almost defeating Vader. But he did it anyway with sheer determination. He turned the Kyber crystal red and created his new red lightsaber.

Darth Vader’s Second Lightsaber

Darth Vader’s first lightsaber did not suit his style much. But, he kept on using it for some time. On one of his Jedi hunting mission, some bounty hunters ambushed Vader. He killed those bounty hunters, but his lightsaber was damaged during the fight.

The hilt of Kirak Infil’a did not suit him anyway. So, he took the Kyber crystal and returned to the imperial ship to create his new lightsaber. The Imperial engineers created Darth Vader’s lightsaber, this time that suited his strength and style. They added another synthetic crystal inside to enhance the power of the lightsaber.

So, this new Darth Vader lightsaber was the same standard type lightsaber but with two crystals and more powerful. Vader liked this lightsaber. Even Darth Sidious told him that the previous lightsaber was not good enough, but this is perfect for him.

Darth Vader’s Lightsaber vs Anakin’s Lightsaber

Darth Vader created almost the same lightsaber he used when he was a Jedi. He used a standard type single lightsaber with a cylindrical hilt. Although, his new red lightsaber had more similarities with his Master, Darth Sidious’s lightsaber.

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The hilt was similar to his master’s lightsaber, and the lightsaber’s color was red. Secondly, Darth Vader’s lightsaber contained two crystals, a Kyber crystal, and a red synthetic crystal. But, Anakin’s blue lightsaber included one blue Kyber crystal

Both lightsabers are sensational to the fans, and we love both of them just like the way they are.

What Does Darth Vader’s Lightsaber Color Mean?

Different colors mean different things in the Star Wars galaxy. The same rule applies to the lightsaber colors. The color of the lightsaber defines the Jedi and his ambitions.

The green and blue colors are the colors of the Jedi. These are the colors of the Light Side of the Force and mean peace and Harmony.

Similarly, the red color is the color of the Dark Side of the Force. This color represents hate, anger, rage, and other negative emotions. Its wielders are mostly Sith lords. These users aim to get control and power against the Jedi code.

The red Kyber crystal does not exist in nature. So, the Sith lords corrupt the crystal with a bleeding ritual and turn it red. They say that crystal is more powerful after he gets the Dark Side of the Force.

So, Darth Vader’s red lightsaber meant the same thing as other Sith lords. His red lightsaber color meant that he was now a Sith lord who worked to wipe out the Jedis and rule the galaxy.

What Happened to Darth Vader’s Lightsaber?

As seen in the original trilogy, Luke Skywalker brought Darth Vader to the Light Side moments before his death. So, Anakin Skywalker had a happy end, but what happened to the red lightsaber?

We cannot say for sure, but people seem to have two different explanations regarding this topic. Some say that the lightsaber got destroyed. The Death Star Darth Vader was on exploded a few minutes after his death. Luke escaped the Death Star before the explosion. But, Darth Vader’s lightsaber ended up destroyed by the blast.

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The other theory makes more sense. According to this theory, the lightsaber survived the explosion. A canon story told us that some Sith worshippers found a red lightsaber. They met a space junk dealer who claimed that he had the same lightsaber. He said he found the lightsaber from the Death Star’s space debris. The lightsaber looked similar but there was no proof. It could be true, or it could be a Darth Vader’s lightsaber replica.

But, we have no choice but to believe this explanation as it comes from the canon story. Those worshipers bought the lightsaber hoping that Dark Side may rise again, and this red lightsaber may come in handy. Darth Vader’s lightsaber was never seen again, even in the sequel trilogy. So, we can expect that the story of this marvelous lightsaber just came to an end.


Why is Darth Vader’s lightsaber red?

Darth Vader’s lightsaber is red because it symbolizes his affiliation with the Sith, who typically use red lightsabers to represent power and aggression.

Do all Sith use red lightsabers?

Yes, red is the traditional color for Sith lightsabers, associated with their use of synthetic crystals.

What does the color of a lightsaber signify?

The color of a lightsaber can indicate the wielder’s connection to the Force; for example, blue and green for Jedi, red for Sith.

Can a Jedi use a red lightsaber?

While uncommon, a Jedi can use a red lightsaber, though it is typically associated with the Sith and dark side users.

How is a red lightsaber crystal made?

Red lightsaber crystals are usually synthetic and are imbued with dark side energy by their Sith creators.


In conclusion, Darth Vader’s lightsaber is red. The color signifies his alignment with the Sith. Red lightsabers are created using synthetic crystals. These are infused with the dark side of the Force. The color red represents power and aggression. It reflects Vader’s personality and his role as an antagonist. His lightsaber distinguishes him from Jedi, who favor natural crystal colors like blue and green. The red blade is iconic. It is symbolic of the Sith’s menacing nature in the Star Wars universe.


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